Looking for suggestions for 2nd T


Mar 27, 2017
I got my first T (Norman 2.0) three weeks ago. He is a B. Smithi and I just love him ❤. I really want a second T. I really want
a Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens but I'm not sure I'm experienced enough. Everyone has been extremely helpful to me and I really appreciate it. What are your thoughts or suggestions for a second T for a beginner. ~ Missy


Sep 26, 2013
The GBBs are fast, so as long as you're prepared to deal with that, I would say go for it. They are very easy to care for...bone dry substrate, water dish, hide, and some webbing anchor points like toothpicks or fake plants.

If you're considering other species as well, I enjoy these:

G. pulchra
G. pulchripes
B. albopilosum
B. emilia
B. boehmei
A. chalcodes
Euathlus sp. red

A Lasiodora (parahybana, difficilis, klugi) might be OK if you're ready for something bigger. A. geniculata is also popular because it gets big and eats like crazy.
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Mar 27, 2017
The GBBs are fast, so as long as you're prepared to deal with that, I would say go for it. They are very easy to care for...bone dry substrate, water dish, hide, and some webbing anchor points like toothpicks or fake plants.

If you're considering other species as well, I enjoy these:

G. pulchra
G. pulchripes
B. albopilosum
B. emilia
B. boehmei
A. chalcodes
Euathlus sp. red

A Lasiodora (parahybana, difficilis, klugi) might be OK if you're ready for something bigger. A. geniculata is also popular because it gets big and eats like crazy.
Thank you. I don't think I'm ready for a GBB.


Mar 27, 2017
The GBBs are fast, so as long as you're prepared to deal with that, I would say go for it. They are very easy to care for...bone dry substrate, water dish, hide, and some webbing anchor points like toothpicks or fake plants.

If you're considering other species as well, I enjoy these:

G. pulchra
G. pulchripes
B. albopilosum
B. emilia
B. boehmei
A. chalcodes
Euathlus sp. red

A Lasiodora (parahybana, difficilis, klugi) might be OK if you're ready for something bigger. A. geniculata is also popular because it gets big and eats like crazy.
I am really liking the Euathlus sp. red. Seems hard to find.

Devin B

Sep 30, 2016
A C. Cyaneopubescens was my second T and I would recommend it. Just keep in mind that they can be skittish. Mine is mostly calm and its only givin me one threat pose. (I was trying to remove a prey item he didn't eat from his den).


Sep 4, 2015
Depends on what you're looking for. Something big, something quick, something colorful, something that webs? Looking to get into arboreals or do you prefer to stick with terrestrials? There are tons of good 2nd tarantulas out there, you just need to decide on your criteria first.


Apr 30, 2017
Dont quote me on this but im sure every Euathlus is a good starter tarantula


Feb 8, 2017
Honestly from what I've researched and understood, go ahead and get That GBB you're wanting. I myself with two T's I look after are looking into possibly getting more when funds permit, but mine are a little more testy when it comes to caring for them. Haha. My list includes:
P. Murinus
P. Metallica "Grooty Saphire"
N. Incei/Holothele sp. 'Gold form'
B. Albopilsum
B. Emilia
A. Purpurea
B. Smithi

Granted with the P. Metallica however or the A. Purpurea I would probably take care of an A. Avicula before I tried anything at expert arboreal just to make sure I could handle the husbandry and take care of it properly ( So I'm not out $130.00 for accidentally killing it). So I've been doing a lot of research. Since my A. Chalcodes is rather a sweetheart and great eater She's pretty simple to take care of, and my sling ("B. Vagans" still not sure on the species as my boyfriend got it from Petco but we'll see) is still alive and kicking and I've already picked up on it's eating habits when it's hungry, my A. Chalcodes is just a eating machine (ate 2 crickets in a three day span, given on first and third day and grabbed them right up.

Biggest concern so far about your next T baby? Just research it and understand your T a little bit get an understanding of basic T wants and your good to go. I would also check out videos on YouTube on your next T of choice, read forum threads to help you get ready. Once you understand what you're getting into it'll be much easy to anticipate what your next T will do, there's so many ways to tell "Threat Posture, Bolting(Surprise), running away, or hiding" So it's good to understand T's and how their little minds work. But as I've found though a bit skittish GBB are not to hard to take care of, web everything up given webbing points, and like it dry as many suggested it. Just be prepared for it to run around with the skittishness. Then again you might hit the jackpot and get a rather mellow T. So it just depends, but a lot of sites Like Jaime's Tarantula's, Net-bug, Fear Not Tarantulas, and KenTheBugGuy all say GBB's are great beginner Ts. So I would say if you want it, you're prepared what they entail(research), and you're set to go. So Honestly I would just go for it. Unlike my crazy self thinking about a P. Murinus (Just what am I thinking? Oh yeah. I remember now, the webbing is pretty, they're over all a beautiful spider, and I am no touchy with any of my T's, Amazing attitude. Still researching on it but really leaning towards a OBT). So go with your gut, get educated, get prepared and go get that T!


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
a Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens but I'm not sure I'm experienced enough. Everyone has been extremely helpful to me and I really appreciate it. What are your thoughts or suggestions for a second T for a beginner.
You can't go wrong with any reasonably priced Euathlus, Grammostola, or Brachypelma. However, they tend to be slow growers, so I would try to find one that's not a tiny sling.

Bulldozer, my 3.5" female Grammostola pulchra (basically the black lab of tarantulas)

While Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens does tend to be faster and more skittish than the above genera, I think it's within range of a new keeper's ability, especially considering that this isn't your very first tarantula.

GBBs are very hardy and easy to keep -- dry substrate with a water dish and lots of anchor points for webbing. Once they have settled in and begun to web, they tend to retreat into the web when startled instead of making a bid for freedom.

I moved mine into this small Exo Terra Breeding Box (8" x 8" x 5.5") when he was about 1.5". He has since built elaborate tunnels throughout the leaves and has been mostly good about not webbing the water dish or lid.

I started with true spiders that build webs, so tarantulas that web are an enjoyable throwback for me. (I like that the GBB is usually on display, so I don't just have a pet web.) They also go through several interesting color phases as they grow.

Muffet, my 2.75" male (named before sexing)


Jan 12, 2016
"Madmomgamer, post: 2621170, member:
are a little more testy
P. Murinus
P. Metallica "Grooty Saphire"
A LITTLE more testy you say? :eek::rofl:
P.murinus transcends 'testy' right into 'demon spawn'....

I would go for the GBB, and get a sling. They aren't as skittish as juvies/adults are, plus they look awesome from sling to adult. Even as slings they are hardy, keep dry with waterdish and add anchor points for webbing. Make the substrate a little moist on one spot, and you're set. :)


Feb 8, 2017
A LITTLE more testy you say? :eek::rofl:
P.murinus transcends 'testy' right into 'demon spawn'....
Which is exactly the reason her name would be Marta. Marta the Psychotic OBT Nun that will skewer you with a cross, Named for the Crazy Killer Nun in Outlast 2. XD See? I got this figured out! Lol