Leopard Gecko not eating


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2006
It was kind of weird actually, at first the boss seemed a little ticked off that I disagreed with the way she kept some of the snakes "I've been here three months and none of the snakes have died." Riiiiight like that's significant :rolleyes:

But she has since changed her tune, since I politely discussed some of my concerns, and really the biggest issue with her is cleanliness (because think about it, when you walk into a pet store, the first thing you do is critique how well the animals are kept and how clean the cages are)... so suggesting turf (which we have in stock) or tiles (I think I have extras at home, I'll see if they fit in the cages)... I think she'd totally go for it because they're easier to clean. Next I need to soak a block of eco-earth to get some of the corn snakes off of sand. Poor things trying to burrow.

She is also of the "I've been keeping them on sand for years and havent had a problem" but at least she realizes it *can* be a problem, especially since the other workers aren't as anal as me about keeping the water dishes clean and free of sand... I'll at *least* get the babies off the sand.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
Explain the whole "Ignorance is Bliss" comment RD. I've agreed that there is a risk factor in keeping Leopards on sand, and I've even stated that several times. I've also mentioned that I'd never keep anything smaller then a 6 inch subadult on sand as well. Believe me, if any of my animals (when I was keeping them) were showing signs of over ingestion I'd have removed them in the blink of an eye.

Yes, I know that there have been several instances when someone has an issue with a Leopard on sand. Now it's time for you to understand (at least try to) that there are also people (other then me) that have had no problems whatsoever... It's always a two way road, there's no way around it.

This debate has been done time and time again on Fauna and KS, and I'm sure it's been here as well. And it all ends up with people doing what they want.

Also, I'm not trying to say this is right or that is wrong, I'm just saying that I have used sand, and I didn't have any kind of a bad experience. So don't think I'm saying "Use sand and nothing else". As that's not how I am. To each his own.
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roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
To each his own.
Even is he is running the risk of harming his animals?

Also i say ignoreance is bliss because i belive you are balintaly ignoring the fact that calsisand is horrbile stuff weather you leo is a baby or over 6 inches, it still causes impaction.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
Even is he is running the risk of harming his animals?

Also i say ignoreance is bliss because i belive you are balintaly ignoring the fact that calsisand is horrbile stuff weather you leo is a baby or over 6 inches, it still causes impaction.
I gotcha man. I agree that the risk is higher with the Calci-Sand (pretty large particles, and it doesn't breakdown like it should). But there are other types of sand that aren't so bad. Mainly due to the fact that they are ultra fine grade, like the repti-sand. I think the sand particles of this brand would be passed right through the DT without any risk whatsoever, when it comes to large Leopards anyways. If the animal is only getting tiny bits of sand when it's getting prey, I don't see any risk at all. Now if the lizard is getting massive amounts of sand ingested, that, to me, is because of bad supplementing. I know I'd notice it if any of my Leos were eating huge amounts of sand, mainly because you'd see the Lizard licking it like they would the dishes of Calcium and Vitamin that some people store in the cages.

But no man, I do see what you're saying, and I do agree with it. But I also know that some of these lizards will do just fine on sands. Maybe Calci-Sand isn't the best choice, but there are sands out there that don't pose nearly the threat that the Calci does (for big guys again in my opinion).

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
roach dude,

Tone it down man. You can disagree with taking an attitude... most of the people on this board have been keeping animals longer than you've been alive, so try to learn first, teach second. That's great advice for anyone. Just because you "researched" something using Google, or read a "caresheet" on your favorite breeder's website doesn't make those thing you read Gospel by any means... thanks.
