Magnifying Glass Recommendations

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
you're hilarious dude, you are the one trolling here. you reply to almost every thread and rarely do you have any useful input.
I've worked with ophthalmologists, optometrists and micro-surgeons for years. If you want to get into the big leagues, be prepared to shell out a few hundred bucks and consult experts as to what specifically you want in the way of magnification.


Feb 20, 2023
I've worked with ophthalmologists, optometrists and micro-surgeons for years. If you want to get into the big leagues, be prepared to shell out a few hundred bucks and consult experts as to what specifically you want in the way of magnification.
you crack me up. do you have even the slightest notion that the harder you try to look smart, the less smart you look. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks,"

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
On a side note, on several occasions I've worked with people who were target shooters who had to wear glasses. Matching the scope magnification with the glasses the person used or needed is or can be a very complex operation. The same applies to people who wear glasses and require additional magnification. Thus the technical drivel I've posted. This is the reason I mentioned the diopter.
So OP, are you in this league, or just fishing? What is your budget range? Do you wear glasses? Do you have any eye conditions the require correction to be employed with the magnification?

@NMTs That Walter looks like a very sweet set up. Mind if I ask how much it set you back? I've got several associates to who repair cell phones and those optometrics are priced sky high. The reason why just cracking open a phone usually starts at $150.
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
I have been using this for now. For plants and my molts.

i plan on buying a microscope.

but this little tool is very good and works well for quick inspection.

i got this as a student while doing horticultural studies. At work, all my collegues have one. Its a great on the go tool.
