Michael Jackson Bitten By Spider!!!


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by Big Mike
>Strange story, but with all the truly evil and powerful people in >the world that should be dealt with, It's kind of a waste of time >and pointless to pick on someone as powerless as M.J. What's >the use/fun in kicking someone when they are down?

Im sorry, but someone who can afford to settle a child molestation suit by giving the kid over $90,000,000 is anything but powerless.

You are sorry allright, If you believe everything you read/hear in the news. And I stand by my statement , there are a lot more important causes in the world to fight than M.J.:?

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by minax
You are sorry allright, If you believe everything you read/hear in the news.
Ok, so do you actually believe ANYTHING you hear/read in the news? Are you saying the abovementioned settlement DIDN'T happen?


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002
Originally posted by minax
And I stand by my statement , there are a lot more important causes in the world to fight than M.J.:?
I think that is why the US Govt isn't spending millions trying to root him out of the mountains of Afganistan. The tabloids and public opinion are the only thing after MJ... I think he's powerful enough to handle that.

However, if he's guilty of molesting children, he belongs in prison. I don't give a rat's rump how good he is at what he does or how much money he has. The unfortunate thing is, although we all know that he's strange enough for absolutely ANYTHING to be possible, we'll never know the truth about what he's done... or does. I don't feel a bit sorry for him. He's made his own bed.

Celebrities don't impress me... give the average Joe off the street more money than they'll ever be able to spend in their natural lifetime and I'm sure they'd attend a function or two for homeless children... or lobby against the use of landmines... or fight starvation in Botswana. I'm impressed by the people who are blue collar that do the same things... but they're not on Entertainment Tonight, are they?



Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by Botar
but they're not on Entertainment Tonight, are they?

And I'm eternally grateful for that, giving to charities shouldn't be about getting recognition.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Ok, so do you actually believe ANYTHING you hear/read in the news? Are you saying the abovementioned settlement DIDN'T ha
MR.I , I am saying I only believe what is proven in irrefutable fact. By this view most "news" out there is crap. And If said settlement did take place(I Don't concern myself with trivial gossip), To my understanding the amount of said settlement is largely speculative. I have to blame the parents as well......If he did do this why let him off because he has money? Having numerous friends who have been abused, I assure you money does not ease the pain. And what kind of parents would let their child spend time with someone of unknown/ questionable character? I think maybe money is more important to them then their childs welfare/justice. Tell me, what would you do in the parents shoes? I would have made sure he got convicted to the greatest degree. Or I would have done something to him that would be not mentionable on this board( and probably get arrested). Maybe from the parents point of view they thought he could afford enough defense to fight them off. I say just because he's(anyone's) rich, does not mean they should escape justice. Probably fantasy, right?


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by Botar

However, if he's guilty of molesting children, he belongs in prison. I don't give a rat's rump how good he is at what he does or how much money he has. The unfortunate thing is, although we all know that he's strange enough for absolutely ANYTHING to be possible, we'll never know the truth about what he's done... or does. I don't feel a bit sorry for him. He's made his own bed.

Celebrities don't impress me... give the average Joe off the street more money than they'll ever be able to spend in their natural lifetime and I'm sure they'd attend a function or two for homeless children... or lobby against the use of landmines... or fight starvation in Botswana. I'm impressed by the people who are blue collar that do the same things... but they're not on Entertainment Tonight, are they?

Botar, once again I agree with your straightforward and common sense opinions! That was my point EXACTLY!! We will never know what really happened , But if he is guilty, let nothing stand in the way of his just punishment! People might have misunderstood my statement as a defense of M.J. I was trying to express disgust over people believing every rumour that goes around; It kind of turns into a dogpile mentality and people seemingly lose sight of all logical facts! Celebrities don't impress me either; most are all image. If they really want to help, they do it anonymously. Once again my point is; if there is enough evidence to convict, then do so no matter how much money or fame someone has! Back to tarantulas already, at least there is useful info. there!


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Michael Jackson=side show freak :mad: Who actually likes this guy ?

Big Mike

Nov 11, 2002
Wow! I havent visited this thread in a few days. I have been missing out on all the fun havent I? Heres the skinny. Michael Jackson did NOT buy his way out of a child molestation conviction. To imply that he could have done so is hilarious. Who do you think he is..... O.J.?

The fact is that there wasnt enough evidence to prove he molested anyone. The financial settlement was agreed to due to the threats of the civil lawsuit. In the civil suit the attorneys for the boy didnt need a conviction. They just needed a victim, and someone with alot of money who appears to be the kind of freak who would do such a thing.

