LP climbing around. Too moist sub?


Feb 1, 2018
From what I’ve read there are two types of LPs. Ones that like damp substrate, and ones that like it mostly dry. I think mine big sub girl leans towards the former.

I think I went a bit overboard with dampening the topsoil she’s been living on for the past couple of years. It’s not muddy or swampy and there’s ample ventilation, but she’s been climbing up the walls, even trying to hang upside down on the lid (which is one of those metal grated ones with a piece of cut Sterilite plastic with holes drilled all over it; for safety). And spends most of her time sitting on the driest place for n the enclosure, on top of her hide. She even has a deep burrow but hasn’t used it months and lives in a 10 gallon tank.

As of the time of this authoring before I left for work a couple of hours ago she had strangely taken a seat in one of the more moist corners of the cage. I also offered her a large Dubia nymph this morning that she didn’t take. No premolt darkness as of yet.

I’ve been considering taking her out. Removing half the damp sub and putting dry on top of it since she doesn’t seem to like the moist sub rather than letting it dry out by time. I know this is kind of a noob question but I don’t like having to subject my Ts to stress like modifying their enclosures unless it’e absolutely needed. And I’m not sure whether to let the sub dry out on it’s own (which could be a while) or replace some of it with some new dry sub. Her behavior is kind of conflicting lol


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2008
I hope this helps. It’s an old pic from 2021 but it looks the same otherwise, even if the sub was drier on top back then. It’s the only pic I have of the full set up on hand at this time.
This soil looks too damp. Let it dry and observe how your spider will react. If possible , provide more ventilation.


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 17, 2020
I’m not sure what you mean by saying there are two different types of Lasiodora parahybana? Depending on your ambient climate moisture levels may need to be adjusted and they are adaptable but I don’t think there are discrete “types”. Perhaps I am wrong though 🤷‍♂️


Apr 26, 2022
Is there a water dish in the enclosure currently? Could be looking for water which is why it went from wandering the dryer area to sitting in the moist corner. There's no dish in the picture which made me think your LP could be thirsty, but at the same time it could be too humid in the enclosure as well.

8 legged

Nov 25, 2020
This looks like a freshly set up enclosure. Maybe your pet is just exploring...
Maybe it's cold and you have a heat source up near the lid!? Even if the biden gets too wet, it won't kill the spider. My animals regularly climb up somewhere. I've never seen that as a problem.


Feb 1, 2018
Is there a water dish in the enclosure currently? Could be looking for water which is why it went from wandering the dryer area to sitting in the moist corner. There's no dish in the picture which made me think your LP could be thirsty, but at the same time it could be too humid in the enclosure as well.
Oh yes there’s a water source there. Always has been. That pic was taken when the enclosure was newly put together. The sub was drier back then, but I think I went a bit overboard with moisture levels. I don’t mist or anything. I just overflow the water dish (which is a glass ash tray; previously never used of course lol) every now and then. I’ve since added more ventilation hoping that will help dry things out a bit. Her sudden interest in climbing around made me think the floor was too damp for her liking but I could be mistaken and and just overthinking...again lol.


Feb 1, 2018
I’m not sure what you mean by saying there are two different types of Lasiodora parahybana? Depending on your ambient climate moisture levels may need to be adjusted and they are adaptable but I don’t think there are discrete “types”. Perhaps I am wrong though 🤷‍♂️
I meant that I’ve read some different information (some of it on these boards from 10+ years ago) about how much moisture this species seems to prefer. Some say keep the sub on the damp side, while others keep theirs mostly dry. It seemed apparent to me that mine is an individual that likes it drier. I used to overflow the water dish every now and then but her sudden interest in climbing about made me think I’d gone a bit overboard with it. Maybe I’m just overthinking/worrying too much...again lol.

On a similar note I read a story on here about a GBB sling that apparently likes a moist habitat, contrary to those being a dry species. Someone here had a few GBB slings, one of which was on the verge of mysteriously dying. It was death curling at the time. Thinking he had nothing to lose and was going to lose that sling anyway he tried dampening that one sling’s enclosure and, long story short, it started coming back. Just shows how individualist Ts can sometimes be. I’ll have to see if I can relocate that story. Was interesting.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
From what I’ve read there are two types of LPs. Ones that like damp substrate, and ones that like it mostly dry. I think mine big sub girl leans towards the former.

I think I went a bit overboard with dampening the topsoil she’s been living on for the past couple of years. It’s not muddy or swampy and there’s ample ventilation, but she’s been climbing up the walls, even trying to hang upside down on the lid (which is one of those metal grated ones with a piece of cut Sterilite plastic with holes drilled all over it; for safety). And spends most of her time sitting on the driest place for n the enclosure, on top of her hide. She even has a deep burrow but hasn’t used it months and lives in a 10 gallon tank.

As of the time of this authoring before I left for work a couple of hours ago she had strangely taken a seat in one of the more moist corners of the cage. I also offered her a large Dubia nymph this morning that she didn’t take. No premolt darkness as of yet.

I’ve been considering taking her out. Removing half the damp sub and putting dry on top of it since she doesn’t seem to like the moist sub rather than letting it dry out by time. I know this is kind of a noob question but I don’t like having to subject my Ts to stress like modifying their enclosures unless it’e absolutely needed. And I’m not sure whether to let the sub dry out on it’s own (which could be a while) or replace some of it with some new dry sub. Her behavior is kind of conflicting lol
Need pictures of the spider too.