Thanks, dude, my female just moulted, but the male is still a juvie. So the plan is simple. Mate them in Autumn 2005. Hope my male will be adult for then.morda said:Thanks, friend! How is Your X.immanis breeding?
What do You think about that weird Hysterocrates?
Just a thought.... That looks nothing like my H. gigas sling, and a lot like my C. crawshayi sling.morda said:Unidentified Hysterocrates sp. sling (poss. gigas or crassipes).
Dosc duzodelta said:nice pics
(duzo ludzi w pl trzyma T's?)
I have a crawshayi sling (the same size). It's not as hairy as Hysterocrates and it's more red. On Martin Hubres site there's an article about Hysterocrates escape strategy. My is similar to his spider.Scott C. said:Just a thought.... That looks nothing like my H. gigas sling, and a lot like my C. crawshayi sling.
There is no "dark" form or "Red" form of H. gigas. The spider turns red when it has been a long time since it molted. When freshly molted H. gigas are dark brown..priZZ said:I agree, I don't think it is Citharischius crawshayi. If I'm right Hysterocrates gigas, has also a "Dark Form" and a "Red Form".