Why would he make the sperm webs if he didn't have a place to store the sperm? lolI received a MM A metallica who molted shortly after he arrived much to my surprise.
He lost a significant amount of his body size, one palp and the tip of the other. Boy was I shocked, he was freshly matured.
Never saw anything like this. Lil bugger continues to make sperm webs like its going out of style.
I did get slings from him actually. Two years ago, when this boy was fresh, I bred him with my female and she produced ~200 offspring (below) without a single infertile egg. I still have several of the slings. They are only 3/4-1 inch or so after 2 years...lolIf you get a successful mate and sack out of this I would love the hell out of getting one of the slings. He certainly seems to have some thoroughly incredible genes.
Wow his legs are absolutely huge.
Why would he make the sperm webs if he didn't have a place to store the sperm? lol
It helps for male tarantulas to be fast. Very fast.