Meloe Americanas Plague!!! Please Help!


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2007
Hello All! I haven't been around the boards in a while because I've got alot going on in my life right now that make it not possible but I've reciently come across a bit of a problem that reminded me I know just who to go to for the answers I need... all of you! :)

Ok, so I'll get right to it. I live in Berlin, NJ and have lived in my home for about 3 years now. House was built in 02' so it's not old by any stretch. Anyway... about a week ago my fionce and I started noticing these large black insects that looked alot like fat wasps without wings running through the grass in one general area of or property. First we only noticed one or two... but in recient days its grown to HUNDREDS!!! First thing I did was capture a few of em' and immediatly began to ask my neighbors if they knew what they were or ever seen them before. My neighbors were baffled and none had an explination for the sudden plague in my yard, which left me extremly curious. I then began my own reserch and discovered that the insect is apparently commonly known as the American Oil Beetle, or the Meloe Americanas.

Now, discovering what they are was great and all... but after I read up on the little bastards I got a bit concerned. When threatened they secrete an oily substance from their arms that causes painful blisters and swelling!?!? Through my own observations I've noticed that they are definitly feeding on the grass. I've since began to collect every single one of them that I've found in my yard and put my neighbors on high alert because they all have small children that run through the grass and naturally play in the back yard and the last thing I want is one of these kids picking one up and having an issue.

I was just hoping that someone here may be able to give me a bit more insite on why the sudden plague? Where could they be coming from, because they are not in one specific location but scattered throughout the yard and moving in different directions? And how can I get rid of them? I really appreciate any and all help that you all can give me. I'm a Tarantula guy through and through so sometimes when it comes to insects I get thrown into a loop and have more questions than answers. Thanks again all.

I've attactched a link to the web site I read up on them as well as some photos I've taken of the ones I've captured so far:


My Pictures:

2011-11-02_15-09-16_117.jpg 2011-11-02_15-09-31_976.jpg 2011-11-02_15-09-37_148.jpg 2011-11-02_15-09-50_93.jpg
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Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Meloe, for sure. I'm willing to bet that there was either a massive hatch out or their home was disturbed. I think they're bee parasites? Anybody keep bees nearby? Just a guess. Other than the nasty chemicals that they put off, they are very neat looking. Can't be of much help with eradication but they should disappear as the cold settles in.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I haven't seen those since I was a kid. I used to play with them and would get the yellow oily stuff on my fingers but I never did feel anything neg about it.


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2008
There was probably a rise in the population of ground bees in the area during the spring.