Now, using the O.J. case as an example. We can see how easy it can be to get a judgement in a civil case regardless of whether or not one is guilty in a criminal case. It sounds suspiciously like double jeopardy if you ask me!

As for the settlement amount. Who knows what they got. That was to be the amount of the civil suit. Which by the way is a matter of public record. However, the suit was dropped in favor of the settlement.

Now, if Im the parent of that kid, I take the settlement without a doubt. There was no guarantee that they would have won that settlement any other way. (Although it did work for the Brown and Goldman families). But If I believed in my heart that someone molested either of my precious boys, there would be no way possible for me to keep from exacting revenge. Call it sick, immature, pointless, wrong, immoral or anything else you want to. The bottom line is there would be one dead child molestor, and a prison cell with my name on it.

BTW. I dont believe everything I hear or see on the news. For instance, O.J. is innocent according to CNN!!!


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Originally posted by Big Mike
But If I believed in my heart that someone molested either of my precious boys, there would be no way possible for me to keep from exacting revenge. Call it sick, immature, pointless, wrong, immoral or anything else you want to. The bottom line is there would be one dead child molestor, and a prison cell with my name on it.
Amen to that

If anybody molested my son,future children, or nieces and nephews there will be hell to pay. I feel children our are most precious resource and anybody harming them should go to prison only until there is an opening in the gas chamber orwhatever form of execution is used in that state.

Wayne H


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by Big Mike
But If I believed in my heart that someone molested either of my precious boys, there would be no way possible for me to keep from exacting revenge. Call it sick, immature, pointless, wrong, immoral or anything else you want to. The bottom line is there would be one dead child molestor, and a prison cell with my name on it
See, we do agree after all!! No Big Mike, no disrespect intended, I just get tired of people believing every rumour , ya know? And I heard the D.A. dropped the investigation after the settlement as there was a lack of evidence because a stipulation of the agreement obviously was the parents/child refused to testify. If he did it , he got away with it; If he didn't he got a bad /worse name, and lost a little money,at least to him. More parents should be VERY protective toward their children; there have always been predators in nature/history.....they now just look a little differently!:mad:

Big Mike

Nov 11, 2002
Now that we have established some commonality, I will proceed under my desk to duck the eggs that will undoubtedly begin flying my way after this post. I am not a fan of Michael Jackson, and I never have been. He does not impress me in any way shape or form. If you were to ask me what I thought about him, I would reply that he is a freak. I could sit here all day typing what makes me ill about him. But that is my opinion. I am entitled to it, and I feel very stringly about it.

HOWEVER (Im ducking now, I hope you can hear me from down here)! I dont think he molested that kid. I watched the media sideshow throughout the entire ordeal and I can tell you right now that that kids parents were pure white trash. They didnt care one bit about justice, it was entirely about money. As a parent, I cant tell you that no amount of money could stop me from shouting his guilt from the rooftops at every waking oportunity.

But not his parents, they dont care what happens to any other children because of three reasons. Number one, they got paid. Number two if getting paid did cause them to stay quiet, they dont care about their son. And for the most obvious conclusion in my opinion, he didnt do it. So getting paid, shutting up, and not caring about their son were all factors in the end result, because they know he didnt do it, and used their son as a sick way of ruining a life to make theirs better.

Unfortunately, the life that got ruined was the kids.

Just my 2 cents.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002
Hey Big Mike,

Get out from under your desk... I agree with your opinion of MJ and I think your opinion of the molestation is a valid point. I am undecided on whether or not he did it, but I don't like him regardless. I agree with an earlier summation on the parents of children allowed to spend time with the freak alone... major problems there.


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
*does the moonwalk, grabs crotch, and screams like a woman*


Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by galeogirl
If only he'd been bitten or stung by something life-threatening. I can't believe that even made the news.
It's ridiculous how much the most miniscule moments of a celebrity's life is put on the front page. My personal favorite is a newspaper called the Onion. (www.theonion.com) They had a front page headline that read: TOM CRUISE AND NICOLE KIDMAN WALK THROUGH A HOTEL LOBBY. I couldn't stop laughing. That was a little off topic, but I think it's funny.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Strange thread!

I agree totally Big Mike; whether you hate him or not, it's only fair to treat him......well fairly. All I see is a bunch of rumours, an easy target, and another "family" who replaces morals with money!:(