mantis pic posting time!


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
NYbirdEater said:
I looked around, it seems they are not illegal to kill but recommended not to since they consume a large number of insects deemed as pets. Not sure why you are shouting, guess your genitals get all hot when talking about insects. :D To each his own I guess.
Yes, they get very hot, but they are cooling down quite nicely now, so no more shouting from me. :)


Old Timer
Sep 24, 2004
NYbirdEater said:
It's illegal in NY. They are protected.
Actually, I live in NY too, and I have talked to experienced entomologists who told me that it is merely an urban myth. By the way, they are more plentiful here than they are in some places in their native europe. I know several fields near my house where, during the summer, I could catch 20 in 15 minutes. Just walking through until they fly. (I've only actually taken 4)

By the way, does anyone know of any large, brown mantids in NY? I'll post a pic of it soon.


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
The chinese mantid Tenedora sinensis can get 4" long and has both a brown morph and a green morph. The brown individuals have green at the edges of their wings. M. religiosa also has both brown and green individuals, except they are completely brown and only get about 2.5-3.0" long.


Old Timer
May 25, 2004
orcrist said:
Actually, I live in NY too, and I have talked to experienced entomologists who told me that it is merely an urban myth. By the way, they are more plentiful here than they are in some places in their native europe. I know several fields near my house where, during the summer, I could catch 20 in 15 minutes. Just walking through until they fly. (I've only actually taken 4)

By the way, does anyone know of any large, brown mantids in NY? I'll post a pic of it soon.
I don't think I've seen any, although last year I saw one that looked like it had brown and green if that's what you mean. Actually I only began seeing them around my house last year. In fact, all over my house, large green ones climbing on the front door and the shingles on the sides of the house. I know other people who see them frequently but first time I've seen them near where I live.