Making of a 'tarantula room'


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Are there any extra tips and things I should consider for when I set up a T room in the future?
Much, MUCH more than you can imagine lol. The more you think through what your goals are at the beginning and plan out the layout, the more you'll get out of it in the end.

As an example, let's say breeding tarantulas is a goal. If you're not planning on having dedicated sling racks to hold all the sling enclosures, then you'll either have to stack them on a shelf meant for an adult enclosure or just have them spread out everywhere if you don't have an empty shelf, neither being a particularily good or efficient option.

Or let's say you don't want to breed and just want to have a lot of planted display tanks as well as a space heater, humidifier, and some fans for air circulation. Now you have to worry about power in the room as that space heater will take up the majority of a circuit's rating itself. You might need two circuits in the room to run all of that equipment, unless you want to reset the circuit breaker and light timers each time your space heater kicks on.

You have a blank slate, an empty page in front of you right now. To some people, this can be the most challenging and intimidating thing in the world. My advice, don't let it be. Determine what it is you want and plan out what you need to make it a reality ;) . The hardest part is just starting.
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