Long winded ? - mealworm to molt?


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2003
I just fed my rosie a mealworm for the first time last nite.... Put it in there and the little bugger started burrowing right away. So, the sucker for entertainment that I am, I snagged it real quick and put it on the log hide where my Ty (spider) was hanging out.

After about 10 seconds, it crawled over to Ty and was felt out for a few seconds, then promptly chomped on. This mealworm is bigger, and required an entirely different eating strategy than the crickets he usually gets.

What has me curious, is during the eating process, Ty laid a web down over about a 7 sq. in area, WAY more then I have ever seen him web up the ground. Also, he was particularly lively, so I let him explore my stairwell for a few hours (he can't get lost or hurt there) and then put him back in my cage. He tried to escape for a while....but eventually went in his hide.

This morning - I found the hide entrance covered with web, and he was all scrunched against the back... This is new behaviour for him, espescially webbing the entrance.

Does eating more make a rosie web more? Also, might he be preparing to molt in the hide? Is there enuf space to do so (not much bigger than him) - or should i remove the hide if i see him upside down?

Sorry about the length of this question - I'm just really interested.:?


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by abstract

After about 10 seconds, it crawled over to Ty and was felt out for a few seconds, then promptly chomped on. This mealworm is bigger, and required an entirely different eating strategy than the crickets he usually gets.

What has me curious, is during the eating process, Ty laid a web down over about a 7 sq. in area, WAY more then I have ever seen him web up the ground....

You forgot to tell us the exact temperture in kelvin, other observations you made, and possible sources of errors. Hehehe, sorry for teasing you, but your post sounded so much like lab report.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2003
good point. i start talking about details that stand out to me, only to realize after posting they're not really relevant to the main question....and i hate kelvin - it makes too much sense :)


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
Maybe your rosie is full .I fed mine about 6 crickets in a row yesterday which she ate each one...ever since she has taken up residence in her coconut shelter and won't come out. She never went into the shelter like this before. Maybe she's just settling in and finally setting up a permanent residence since food is abundant. Maybe since this is the first time you fed it a larvae feeder your rosie thinks it a trigger...like in the wild they only see an abundance of larva at certain times of the year. I don't know. I'm still new to this but I'd be interested in what the "experts" on the board have to say.