
Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by MrFeexit
It's the same as NOT watching a program you don't like. It really is that simple. This way no one has to feel bad for posting about something they are truly excited about. Please, lets just play nice.
That is true, and unrelated to the issue of whether people should also be able to comment on what they think of things.

No one said people couldn't post about each and every sling that moults. I won't read those posts and I won't comment on those posts directly. However, as was stated at least twice now, this thread wasn't such a set of posts and it was the only reason why I commented here. I thought that Telson and The Don making interesting moult posts might see the point of my commentary; I was half right.

OTOH, a lot of people have said that I shouldn't be able to say I find doing so pointless and misleading to the newbies, because that is my beef. Not that the posts are just pointless, but that all the 'congrats' are creating a bad impression of the dangers of moulting. If you don't see the point of me complaining at that then you are way off in understanding why I don't like the YAM threads in the first place.


Jul 20, 2003

*nudges the dead horse out of the way*

Must be an exciting time for you, Telson! I know I would be if all my non-existant T's started molting at the same time.. lots of nice little suprises in rapid succesion!

Why do you think that happens? Just coincidence or because perhaps they all get fed at the same time, near the same size, what have you?


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003

Ok, I've talked to Code in PMs and I've re-read the thread from start to finish... From a different perspective, I might add.

In a nutshell, I obviously took his intent wrong, over reacted, and I acted like an A$$. He has a valid point in regard to someone who posts every week or two about having had another molt with no real reason to post, and I can see how it could give newbs the wrong impression as to how risky molting REALLY is when it's taken in context.

Anyhow, back on topic...

Congrats on all the molts!! I had a Cyclosternum fasciatus molt this week...into a male. . I'm waiting on a B. boehmi to molt soon.


Can you say BREEDING LOAN?:D

But I have an A. Avic that I bought May 18th and it hasnt molted yet and its about 2 1/2 - 3" Im wondering whats taking so long, its almost been 4 months. Anyone else have a pinktoe take this long to molt at this size?



I've got one that hasn't molted for about 6 months and it's about that size. Dunno what the trip is with that one, but it's in my comunity tank now so when it DOES molt I won't know which one it was!

In regard to mass molts....

Why do you think that happens? Just coincidence or because perhaps they all get fed at the same time, near the same size, what have you?


I dunno, but it sure is cool when you get this many molts in just a few days!:D Most of the ones that molted this past weekend were slings, and of course you gotta kind of expect to have a few molts every other week or so when you got 9 slings, but almost all of them within 3 days of each other kinda tripped me out, especially since they are varied in size from 1/4 to 1.5 inchers. On top of the slings though, I had one of the A.avics I just got from the local pet store that molted and it's about 2.5 inches, or was when I brought it home. It's still hiding, so not sure how big it got.

Now, if you'll all excuse me, it's dinner time and I have a large plate of crow to get through.....;P