
Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Now, I'm hoping he will buy me some T's, although he hates spiders.
Which is pretty funny considering a monkey could maim the both of you for life, but the average T just wants to sit there and mind its own business. I think you should point that out to him. :D


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I think they are tightening up though in Tex. Texas has the most exotic big cat population as well, and you didn't use to need a venomous permit either but now I believe you do.

When I lived there you could have anything with out a permit.
Yea, its sucks and its a huge waste that a chunk of the big cat population in texas is going to get shot by "hunters".


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Yeah, I've tried explaining that to him. He would rather I have a rhinoceros than a tarantula. He's really not very logical...

On another note, he did agree to buy me T's, but I'm waiting until I'm in Florida to buy them so I don't have to move $3000 worth in a small car :\


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
those sound like a nightmare to take care of. if they're supposedly so closely related to humans i wonder why it sounds like they don't bond well


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
those sound like a nightmare to take care of. if they're supposedly so closely related to humans i wonder why it sounds like they don't bond well
Because they have their own personality and dont like taking orders, lol

But its literally like you being forced to live with somebody you dont like or in a place thats not a good environment. They react to your actions and reactions and will capitalize on that for their benefit.

And thats why people have the primates canines pulled, males castrated and so on.


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Maybe if I lived on a huge ranch with a nice sanctuary with dozens of them, I would keep them. But for now, not... not really... at first I was like "ahh yay!" and then "ooh no#$$!":eek:

I wish I could have at least held it. He was in Dallas with it the whole time so I wasn't even able to see it. I bet it was adorable... for now atleast... Honestly though, I would much rather have T's than something that takes so much TLC. Even if I were capable/equipped/willing to take care of one, I'm not sure if I would want such a responsibility for the rest of my life. I wouldn't want to take care of one for so many years and then give it up. I wouldn't want someone doing that to me, so why do it to begin with. I'm also a city boy so monkeys in an apartment couldn't be fun to deal with.

I would like a small pig, if nothing else.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Maybe if I lived on a huge ranch with a nice sanctuary with dozens of them, I would keep them. But for now, not... not really... at first I was like "ahh yay!" and then "ooh no#$$!":eek:

I wish I could have at least held it. He was in Dallas with it the whole time so I wasn't even able to see it. I bet it was adorable... for now atleast... Honestly though, I would much rather have T's than something that takes so much TLC. Even if I were capable/equipped/willing to take care of one, I'm not sure if I would want such a responsibility for the rest of my life. I wouldn't want to take care of one for so many years and then give it up. I wouldn't want someone doing that to me, so why do it to begin with. I'm also a city boy so monkeys in an apartment couldn't be fun to deal with.

I would like a small pig, if nothing else.
pigs are cool, but sounds like you need a house.:)

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
if they're supposedly so closely related to humans i wonder why it sounds like they don't bond well
Because they may be related to humans, but they are NOT humans, and they need their own kind if they are to remain sane. Just like you should never keep a pet rat by itself, no matter how much time you spend with it. Some animals are just that way.


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
it just seems odd they don't sound like they bond well when so many mammals bond extremely well to their human friends.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
it just seems odd they don't sound like they bond well when so many mammals bond extremely well to their human friends.
Which "mammals" are you referring to? Dogs have been altered by domestication for something like thirteen thousand to seventeen thousand years, and cats for almost ten thousand. And neither of those is even half as intelligent as a primate.

Even wild squirrels raised from babies often go crazy when they hit maturity, by all the stories I've heard. Being a wild animal really does mean something.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008

I just want to say how awesome it is that you made the decision you did.
Not many people would willingly give up such an amazing animal, regardless of the conditions, or lack there of, it would be living in. You made an amazingly responsible choice.

Props to you.


Old Timer
May 11, 2007
Contrary to what everyone else is telling you, having a primate is not always bad. back in the early 70s when you could buy almost any animal, I was a child of 10 and was promised a chimp from my brother who was in Nam. Such a promise was unkeepable, but he was able to obtain a squirrel monkey at a local pet store. We had that critter for over seven years with no problems. We kept him in a large cage and would take him out on a lease. He had an outdoor cage in the summer. We fed him a monkey diet mix with other treats. Every morning my father made toast and coffee, and the monkey wanted toast. My mother would grind up extra beef stew into a child food like consistency and give it to him as a treat. My father was bit once by his own accident. That creature saved our live by giving his. We would take yearly trips out west by van. One year the monkey got sick and eventually died. We found out that we had an exhaust leak. I do agree that a monkey is a social animal, and like a dog will bond with you and require constant interaction.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008

Dannx does not have the set up, That's what this is about, and he realizes it.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
That creature saved our live by giving his. We would take yearly trips out west by van. One year the monkey got sick and eventually died. We found out that we had an exhaust leak.
While this probably did save your family's health, it's not like the monkey made a choice there, technically.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Contrary to what everyone else is telling you, having a primate is not always bad. back in the early 70s when you could buy almost any animal, I was a child of 10 and was promised a chimp from my brother who was in Nam. Such a promise was unkeepable, but he was able to obtain a squirrel monkey at a local pet store. We had that critter for over seven years with no problems. We kept him in a large cage and would take him out on a lease. He had an outdoor cage in the summer. We fed him a monkey diet mix with other treats. Every morning my father made toast and coffee, and the monkey wanted toast. My mother would grind up extra beef stew into a child food like consistency and give it to him as a treat. My father was bit once by his own accident. That creature saved our live by giving his. We would take yearly trips out west by van. One year the monkey got sick and eventually died. We found out that we had an exhaust leak. I do agree that a monkey is a social animal, and like a dog will bond with you and require constant interaction.
While this sounds like a good story, you really have to take into account that even though you may not have had any 'real' issues with it...that doesn't mean it was kept under prime conditions. (No offense intended here, but I doubt any cage kept in a regular home was large enough unless it was an entire room-and even then that may be too small.)

The fatal end of your story was really quite tragic and I'm sorry it happened...but don't you think this is somewhat more legit proof that human's should not keep exotics such as primates? Think about it...that monkey lost it's life to a man made contraption it otherwise would not have.

Again, I'd like to restate that exotic animals can make good pets but are extremely difficult to care for and require MUCH more adaptions than domesticated animals. Just because it's alive does not mean it's 'happy'.


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
It was probably the hardest pet I've given up and I didn't even have possession of it. I mean, a pet monkey? Come on! Heh!

Not only do I not have the setup, but I trust most people here. I don't have the abilities more than anything, to care for such an animal. I've continued reading about them and I don't think I would truly want one, even if I had adequate space and care knowledge. Not that I wouldn't love it, I just don't I would provide the proper "love" for it, which extends beyond maintenance. I'm sure they have feelings but I, don't. To me, it would be more of a "look what I got" pet, if ya know what I mean.

With those who disagree with keeping them (was there any? I thought so but now I don't remember), I somewhat agree with this so some extent. I don't think anyone (even a Zoo really) can keep an animal like this as a pet and still provide a happy life for it. They're born to roam freely and all that jazz.

Thanks for all your support and opinions. This isn't particularly true with this thread but although opinions are different from person to person and I may not agree, they're still a valuable piece of information when learning about an animal you know nothing about. A person is able to research the different views to come to a reasonable medium.

Did this post make sense? I'm rambling...


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
yes it made sense, and who cares if your rambling.