mental rosea


Feb 25, 2007
Hi fokes i had a loverly calm rosea that was loverly to handle but since i changed her home and gave her a better hide she has become evil never coming out from there and and eating more than normal like 2 even 3 crix a day and will try to have your hand off as soon as you go near her. Never been like this before any one had the same situatoin and should she calm down.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
When you move a T to a new tank they just need time to settle down. 2-3 crickets a day is to much cut back on that feeding by 90%, offer 2-3 crickets per week.

Ts have mood phases too so she might stay like this for a while. But she seems to like her hide and be healthy so there's not much else to do but leave her be for a while.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Hi fokes i had a loverly calm rosea that was loverly to handle but since i changed her home and gave her a better hide she has become evil never coming out from there and and eating more than normal like 2 even 3 crix a day and will try to have your hand off as soon as you go near her. Never been like this before any one had the same situatoin and should she calm down.
She must like her new home. I believe she's being territorial. I bet you if you were to remove her from the enclosure with a deli cup or some kind of container, you would find she is much calmer. All Ts lose their defensiveness after being removed from where they feel safe.

Plus, the T is a G.rosea, these Ts are known for having mood swings and being wierd.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
She must like her new home. I believe she's being territorial. I bet you if you were to remove her from the enclosure with a deli cup or some kind of container, you would find she is much calmer. All Ts lose their defensiveness after being removed from where they feel safe.

Plus, the T is a G.rosea, these Ts are known for having mood swings and being wierd.
well said once more , Navak.
When i moved my suntiger from her container, she bit a spoon six times, she was being defensive but now she is scared because she has been ripped out of her one and only home >_<


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
I would feed her something more like 1 large cricket per week. She'll live longer with a smaller diet and she'll become hungrier quicker (especially at the end of the week) which means she'll become more active while she's hunting for food.