Latrodectus Pallidus


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Splintercell said:
I believe it are the first pics of a L. Pallidus web ever!!!
not the first pix of L.pallidus-web i've seen :rolleyes:
i had some pictures of their natural habitat in the Middle East,
i'll look them up ;)

here's one of the females i've kept and bred in the past.

PS: Splintercell, since you're also located in Belgium,
Hoe zit het met de VLAREM2 voorschriften in Hasselt ?


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006
Beste Steve,

De latrodectus Pallidus is niet tot mild giftig!!!
Hij wordt zelfs onder de Haplopelma lividum geclassificieerd qua giftigheid. VLAREM2 voorschriften, OOK IN HASSELT, hebben alleen betrekking op GIFTIGE EN GEVAARLIJKLE DIEREN.
Bij Latrodectus Pallidus is dit dus niet van toepassing.
Sorry, kan hier echt niet om lachen!!! Als je niks positiefs toe te voegen hebt, laat het dan!!! Of check eerst je bronnen. Trouwens, ik heb gezegd: Foto's van een pallidus habitat. De pic van jou toont een pop. Niet meer en niet minder (wel een mooie foto moet ik zeggen!).
Ik heb het nest en alles gefotografeerd. Ik doe tenminste moeite mijn kennis te delen met anderen.
Die foto's van jou kan ik ook ergens afhalen (ze kunnen natuurlijk ook echt van jou zijn, dat wil ik nog in het midden laten...)

I thought this arachnoboard was to share information,
not to start getting sarcastic at each other???

(I wrote this since "Steven" asked me if I was in order with the Belgian law for keeping my L. Pallidus. VLAREM2 is a law concerning poisonous animals! Latrodectus pallidus isn't considerd as a dangerous or "very" poisonous animal such as Latrodectus Mactans . If you have Mactans, than the VLAREM2 law is important!!!... Anyway, Steven should mind his own business (concerning law's I mean, any kind of good or new info on these spiders or other latrodectus specimen however is always welcome. (ook van jou, steven!)
Just so that all of you know what I wrote in Dutch ;-)

Greetz, Tom.
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Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006
cacoseraph said:
that is pretty similar to how most of the L. heserpus webs i see are. the major difference is that in the wild hesperus find location with a built in retreat so they don't build one like that.

i have never seen much debris in hesperus webs, actually

great pics, diagrams, and spiders
I didn't know that,... interesting!!!
Question: Does the Hesperus take a location that
is already big enough to fit the adult spider,
or does the spider surches for new retraite-locations if she gets older.
One of my pallidus build here first retraite in a whole in some wood.
When she got bigger, she left that hole and built a "normal" ;-) pallidus retraite as seen on the pics.

Kind regards, Tom.


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Splintercell said:
De latrodectus Pallidus is niet tot mild giftig!!!
Hij wordt zelfs onder de Haplopelma lividum geclassificieerd qua giftigheid.
Where did you get that information and can you redirect me to an URL or article ?
Splintercell said:
VLAREM2 voorschriften, OOK IN HASSELT, hebben alleen betrekking op GIFTIGE EN GEVAARLIJKLE DIEREN.
Bij Latrodectus Pallidus is dit dus niet van toepassing.
The Belgian law doesn't make a difference on the specie level,... genus Latrodectus is on the list, not the different specie.
Splintercell said:
Sorry, kan hier echt niet om lachen!!! Als je niks positiefs toe te voegen hebt, laat het dan!!!
chill out, don't take it personally :rolleyes:
Splintercell said:
Of check eerst je bronnen.
If you got your spiders directly from Israel i think i know your sources, If you're talking about sources concerning the Belgian law, i invite you to the Sit-Wis (Belgian Spider society) meeting this saterday. (02-09-06) in Ghent and we'll discuss it with the group.
Splintercell said:
Ik doe tenminste moeite mijn kennis te delen met anderen. Die foto's van jou kan ik ook ergens afhalen (ze kunnen natuurlijk ook echt van jou zijn, dat wil ik nog in het midden laten...)
So you're accusing me not to share any knowledge with other members and posting someone elses pictures ? :wall: :wall: :wall:
thanx for the insult :evil: :evil: :evil:
Splintercell said:
I thought this arachnoboard was to share information,
not to start getting sarcastic at each other???
Never had the intention to be sarcastic,
Your quote:
Splintercell said:
I believe it are the first pics of a L. Pallidus web ever!!!
made me laugh actually,... i don't know how many years you're keeping Latrodectus spec. but the recent imports of L.pallidus earlier this year are def. not the first,.. this spec. has been around before,... and i remember seeing pictures of their web before,... so again,... don't take it personally,...

