

Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Man... I read a post recently that really nailed it! A molt is about the most exciting thing for a T keeper! In the last 2 days 4 of my slings have molted and I'm expecting another 3 molts any day! So far so good... P.regalis, L.cristatas, L.parahybana, and G.pulchra all got through it just fine. Waiting on B. auratum and B. boehmei, as well as another L.parahybana. Can't tell for sure, but my P.irmania might be about to molt as well! I don't see a shed cuticle, but my OBT sure looks bigger than it did a few days ago... I'm gonna have to cut back on the feeding for that one just to get it to show itself now and then, at least get it to come out at the entrance of the labyrinth of webbing it's made around the plants!! The stupid crickets always seem to blunder right in to the entrance and get nailed inside where I can't see nuthin but an orange blur!

Anyone else having any mass molts going on this week?


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
Congrats on all the molts!! I had a Cyclosternum fasciatus molt this week...into a male.:( . I'm waiting on a B. boehmi to molt soon.



Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
I haven't had any molts recently. Most of mine happened in June, about a dozen of mine molted within a two week period. I posted something similar to this at the time, it just seemed like it was molting season.

Congrats on the successful molts and good luck with the coming ones.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
Well I have had a few molts recently, Suntiger, Versicolor, Ecuadorian Gold Treespider molted today, Panama Blonde a couple days ago, indian ornamental and a Yellow Banded Pinktoe a few days ago. But I have an A. Avic that I bought May 18th and it hasnt molted yet and its about 2 1/2 - 3" Im wondering whats taking so long, its almost been 4 months. Anyone else have a pinktoe take this long to molt at this size?



Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
You know, moults are great from the perspective of watching *your* collection do well and progress, but objectively they're of no more significance than a woman getting her period or a tree shedding its leaves. I've been furiously scratching my head in the past few months wondering where this fascination with announcing each and every moult has come from. I mean, if there's something horribly wrong with the moult, or if it's the very first time you've ever seen it, or if you at least have some good shots of it, I can see posting about it, but the general habit of announcing each moult as though it were your toddler's birthday baffles me.

What baffles me even more is the number of "congratulations" that posting about a moult receives. Not only does this encourage the behaviour, but it reinforces the false belief that there's something inherently risky about moulting. It is the single most vulnerable time of a T's life, but that doesn't make it *that* risky. The "whew, it made it" attitude regarding moulting is like announcing you survived every time you get out of a vehicle.

I'm not necessarily directing this bafflement at this set of posts, it just seemed a good place to comment on something that has been bothering me ;)


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
Hehe I know how you feel, I remember back when my first T molted and probably a couple after that how excited I was and how much I wanted to share it with everyone. Now it happens all the time so its pretty common and I dont post about it, unless something bad happened. But it is strange how people just announce it without posting pics or anything, just saying my 1" Avic molted today woohoo as an example. Its kind of pointless unless there are pics to accompany the post.




Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
What you guys need to remember is to some this is new and exciting, Hey I am 40 years old and I get excited when I have a molt, I don't announce it but I do get excited. Perhaps when alot of these folks have been involved with their Ts as long as you guys they will become less enthused about molts, until then tho, my momma always said if you don't have something nice to say...don't say anything at all. And really besides molt what do most of our Ts do? Hmmm oh eat and hide. I hope you see my point with out becoming offended. I am just try to crack your jaded exteriors.:D

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by MrFeexit
Hey I am 40 years old and I get excited when I have a molt, I don't announce it but I do get excited.
And therein lies the difference. I like to see moults in my collection as well and it's been well over 20 years since I saw my first T moult. However, I'm also quite aware that what is fascinating to *me* is not at all mildly interesting to someone with no personal investment in that T unless I've got something to make it interesting to them beyond the bare facts of the event.

Jaded? You bet, but from my p.o.v., I believe it's acceptable to point out when you don't find the topic of conversation particularly appropriate. There are some posters that seem to be announcing such an event every 1-2 weeks for months running. That goes beyond newbie enthusiasm and into the sort of droll small talk that the elderly get into with describing their every bodily ailment when you're talking to them :)


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
[. That goes beyond newbie enthusiasm and into the sort of droll small talk that the elderly get into with describing their every bodily ailment when you're talking to them :) [/B][/QUOTE]

hehehehhhe LMAO I hear ya there!!


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
droll small talk that the elderly get into with describing their every bodily ailment when you're talking to them :)

Do you know my Mother In Law???



ArachnoJester of the Ancient Ones
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by mrderanged

Do you know my Mother In Law???

