Miturgidae species (probably Syspira sp.) not eating and general care advice


May 24, 2024
I was out on a little expedition to a mountain park right by where I live to try and find some cool critters and I ran across a couple of these absolutely gorgeous spiders that I later had identified as Syspira sp., I decided to capture one and see how she (assuming a mature female because all the ones I saw were the same size roughly and the pedipalps weren't enlarged at all) would do in captivity since she was so cool looking and friendly. I set her up like I would a desert dwelling wolf spider or other active hunter with a sand based substrate, a small piece of cork bark to hide under and a tiny water dish and so far she seems to be doing great except she will not eat anything, I've offered her living and prekilled dubias of the same size I'd feed to my other true spiders of similar size and tiny darkling beetle worms from my feeder bin and she just runs away from them and I haven't seen her take them afterwards either. Is there anyone who has experience keeping this kind of spider who could tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or suggest alternate feeders she might actually accept? I'm planning to go to the reptile store in a few days to get either some tiny crickets or some hydei fruit flies to see if she'll take those but any other suggestions or advice are welcome

I'm attaching pics of the spider and enclosure to help with any feedback
1000008209.jpg 1000008226.jpg


Active Member
Feb 5, 2024
I'd have no idea but don't those species make webs similar to mygalamorphs? I had one of those, swear it was an inland prowler but Google shows a different species. Mine rarely ate and when she would it'd be when I forced her food into her web then died after about two months leaving behind an army of babies who escaped. I saw one of the babies about a week ago.


May 24, 2024
Update: she finally ate something! I didn't catch her until she was almost done eating it so I'm not sure if it was the roach or the darkling beetle worm but I found her in the standard eating pose with legs off the ground and her abdomen got much larger so I know she took something.

I'd like to keep a sort of care log about this type of spider so it'd maybe help anyone else who finds one of these and wants to keep one since they're super cool and there's pretty much nothing on the internet about them as far as I can tell, should I start a new thread or just continue posting updates here?