Mexican red knee, few issues, love this T!


May 11, 2013
Meet Skittles :3 she's a fuzzy lil mexican red knee.

So as some might have figured I'm new to this hobby, I did the research before buying a T and wanted a B. smithi or a G. Rosea and I found out the pet store had a smithi for me instead. I bought the smithi and am not gonna lie she still scares me. I doubt ill ever be able to hold the girl due to my fear of spiders and the fact that when i get near her with a paintbrush she bolts really fast so sudden movements freak me out. Idk why when I see vids of B. smithis they move very slow, mine runs really fast. I tried moving her to a new setup but I found out it was an abboreal cage and wasnt good for her since its too tall and to my horror she tried to climb to the top, I put a lid from the old cage to stop her and she climbs on it and starts running fast so i freak and put her down on the table and then grab the old setup and let her run in where I shut the lid fast. Sigh.... I kinda suck at this lol. How can I move her next time when I get the right set up? (im getting a terrestrial set up this week). I just dont wanna drop her or have her sprint really fast out of the setup, can I just put the old cage in the new one and make her get out that way? I really do like her and I wanna be able to take care of her since my gf likes her too but is also to scared to handle the girl :(. Will she slow down as she ages? Shes not aggressive or anything shes just very skittish and fast. I am enjoying keeping her, man do I love feeding her every 3-4 days most fun I have with her lol.

Anyway tell me what you guys think? and what do you guys think of her? :) [video=youtube;tQYvfej3aVU][/video]




May 11, 2013
Also yes I know that isn't the best setup for her with that substrate its temporary for a week. Don't worry she molted a week ago before I got her. I think she lost a leg when she was little one in the back is a centimeter longer than the other and the end of it doesnt have a lot of hair. Is she in the process of regrowing it? :0


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2013
For quick T's I know will be difficult to catch. I use the bathtub. One way you can do it is first block all the drains and anywhere where it can and probably will sneak into. Then grab a catch cup. Any deli container bigger than your T. Put it over top of your t. Slide the lid underneath making sure you don't catch any legs. Preferably a clear one. You can then take the cup and put it in the enclosure take the lid off and leave it in there and let it come out on it's own. Or you can coax it out. and hope it stays. The first one is probably the better solution for you.

It's okay to be afraid of it. I'm afraid of a lot of my Tarantulas. It's good, give them respect. The more respect you give them, the less likely you are to get bit.


May 11, 2013
What about using gloves? Like those gardening gloves so they dont bite? Would that work?


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2013
Nope! would go straight through the gloves. Their fangs are like needles. You should be fine. keep your distance, keep a catch cup handy and use something long. You could take a coat hanger and make sure the end is not sharp. could turn it into a hook then tape it up or something. tape a sock on? use that to gently nudge it. They wont run very far. Most Tarantulas can and only will run in spirts, then stop.


Dec 14, 2012
You shouldn't have problems catching a smithi for rehousing or cleaning. They do bolt but never for long distances like pokies. If you're too scared, set the container against the wall of the cage and guide the t inside. Then close it up.


May 11, 2013
Nope! would go straight through the gloves. Their fangs are like needles. You should be fine. keep your distance, keep a catch cup handy and use something long. You could take a coat hanger and make sure the end is not sharp. could turn it into a hook then tape it up or something. tape a sock on? use that to gently nudge it. They wont run very far. Most Tarantulas can and only will run in spirts, then stop.
Lol no way I have kevlar gloves that a friend of mine whos a cop gave me, they are puncture resistance and cut resistant, they are made from kevlar. I mean they are pretty durable I shot my pellet gun at it and it didnt piece it so idk. what do you think lol?


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2013
You said gardening gloves for one. :p

But put them on and stab yourself with a pin of some sort. If it goes through you have your answer. And as you said, puncture resistant, not proof. :p

I wouldn't be that worried about getting bitten. I just packed up an H.Mac and sent it away for breeding. It took me two hours but I did it without getting bit, and I'd have to say i was pretty frightened.


May 11, 2013
Its just a little tough for me at first maybe I'll get used to it? What do you think lol? Its really weird I'm scared of even house spiders lol, I'm no wuss by any means, I'm actually a professional mma fighter, but even us tough guys have a lil weakness sometimes haha. But she is pretty intimidating to me, I really wanna hold her I just feel like it would be easier if someone picked her up then gave me her, I get terrified of her when she bolts real fast :S it freaks me out.


