So, for my birthday both my B. smithi and my Avicularia purpurea molted! And my B. albo molted just a couple of days ago! It also snowed! Despite the snow disrupting my drinking plans I had a great time with my T's at home today!
Mr. Smith now has the slightest hint of the adult coloring, albo is darker than the sling tan, and purple is almost 3 inches long in the legs!
Here is a couple of shots of purple's exuvia. Note, the pumping stomach is intact! Also, hard to see from the pics, but I believe that it is female. There was a distinct fold when I was unraveling. I was clever this time and use the eyes of two needles to unravel the shed while it was still wet. I was also fortunate that I found the shed just after she completed molting and was able to access it without disturbing her or her nest.
So, I placed my male G. rosea who was sitting on his piece of cork bark into my female's tank, cork bark and all. I gave my female a cricket, and she enjoyed it. The male started to come off of his bark, and the female noticed him. She began drumming wildly I was so excited. She came towards him, he started caressing her and teasing up her legs. He lifted her into position. Insertions galore! Then he started pushing her backwards, forcing her to move. He prodded her into her burrow, and stretched out, keeping her at bay. She went into her burrow backwards, he gently backed away. He strolled to the opposite corner of the tank, and slowly attempted to climb the glass. I picked him up out of the tank and put him back into his keeper. She is currently sitting outside of her burrow waiting for her beau to come back. He is hanging out at the top of his piece of bark, wanting back in with the female. All in all, from the time I put the male in and took him out, mating time was about 10 minutes.
So I put the male and the female together again. This was the third time they were put together, the second time I put the male in and went to bed so I have no idea if anything happend...
Things seemed to be going okay, except that the male was intent on woeing the female while inside her burrow. At one point his leg was completely between her front fangs. At some point he got bit right in the front middle part of his opithisoma. He appears to be fine a whole day after the fact, but there was a drop of goo after mating.
Here are a few pictures (so hard to take!) of the mating in the burrow.
And a picture of the male after the fact. You can see the shiney spot where he leaked a little bit, it appears to be a crusty bit now and he is doing well.
So I've gotten a lot of new T's lately, and I have yet to take/post pictures of them... I have also had a whole slew of molts! I am so excited.
So, here is a few pictures of my new H. shmidti and H. incei, both were purchased from NWInverts. I also have recently aquired a C. crawshayi and N chromata (from NorthWestZoological). And! This week I got approved for my first appartment! A move is up and coming.
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