Mexican red knee rough age?


Feb 28, 2025
Hi I've had my beautiful Mexican red knee Tequila since September 2023 and I'm aware she is fairly decent age and also knows it's impossible to age unless you've reared from a sling. But I wondered if anyone can give a fairly accurate guess?



Jan 23, 2021
Too many variables (genetics, feeding, conditions of care etc) that can influence growth rate, guessing with any degree of accuracy is impossible I’m afraid. Any guess you get would be a stab in the dark.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Hi I've had my beautiful Mexican red knee Tequila since September 2023 and I'm aware she is fairly decent age and also knows it's impossible to age unless you've reared from a sling. But I wondered if anyone can give a fairly accurate guess?
Just looking at the photo it looks fairly healthy. Even that is a crap shoot

Other than that you don't want to handle your T like that or at all. If it bolted off your hand it's going to fall and hurt itself.

Only 3 best ways for manipulating tarantulas.
1. Catch cup - always recommended as the best way
2. Pinch grab - if one refuses to listen to use a catch cup.
3. Cup with your hand - risky if you've never done it before. Will get a palm full of UrS if NW which yours is.

Other than that like what the others said it's impossible to know unless you had it right after ewls, ( egg with legs).


Feb 28, 2025
Have you tried talking to her previous owner/seller?
Yeah I did - unfortunately they said they were "several" years old which doesn't help much

Just looking at the photo it looks fairly healthy. Even that is a crap shoot

Other than that you don't want to handle your T like that or at all. If it bolted off your hand it's going to fall and hurt itself.

Only 3 best ways for manipulating tarantulas.
1. Catch cup - always recommended as the best way
2. Pinch grab - if one refuses to listen to use a catch cup.
3. Cup with your hand - risky if you've never done it before. Will get a palm full of UrS if NW which yours is.

Other than that like what the others said it's impossible to know unless you had it right after ewls, ( egg with legs).
Appreciate the concern this photo was from the first day I owned her and she was my first T, now I don't handle at all unless rehouse etc. Never tried the pinch grab tbh I'm always afraid I'd hurry them in some way. Yeah I had a feeling it was impossible to tell really Regardless appreciate the response


Feb 28, 2025
Sounds like she’s wild caught… right? If so there’s zero chances to know how old she is :/
I'm not sure she's wild caught- as I got her from a well known entomological supplier ( one person) however could've been at one stage I guess


Aug 23, 2007
Got it. The “several years old” response made me go “wild caught” right away lol


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
While it's impossible to tell her age in years, if you have a sense of how big she is now vs when you got her, you can sort of gauge where she might be in her life cycle. She looks fully grown or nearly fully grown to me in that photo (assuming your hands are neither tiny nor massive!), and you say it was taken right after you got her. Has she molted and grown since then? The older they are, the less frequently they molt and the less size they put on when they do. It takes this species many years to reach full size. I have one that's about 3 inches in DLS, I've had her for a year and a half, she's molted once in that time, and my best guess is that she's anywhere from 3-5 years old at this point and won't reach maturity for another several years, but who really knows?


Feb 28, 2025
While it's impossible to tell her age in years, if you have a sense of how big she is now vs when you got her, you can sort of gauge where she might be in her life cycle. She looks fully grown or nearly fully grown to me in that photo (assuming your hands are neither tiny nor massive!), and you say it was taken right after you got her. Has she molted and grown since then? The older they are, the less frequently they molt and the less size they put on when they do. It takes this species many years to reach full size. I have one that's about 3 inches in DLS, I've had her for a year and a half, she's molted once in that time, and my best guess is that she's anywhere from 3-5 years old at this point and won't reach maturity for another several years, but who really knows?
Yeah she's not moulted in my care and definitely an adult, in September this year presuming things stay the same it will be 2 years with no moult.