Aug 9, 2012
I just use two catch cups/tubs, i test the T beforehand with a paintbrush, mine are all chill thankfuly, i gently nudge it into the tub, if they get skittish they run to their hide, i put a tub in front then nudge it out from the back, then in the tub i close the lid, usually goes very smoothly for terrestrial T's. if you want to handle then just test it with your paintbrush, if it starts waking a little without turning round, they usually dont mind you handling them.


Apr 25, 2013
The fear of spiders is instinctive, humans have it since before we lived in caves. Some of us have it more pronounced.
But don't worry, you'll get used to her. She has a distinct personality and her quirks and in time, you'll get to know her. And she will get to know you:) Some people will tell you that spiders are dumb. They are far from it. Observe her and you'll notice there is a method to her madness.

Get long feeding tongs and a regular paintbrush. The kind they use in art class. Never stick your fingers in her mouth. Always gently prod her from behind on her legs or abdomen to see her mood. Don't be afraid of her bolting, she does only short bursts of speed. Have a nice large catch cup and use your paintbrush to guide her in it. Gently, calmly no jerky movements. If she bolts, it's no big deal, take a couple of long breaths to stay cool. Again use your paintbrush to guide her in the cup. As you gain confidence, you can use paintbrush to guide her on your hand.

It seems to me you lack only a idea on how exactly to do specific things with her. I did also lack this. I went to youtube and watched a bunch of videos to learn. Search there 'tarantula rehousing' 'tarantula handling'
This will show you the techniques and procedures you need to know. It really is just a matter of getting used to it.


May 11, 2013
I just use two catch cups/tubs, i test the T beforehand with a paintbrush, mine are all chill thankfuly, i gently nudge it into the tub, if they get skittish they run to their hide, i put a tub in front then nudge it out from the back, then in the tub i close the lid, usually goes very smoothly for terrestrial T's. if you want to handle then just test it with your paintbrush, if it starts waking a little without turning round, they usually dont mind you handling them.
Lol I wish mine darts forward when i use the paintbrush lol, she has attached the brush before but thats because i put it in front of her face, i figured out i have to tap its abdomen with the brush.


Aug 9, 2012
I guess you ment attacked the brush?, Yeah try not putting it in front of her next time, just gently nudge her abdomen, eventually she will go into the tub etc, if she gets pissy then let her run or hide then place the tub etc in front then try it again, just dont get mad cause they do settle down afterwards.


May 11, 2013
I guess you ment attacked the brush?, Yeah try not putting it in front of her next time, just gently nudge her abdomen, eventually she will go into the tub etc, if she gets pissy then let her run or hide then place the tub etc in front then try it again, just dont get mad cause they do settle down afterwards.
Yeah i was on my phone earlier damn autocorrect. Yeah I'll try that, if anything I can move her into her new enclosure by putting her small cage in the big one and nudge her out then ill just remove the old cage, that would work for now right?


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2013
You could leave the old cage in there and wait for it to go out on its own. But if you feel courageous, you can just nudge it out.


May 11, 2013
You could leave the old cage in there and wait for it to go out on its own. But if you feel courageous, you can just nudge it out.
Btw quick question I fed her friday night and its monday should I wait till tuesday? She was supposed to eat 1 cricket but he hid at first so I threw in the second one and he hid 2. After 3 hours both crickets approached my tarantula at the same time.... lol talk about stupid. She destroyed both in 2 seconds and she hasn't eaten since then, would you advise me to wait a day or should I still feed her today? I'm stuck at work and wont be able to stop by the store to get crickets by tomorrow would that be an issue?


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2013
Doesn't really matter. You can feed it either day. Whatever works best for you. I only feed mine a cricket a week. Depending on the species two. Unless they are slings or juvies that I need to mature for breeding, then they get fed two or three times a week.

Bongo Fury

Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
Btw quick question I fed her friday night and its monday should I wait till tuesday? She was supposed to eat 1 cricket but he hid at first so I threw in the second one and he hid 2. After 3 hours both crickets approached my tarantula at the same time.... lol talk about stupid. She destroyed both in 2 seconds and she hasn't eaten since then, would you advise me to wait a day or should I still feed her today? I'm stuck at work and wont be able to stop by the store to get crickets by tomorrow would that be an issue?
You could wait a month and it wouldn't be an issue.