Male Sub Adult P. Regius Suddenly Dead


May 29, 2021
You mentioned earlier in your thread you threw the enclosure together last minute. We were wondering if you gave ample time for the glue/silicone to dissipate inside the enclosure. We had a an old female who was having a hard time crawling along the walls. We decided to build an enclosure last minute, what we had thought was ample time for the enclosure for the glue/silicone to air out. It proved fatal to our Hyllus Diardi. A lesson we learned. We now let the enclosures air out for at least 2-3 weeks or if we can't smell the glue/silicone inside the enclosure closed. I'm not second guessing your husbandry just food for thought.

I used hot glue and when I say last minute, I just meant I was doing a bunch at once so I did them quickly. I do not put them in right away after making them even though hot glue is supposed to be non toxic and produces no fumes. He was actually in that enclosure for a couple of weeks before this happened 😕

but also, thank you for the suggestion.I don’t take offense in the slightest. I’d hope we all just want the best for these guys and can take advice/constructive criticism when necessary. Something new can always be learned.