Mail a T, go to jail....


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
So is it legal to send tarantulas and scorpions in the mail or not?

And do pokies have some fairly potent venom? I was not aware of this.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2003
Originally posted by Cooper
Lucky, the fedex guy who delivered my first package l;iterally threw it at me once he heard what was inside!!!

Lucky for me my dad is the package deliverer for me. He even opens them up at work and looks at them.So thankfully they make it home safe and sound.



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Terri, you been hitting the crack pipe girl?? :)

Tarantulas are most definitely animals... There are four main kingdoms used to taxonomize life as we know it...

Kingdom Protista (unicellular organisms, I think)

Kingdom Fungi (fungus, yeast, and other organisms consisting of threadlike filaments referred to as hyphae, I think)

Kingom Plantea (Plants, obviously)

Kingdom Animalia (The animals)

Of course, of these groups, T's and all other inverts and critters would fall under the "animal" kindgom... that means they're animals. ;) Sorry to be making a liar out of you next time you go to your post office! :D
Yes, dear.... it WAS the crack pipe again. I was THINKING mammals, but TYPED animals!! Good thing I didn't type "mammary!" I'll try to knock off the crack before my next post, K?=D Now, Ts aren't MAMMALS, are they!:? :rolleyes:

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I'm just messing with ya Terri... they're definitely not mammals, you're right about that. I figured you meant as much, but couldn't pass up a dig that easy. ;)


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
So is it legal to send tarantulas and scorpions in the mail or not?
Hmmmm.......good question. I'll have to ask my boss that the next time I see him. I know I've delivered packages with crickets and earthworms before, but I don't know about T's and scorps. My co workers know I get T's by FedEx and Airborne Express, and I'm sure it would have come up at some point if it was illegal to ship T's with the USPS.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
I still keep telling people until I'm blue in the face that most of my Tarantulas do not have potent venom. Although I have heard that African Baboons might have a potentially lethal venom. But it's not like I'm going to wave my finger in front of them to find out. I also get some people who cannot comprehend that some scorpions are not dangerous, meaning mostly the scorpions I own or will own in the future.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003