That's all :D


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2006
Well this WAS an interesting thread and since i haven´t seen much of L. Pallidus or it´s webs i enjoyed the information and pictures. Thanks Splintercell :)
Hoping to get myself some (here people only have L. Mactans and L. Menavodi... :( ).


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006

CaptainChaos said:
Well this WAS an interesting thread ...


You are wright CaptainChaos.
I am sorry, I had a couple of bad days.
I am sorry steven. (was duidelijk niet m'n dagje gisteren)
I dont know what it was, I just asked myself:
Why would somebody ask if I am in order with the Belgian law.
I mean, what is this steven. Why are you asking.
Will you sleep better if I tell you?
And about the pic's:
I said to you: (well, maybee it is your pic, I cant know that)
I said this in the first reply. So i didnt say that it was not your pic.
I even wrote (it is an amasing picture)
Than, SECOND: You are probably wright!
It arent the first pics of the pallidus on the net.
However, I said, I think these are the first pics.
Here is why I wrote that: I did a google on Pallidus pics.
Only pics that come up are (verry few) pics of the spiders,
not of there habitat.
2 years ago,than I was alreaddy interested in this Pallidus,
the only pic of a pallidus in the google foto archive was a pic
of a Poststamp from afghanistan. That's all.
The new pics on google are from an institute that had 3.000 pallidus specimen for the making of antidote. When I wrote them a mail, asking if they could send some Pallidus, they just told me that the project was completed and that they had terminated the colonie. Since google is such a powerfull surchengine, I asummed I was one of the first.

How stupid of me to think that in this technological world we are living in now, I would be the first to put these pics online.

I am sorry Steven, You cought me on a bad day.
By the way, I saw that you posted a lot of treads and replies,
so I was wrong about that too. You do share a lot!
I hope all replies arn't so sarcastic as the one you sent me ;-)

I hope to keep this tread usefull and hey...
I am aschamed, 2 Belgians who get into a silly wordfight,
on an "american" arachnoboard. I am sorry @all.

Kind regards, Tom.
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Old Timer
Jul 27, 2006
Well everybody has bad days and so on. I just like the info and pictures here of L. Pallidus.

Nice pictures Tom, both spiders and webs are nice :)
Hopefully you find those pics of their natural habitat Steven :)

Since you seem to be the only Pallidus people here, please do continue this thread. I think that there are many that find these interesting since they aren´t as common as many other widows are.

Cheers {D


Old Timer
Mar 24, 2005
Those are great shots. I love specialized adaptions like that!!! These animals never stop amazing me!


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006

hi, please don´t beat me, but to me L. pallidus is the most ugliest widow ever..:rolleyes:

Hey, no problem.
It is like they say in Russia:

"Ha BKYC, Ha tsBET TOBápischtsji HeT!"
(or something like that ;-)
"About taste and color, there are no friends."
Meaning that everyone has it's own taste.

There are indeed more beautifull latrodecti and other spiders.
However, I find the retraite building of this spec. so
inceredible that, to me, this makes her very special.
She is one of my favorit latrodecti.

Her looks are far from beeing spectecular though, I admit ;-)

Greetz, Tom.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006
New Latrodectus Pallidus pic's


Just wanted to share some new pic's with you all.
The pics are photographed as if the camera would be the floor.
(That is not the way I toke the pics, I held the spider up.
It's just to let ya know how to see the greater picture.)

Greetz, Tom.
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Bastian Drolshagen

Old Timer
Apr 14, 2005
stop it my butt hurts already LOL
Here some info I got from a friend who imported L. pallidus:
He got them with their housnings, which were also covered with debris. In their webs there were pieces of other spiders, scorpions (up to 3cm length) and even Solifugidae found. Seems like those little guys eat everything they can get..
Wild cought L. pallidus are very difficult to keep under normal conditions, you have to keep the temperature at least over 30°C, or they´ll fall of their branch faster than I´ll be beaten up when saying that L. pallidus are ugly at arachnocon...
The CBs of this species seem to be more tolerant for low temperatures.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006


I keep some spec. on 25 °C and some on 30 °C.
Both do just fine, however I have to say,
the once at 30 °C do better ;-)
They grow faster and eat more.
I didn't know that the spec. was so sensitive about temperature.
I will keep an eye on it.
Thanks for the tip ;-)

Kind regards, Tom.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I think they are absolutely fabulous! :}
I cant wait to get my hands on some!! ;)

Bastian Drolshagen

Old Timer
Apr 14, 2005
hi tom, as I wrote the: The problem regarding temp. only occured at wild caught L. pallidus. Their offspring is more tolerant to lower temps


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2006

hi tom, as I wrote the: The problem regarding temp. only occured at wild caught L. pallidus. Their offspring is more tolerant to lower temps
Sorry, misunderstood you.
You are wright.
Wild caught spec. are sensitive o temp.

Greetz, Tom.