Man dies after eating roaches...


Jul 27, 2012
I've been watching this for a while now. Ben Siegel is a really nice guy, who runs a good business and cares a lot about his animals. This was a publicity stunt, the contest, and it was a great way to promote business. And he's getting torn apart, its made national news, and become a media circus. Its really sad, disrespectful to the family of the deceased, and Siegel should have NO blame whatsoever placed on him for this.

I'm in NO way able to do any sort of moderating, but if I were a mod, I'd close this thread. I've seen this thread on a zillion other sites get messy really quick. My thoughts are with the victims of the tragedy...both Eddie's family and Ben as well.

Not that any of you are doing anything wrong in talking about it - I'm not saying anyone has been out of line, its just that I've never seen this discussion NOT get really ugly.

The only useful related response I've seen anywhere on the web was this: "A note to my family. If I decide to parachute out of an airplane and die, please don't sue the guy flying the plane."


Oct 29, 2010
I dunno if anyone else posted this already, but it was revealed that the guy died from aspirating on his vomit after eating the roaches.

It's too bad that this had to happen, especially considering the negative impact on the hobby, but at least it seems to have been proven that it wasn't because of the roaches. It could have been a banana-eating contest, and he still would have had the same problem.


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2011
Where did you find that report? Is that the report from the autopsy?

It makes perfect sense. Everyone said he looked really sick and vomiting up a bunch of half eaten roaches, I mean all those exoskeletons. He was shoving them down his throat!

ATW. I understand your point but so far this thread hasn't gotten ugly because nobody said anything disrespectful and if someone does, lets just ignore them. Honestly, I don't see how it would get ugly unless someone wrote something terrible about the man and I don't think anyone will do that here. And if they do, a complaint to a moderator should do the job. If mods closed every thread because there's a chance it may get ugly then there wouldn't be any threads to read. They typically wait until it gets ugly from my experience on these boards.

It really is terrible. My heart goes out to his family.

Nobody saw that coming but neither did anyone when this happened:

On a side note, the family was awarded 16 million dollars in a civil suite against the radio station. Let's hope the same fate doesn't plague Ben. That family is probably going to be getting hit up my many, many lawyers trying to talk them into suing.
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Sep 30, 2010
I've seen hot chicks do this on TV. No reason I cant:D

Considering ATW's comment and my very unempathetic disposition, all Im gonna say is I hope you all go out and get your First Aid Certificates. Seriously. I've had mine continuously for 12 years, and have thankfully only had to use it twice, and both of those circumstances Im glad I had it.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005

A man died after aspirating stomach contents. Said. Done. Roaches did it! So what? Beer and crab dinners do it. Lettuce has done it. Around 100,000 people a year do it. It is the reason the Heimlich is taught along with CPR. It was the cause of death of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, John Bonham and Jim Morrison to name a few.

Forget the roaches. THE UTTER BULLCRAP is why wasn't this death reversed using standard first responder rescue procedures? Drop it! Go take a CPR class instead of mongering this crap.

Heimlich: Not rocket science.
Get up in the persons face. "CAN YOU SPEAK?" CAN YOU BREATHE?" Make determination. Give 4 back blows with the heel of your palm. If ineffective, give 4 abdominal thrusts 2 inches below the sternum. Repeat until the patient revives or passes out. If still ineffective give forceful mouth to mouth resuscitation, blow air past the obstruction. Foreign object pneumonia is better than death.
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Sep 30, 2010
Forget the roaches. THE UTTER BULLCRAP is why wasn't this death reversed using standard first responder rescue procedures?
People in a group are less likely to act, feeling less responsible with so many other able bodied people around. Oddly enough, it takes one civilian to take command of the situation, barking out orders, and the group will fall into line.

Good Somaritan Laws differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I keep aware of them, but even so, Id probably still be scared of getting sued performing first aid in the States. (Maybe Im stereotyping?)

First Aid Changes: Ive been taking First Aid for Years, since I was 16. It has changed tremendously over the last 10+ years.

IIRC, the first time I took First Aid

CPR: 7 chest compressions, check airway, 4 breaths, repeat.

Then a few years later it evolved again:

15 Chest compressions, check airway, 2 breaths, repeat.

Currently in Canada:

30 chest comprssions, check airway, repeat.

They also dont show you how to check for a pulse anymore because alot of certified first aiders cant find it. Internet Tarantula CareSheets arent the only place they have dumbed down information to the point its virtually useless.

Also, they advice against (but still show you how to perform) the Heimlich maneuver. My instructor told the class that in these high stress situations, your likely to rush in trying to save the day.... only to do more damage.

I blame routines. Everybody is so busy trying to memorize a routine or formula that their understanding is shallow. They feel that Cause "X" should automatically have result "Y", while forgeting that wonderful and, ever present variable, "Life".

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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Apologies for hijacking this thread.

People in a group are less likely to act, feeling less responsible with so many other able bodied people around. Oddly enough, it takes one civilian to take command of the situation, barking out orders, and the group will fall into line.

Good Somaritan Laws differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I keep aware of them, but even so, Id probably still be scared of getting sued performing first aid in the States. (Maybe Im stereotyping?)

First Aid Changes: Ive been taking First Aid for Years, since I was 16. It has changed tremendously over the last 10+ years.

IIRC, the first time I took First Aid

CPR: 7 chest compressions, check airway, 4 breaths, repeat.

Then a few years later it evolved again:

15 Chest compressions, check airway, 2 breaths, repeat.

Currently in Canada:

30 chest comprssions, check airway, repeat.

They also dont show you how to check for a pulse anymore because alot of certified first aiders cant find it. Internet Tarantula CareSheets arent the only place they have dumbed down information to the point its virtually useless.