DMM Issue 57 plus Postal Bulletin changes through PB 22099 (4-3-03) C-15
Day-Old Poultry
Day-old poultry vaccinated with Newcastle disease (live virus) is nonmailable. Live
day-old chickens, ducks, geese, partridges, pheasants (pheasants may be mailed
only from April through August), guinea fowl, quail, and turkeys are acceptable in
the mail only if:
a. They are not more than 24 hours old and are presented for mailing in the
original unopened hatchery box from the hatchery of origin.
b. The date and hour of hatching is noted on the box by a representative of the
hatchery who has personal knowledge thereof. (For COD shipments made by
a hatchery for the account of others, the name or initials and address of the
hatchery or the post office box number and address of the hatchery must be
prominently shown for this standard.)
c. The box is properly ventilated, of proper construction and strength to bear
safe transmission in the mail, and not stacked more than 10 units high.
d. They are mailed early enough in the week to avoid receipt at the office of
address, in case of missed connections, on a Sunday, on a national holiday,
or on the afternoon before a Sunday or holiday.
e. They can be delivered to the addressee within 72 hours of the time of
hatching, whether the addressee resides in town or on a rural route or
highway contract route.
f. The shipment bears special handling postage in addition to regular postage,
unless sent at the First-Class Mail or Priority Mail rate.
C-16 DMM Issue 57 plus Postal Bulletin changes through PB 22099 (4-3-03)
g. If live, day-old poultry is to be transported by aircraft, all provisions of the
airline tariffs are met and air carriers have equipment available to safely
deliver shipments within the specified time limits, allowing for delays en route
in air and ground transportation.
h. Day-old poultry, originally shipped by air express or air cargo and then
presented for mailing, must be in first-class condition and prepared as
specified in 3.1a through 3.1e.
i. Boxes of day-old poultry of about identical size, securely fastened together to
prevent separation in transit, may be accepted for mailing as a single parcel,
if such parcel is not more than 100 inches in length and girth combined.
Small Cold-Blooded
Small, harmless, cold-blooded animals (except snakes and turtles) that do not
require food or water or attention during handling in the mail and that do not create
sanitary problems or obnoxious odors are mailable (e.g., baby alligators and
caimans not more than 20 inches long, bloodworms, earthworms, mealworms,
salamanders, leeches, lizards, snails, and tadpoles).
Adult Fowl
Adult turkeys, guinea fowl, doves, pigeons, pheasants, partridges, and quail, as
well as ducks, geese, and swans sent by Express Mail in biologically secure
containers approved by the manager of Mailing Standards (see G043 for address)
are mailable if the number of birds per parcel follows the container manufacturer
limits, and if each bird weighs more than 6 ounces. Under the applicable
standards, indemnity may be paid only for loss, damage, or rifling, and not for
death of the birds in transit if there is no visible damage to the mailing container.
Adult Chickens
Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The Express Mail containers used
must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) Test
Procedure 1A (detailed in Publication 2, Packaging for Mailing); be designed to
remain intact during normal handling; be constructed to totally confine the
chickens; contain shavings or other material to prevent damage to the bottom of
the container; and be ventilated properly to ensure humane treatment in transit.
The number of birds in each parcel must not exceed the container manufacturer’s
limit. Under the applicable standards, indemnity may be paid only for loss,
damage, or rifling, and not for death of the chickens in transit if there is no visible
damage to the container. Mailing of chickens for fighting is subject to 7 USC 2156.
Warm-blooded animals, except the specified birds under specific conditions
detailed above, are not mailable (e.g., hamsters, mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits,
cats, dogs, squirrels, parakeets, and canaries).
Pacific Islands
Animals mailed to the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and
the Federated States of Micronesia require a permit issued by the government of
the destination country.
Bees are acceptable in the continental surface mail when shipped under federal
and state regulations to ensure that they are free of disease. Packages of
honeybees must bear special handling postage, except those sent at a First-Class
Mail rate. Only queen honeybees may be shipped via air transportation. Each
queen honeybee shipped via air transportation may be accompanied by up to eight
attendant honeybees.
Other Insects
Other live, nonpoisonous, and nondisease-conveying insects may be sent through
the mail when properly prepared for mailing and when shipped under regulations
of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Such insects mailed to the Republic of
DMM Issue 57 plus Postal Bulletin changes through PB 22099 (4-3-03) C-17
Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of
Micronesia are also subject to the regulations of the destination country.
Live Scorpions
Live scorpions that are to be used for medical research or the manufacture of
antivenin are accepted only in the continental surface mail when packaged in a
double mailing container, both parts of which are closed or fastened to prevent
escape of the scorpions. The inner container must be of material that cannot be
punctured by the scorpions and must be plainly marked “Live Scorpions.”
Cushioning material must be used when necessary to prevent shifting of the inner
container. The outer container must be strong enough to prevent crushing of the
package or exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail. The outer
container must be plainly marked “Live Scorpions.”
Any mailing container used for mailable animals must be made of at least
275-pound test, double wall, corrugated, weather-resistant fiberboard (W5c) or
equivalent and must be adequately ventilated. The container must be constructed
to prevent escape of the animals while in the mail and to preclude the container
and its contents from being crushed in normal handling. The outside of the
container must include a return address and a description of the contents. A
container marked “If Undeliverable, Abandon” is not accepted.
The USPS does not accept any shipment of animals that the USPS reasonably
believes cannot reach its destination in a viable condition. Such a determination is
based on factors including the expected temperatures (weather conditions) while
the shipment is in the mail; the types of vehicles on which the shipment is to be
transported; the expected transit time; and the types of packaging used for
protection against suffocation, crushing, and handling.
Any parcel of live animals that cannot be delivered to the addressee or returned to
the sender within 72 hours (for live day-old poultry) or within the delivery period
marked on the parcel (for other animals) is immediately disposed of under the
relevant standards. A parcel not marked with the delivery period is disposed of
immediately if it reasonably appears that the animals cannot be returned to the
sender in a viable condition.
The dead bodies, or parts thereof, of any wild animals, wild birds, or eggs are
acceptable for mailing only when they are lawfully killed or taken, and their
shipment is not prohibited by law of the United States or of the state, territory,
district, or foreign country or subdivision thereof in which killed or taken or offered
for shipment. Mailing of fresh game is also subject to these standards.
A parcel containing the fur, hide, skin, or pelt of a wild animal is mailable only if the
matter is properly dried or cured and has no offensive odor, and only if the parcel is
plainly marked, labeled, or tagged on the outside with the names and addresses of
the shipper and addressee. The parcel must bear any endorsement required by
state laws.
Hides and pelts must be wrapped when necessary to prevent damage to other


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
It's a BIG pdf, you can download the whole thing here:

CO22 is the chapter where you will find the above.

I'm working on getting the U.S.D.A. regulations, since they ARE mentioned in the above. I want to settle this thing once and for all, and prove to Mr. Internet that I'M NOT ON CRACK ALL THE TIME!!!=D =D
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