One of our neighbors has two big dogs, one of which they have begun leaving untied. I discovered this yesterday when the big mangy mutt came tearing at my 12 pound puppy while we were on a walk. Luckily, I scooped her up (via her lead) fast enough, and yelled at the dog and (thankfully) it turned around, and we went home. My fiance went to their house, to talk to them about the dog. He knocked on the door, and they looked at him through the window, and refused to answer. We used a reverse look up to try and find a phone number, and they apparently don't have one. I hoped it was just a fluke, and went for a walk again today but the dog was still out. Only this time, it waited till I was in front of the house to come at us, and I again scooped up Quinnie, and turned to go home... only this time when I turned my back it tried to lunge again, and thankfully, again, listened when I yelled "no" at it. We are calling animal control tomorrow, so hopefully they'll do something about it.
Pat yelled at me for picking Quinn up, since the dog could have gone after me instead...But I'd rather get hurt then Quinnie, she wouldn't understand it, and is all ready scared of other dogs half the time!
Anyone else have evil neighbors that don't control their animals?
Pat yelled at me for picking Quinn up, since the dog could have gone after me instead...But I'd rather get hurt then Quinnie, she wouldn't understand it, and is all ready scared of other dogs half the time!
Anyone else have evil neighbors that don't control their animals?