Also, they advice against (but still show you how to perform) the Heimlich maneuver. My instructor told the class that in these high stress situations, your likely to rush in trying to save the day.... only to do more damage.

I blame routines. Everybody is so busy trying to memorize a routine or formula that their understanding is shallow. They feel that Cause "X" should automatically have result "Y", while forgeting that wonderful and, ever present variable, "Life".

Your rant is reasonable and understandable. The first and foremost problem is textbook CPR instructors that have never done it in the field and are just going rote. An enthusiastic instructor who has done it, who has experienced the pitfalls and problems (how many people who have taken CPR classes were told the patient WILL PROBABLY THROW UP IN YOUR FACE?) is the way to go. I've had 5 full clinical death saves using the antique CPR methods. Learn it. Understand it. Ask questions. Get it right.
The bottom line is, the chances are if you are called upon to do CPR it will be on a close friend or loved one. Do you really want to sit there going duhhhhhh while a nearest and dearest checks out?

Compressions: Get the air in and circulate the blood effectively. If you don't know how, learn. If you don't know the signs that show your CPR is effective, ask.
Stress: Yes, it can be the most stressful situation of your life. So what? If by chance you get a save you will be on a free and legal high for the rest of your life. Nice compensation.
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Old Timer
Aug 12, 2011
ATW, see what you did? People are starting to get a bit ugly and pointing fingers. :p

I was going to go a rant myself but I remember what you said ;).


Nov 14, 2011
I dunno if anyone else posted this already, but it was revealed that the guy died from aspirating on his vomit after eating the roaches.

It's too bad that this had to happen, especially considering the negative impact on the hobby, but at least it seems to have been proven that it wasn't because of the roaches. It could have been a banana-eating contest, and he still would have had the same problem.
There still isn't autopsy results so, your just talking about one of the many rumors going around.


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Speaking of...why don't we just put this on hold until said results are available. As much as I love random internet speculation:sarcasm:, we're 4 pages deep without any evidence of anything. At this point it is just as plausible that a roving band of sick Heteropoda crawled into his esophagus during sleep, dropped a small load of crystalized feces, thereby slicing and dicing his stomach resulting in unmitigated internal bleeding.


Sep 30, 2010
@TheSnark, sorry man, I misunderstood you for a while. What I posted was meant as a general observation and not my personally followed views. In a situation, Im there doing whatever I can. I dont meld into the background.

ATW, see what you did? People are starting to get a bit ugly and pointing fingers. :p

I was going to go a rant myself but I remember what you said ;).
Not calling either of you out, but..... But Im gonna start my own thread. Its gonna be ugly and rude, but your both invited. At the very least pop your heads in and say, hi.


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2011
@TheSnark, sorry man, I misunderstood you for a while. What I posted was meant as a general observation and not my personally followed views. In a situation, Im there doing whatever I can. I dont meld into the background.

Not calling either of you out, but..... But I'm gonna start my own thread. Its gonna be ugly and rude, but you're both invited. At the very least pop your heads in and say, hi.
I'll keep my eyes open!


Oct 29, 2010
Sorry for not responding sooner, but I don't have regular access to a computer at the moment.

I found it on Facebook via The Reptile Report (it was posted by one of those involved in the incident). I'm a bit busy at the moment, but if I can find it again I'll edit this post or maybe just make a new one with the link.


Oct 29, 2010
I know this is a double post, but I just wanted to bump this and follow up on it like I said I would.

I had seen info about the guy aspirating on his vomit via The Reptile Report, which linked it from Facebook.

I followed the link and someone who was involved with the issue locally commented and said that it was the vomit, not something more sinister.

I tried (for about half an hour) earlier today to look through Ben Seigel's Facebook page and find the post with the comment, but there's just so many other things there (he posts auctions and special deals for the various critters that he breeds/sells) that I couldn't find it again.

Although, I thought I should add that Seigel did start a fundraiser for this guy's family, which includes his wife and two young daughters. Pretty nice thing to do, especially considering the other kinds of issues that could come from this.

I also wanted to say that while I'm of course sorry for the guy who entered the contest and died instead of winning anything, I also feel bad for Seigel, because he was just trying to run a fun event/sale at his store, and he obviously had little means of knowing this would happen, or any way of preventing it. Now he has to worry about the after-effects of something like this, including legal matters, and I'm sure we all know how much the likes of PETA/the HSUS would love to dig into something like this.


Sep 30, 2010
Figure Id bump as we're all gonna lose interest within the few weeks before autopsy results are available.

Eddie was eating so many live roaches he had to cover his mouth to keep them from crawling out, swallowing some of them whole and still alive... ...He ate more than 60 grams of meal worms, 35 three-inch-long 'super worms' and a bucket of discoid roaches, according to the Miami Herald.
Dr Bill Kern, a professor of entomology at the University of Florida, said it could have been an allergic reaction to the large amount of foreign protein that killed the 32-year-old... ...He [Dr. Bill Kern] told the Herald: 'We know cockroaches shed a lot of allergens, but they’re not toxic in and of themselves.

'Very few [human] cultures tend to eat cockroaches because they store large amounts of uric acid and nitrogenous waste. And they tend to be scavengers and feed on things most people wouldn’t consider to be desirable.'

I recall having a supposed Tomato allergy growing up... Or maybe my Doctor didnt want to do any real tests. Basically, I threw up raw tomatoes in any form. Sauces and the like were fine.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Nuff said

Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach died as a result of "asphyxia due to choking and aspiration of gastric contents," according to the report released by the Broward County medical examiner's office.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2010
Darwin Award for either late 2012 or early 2013. Either way, he's a winner.


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Didn't he have spawn? If so he only gets an honorable mention.

Let that be a lesson to all you entomophagists out there...take a page from people that have been doing this for millenia and remove the overly crunchy bits first(or cook the hell out of them)...and do chew;)