She looks small in pictures, it's weird. Her exuvium was just under 7" so I'm assuming now she's probably at 7".awesome collections!!i reallylike the widow but i never had any .
btw, just curious how big is your female a.geniculata? hopefully the male can make it without any problem but i just kinda feel like the female one looks bit small.:? anyway good luck!
We won't run out of names, they may get utterly ridiculous though. We reuse some too.Great photo's. I got a couple of them widows hanging around the outside of my house. Also, do you think you'll ever run out of names?
Eucratoscelus are very cool.Nice photos, especially love the Eucratoscelus. I should get one already. I think Charades is not a B. albopilosum, though...
Seriously? That's bad news. Do you have any guesses towards what he might be? Do you need more pictures?Nice photos, especially love the Eucratoscelus. I should get one already. I think Charades is not a B. albopilosum, though...