I know she doesn't read your web site. :D



Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Well, I thought I'd revisit the thread since I had another 4 molts, and saw that the thread is now about how lame it is to post when your T's molt... Sorry, I just thought it was kewl that so many were molting over a single weekend. I'll refrain from posting such boring info in the future. Perhaps I'll just refrain from posting at all. This kind of negative response around the 5th or 6th post of the average thread seems to be habitual here.

BTW, I've been keeping T's for over 15 years. I just thought is was nice to have a place to discuss the hobby with other poeple on a social level. I just wasn't aware that every thread had to be somehow mentally challenging to be worthy of these boards. My bad.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Telson
BTW, I've been keeping T's for over 15 years. I just thought is was nice to have a place to discuss the hobby with other poeple on a social level. I just wasn't aware that every thread had to be somehow mentally challenging to be worthy of these boards. My bad.
Do you enjoy playing the self-pitying victim? Because that seems to be your trend.

The "lame" posts weren't even directed your way but at a general trend with some posters that *is* annoying. I'd name names but that is against the board rules and I started the "lame" commentary in this thread because it was different.

I don't know whether to be amazed or saddened that someone who is knowledgeable and intelligent has led such a sheltered life that his definition of 'social' requires that everyone agree with him and never say anything contrary.


Old Timer
Aug 21, 2003
Yes. its common threads: molt & my T doesn't eat since few days, what to do???

But few molts in the raw?? 7 spiders during last week - great result - I would say congr....., but now I am not going to to that!


oh - i have nice molt's photos (smithi) I don't know how to publish them on this forum - maybe such photos are very common on this forum - aren't they??


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
OMG dude....


What I find amazing is that someone with the responasability of mod can blunder into a simple thread that by his own admission doesn't interest him in the slightest, and start so much garbage without a single thing to gain by it just to post about how uninteresting these kinds of threads ARE. I personally could care less if YOU find interest in anything I post, but it drives me NUTS that someone with your position feels the need to go out of his way to tell everyone how bored you are by this topic! Do you EVER think about how you come off to the people just getting in to this hobby, or just starting to get in to this so called "online comunity"? Posts like your first one in this thread lead to other posts trying to mirror your high and mighty aloofness and just makes the original poster feel stupid for having ever posted, and makes us not want to open ourselves up to that kind of response! Is that your method for "promoting the hobby"?

All the people I know off the net are freaked out by Ts, so if I want to chitchat about a hobby I enjoy I have to come to places like THIS to find people who share that interest. If that's what you call a "sheltered" existance, fine... I just think that you're one of the most unnecissarily antagonistic ppl on this whole board at times, and I can't fathom what drives you to post some of this stuff!!


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by esmoot
Hmmm. A little over reaction guys?
If this were not a habitual result around the 5th or 6th post of half the threads I read here, then yes, it would be.

I've said all I think needs said on the matter. I'm off to work.


Old Timer
May 11, 2003
You two can just put each other on your ignore list and the problem is solved. On the other hand the fight itself is lame and not worth it.

Telson was happy he had a lot of molts within a short amount of time, so what? Let him be...he's a happy T keeper showing his enthusiasm! If you don't like it don't read it...



Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by JakeRocks
You two can just put each other on your ignore list and the problem is solved. On the other hand the fight itself is lame and not worth it.

Telson was happy he had a lot of molts within a short amount of time, so what? Let him be...he's a happy T keeper showing his enthusiasm! If you don't like it don't read it...
Well, I don't want to put Telson on ignore even if I could. He is intelligent and knowledgeable. He just likes to pull the "I thought this site was something different" act quite often if he doesn't like the way things play out in some thread he's involved in. Personally, I'm tired of it. There's over 1200 members on this board, it's a given that not everyone will see eye to eye at all times and people shouldn't feel as though they have to keep their mouths shut for fear of offending someone who's skin is a little too thin. There are boards out there where the mods fanatically keep everything saccharin sweet, that's not my idea of a community. We can all get along without turning things into pre-school for T enthusiasts.

And, no, I don't read threads on YAM (yet another moult) as a rule; this thread was *not* a YAM and I think that should have been clear from my original post. Others had no problem understanding that, just not Telson.


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
Hey I am a newb here, Anyone can take this for what its worth. This to my knowledge is a Tarantula site. Tarantulas molt, and eat and hide. Besides different species these are the three things they do that we can talk about. This is a great site with lots of knowledgable people. An idea might be if molt posts bug you....don't read them. It's the same as NOT watching a program you don't like. It really is that simple. This way no one has to feel bad for posting about something they are truly excited about. Please, lets just play nice.