Largest Asian T's


Mar 4, 2011
Guys icame out to this top 3 asians

poecilotheria rufiliata/ornata
haplopelma robustum
Cyriopagopus sp/schioedtei

Which of you think has the heviest overall body mass?


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2004
I'm with you, it's pretty much my favorite topic in regards to Ts: "Ginormous" and "Asians/OW".

Here's a bit more info, pics seem to have disappeared. 1st page is pretty much just bickering :/

Oh yeah, cuz I love pimpin' these pics, you can see Steve's big crassipes girl (nothing for scale though)

Lastly, just cuz
Good reads here... I made my re-entry to this hobby after the Aussie species made their grand entrance, so my experience is limited to reading and one recent freebie. I'll be looking to acquire more, but for the mean time I look forward to seeing more pictures of captive giants.

You are the first that I have seen say P. miranda gets huge, this is why I question it. A lone 7" female shouldn't set the bar on average adult size. I agree that arguments normally lead to nothing but polite disagreements can be good reads, just read old threads. :D - Chad
I'm as surprised by that as I am by the fact that I can't find written confirmation that they are in fact a larger species of Poecilotheria. I didn't mean to infer that the 7" female was the biggest of her kind or that she, or my words, represented proof that someone that disagreed with me was flat out wrong; it was just my understanding that this species does indeed get to 9 inches, and is a larger representative of it's genus. If I'm wrong I'll gladly admit it, and I'll certainly keep an eye out for evidence that I'm right :)

Guys icame out to this top 3 asians

poecilotheria rufiliata/ornata
haplopelma robustum
Cyriopagopus sp/schioedtei

Which of you think has the heviest overall body mass?
I was going to edit your quote down but I don't want to take away context - My focus is H. robustum, with a C. schioedtei footnote.

I've never kept H. robustum, but I've heard it's large... can we can some information on size outside the mythic (a la H. hercules, P. miranda (??))... even if it isn't massive it's a truly cool species.

On C. schioedtei, when they entered the hobby as C. thorelli, it was said to be the biggest Asian spider; I don't think this is true, but I have seen schioedtei that rival H, schmidti in size, and in my experience, those are the are the largest Asians in terms of mass...

My .02 cents :)


I did a couple quick searches, and this is the best I could come up with:

Rick West has told me of seeing very large P. miranda in the wild and the possibility that it is one of the largest "Poecs", but the large number I have in captivity don't confirm this. (Of course, the wild and captivity are two completely diffferent things, and it may be that those he has seen are from a particularly large population and the material we have in the hobby is not from this population).l
This was in another "What's the biggest..." thread, and to Michael's credit, he started off with "Threads like these are very subjective and don't lead to any definitive answers, but they can be fun so I'll stick my two bucks in." Admittedly, the above is really just more "Well Bob told me he saw a four foot Tarantulata gigantica", albeit this exchange was between a very respected breeder and one of the foremost researchers.

While I'm happy to know that the miranda size myth (?) wasn't just my imagination, several year old unverified reports aren't enough to say a specific species gets to a specific size, nor is a single wild individual. Given this, I'm happy to say that at the moment P. miranda probably gets to about 6-7", making it an average sized spider for it's genus. If I find evidence suggesting otherwise, I'll certainly post it here and gloat, gloat, gloat :tongue:
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Old Timer
Jan 8, 2007
here is nudder tread when boys gather together discuss whos 'pokey' is bigger :rolleyes:

Who knows what grows to what size in the wild? How many of you saw any Poecilotheria species in the wild? So why we even try to compare?
Folks who keep many Poecilotheria species can agree 3 largest species is first P. rufilata, second P. ornata, third P regalis, those three top of 9"(in captivity)

I keep enough Poecilotheria my self to absolutely agree with above.

PS. Comatose, please post link to Mr Jacobi quote



Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Anastasia, the link is there, you can click the little white arrows right next to the 'posted by :____' at the top of the quote.

While I'm happy to know that the miranda size myth (?) wasn't just my imagination, several year old unverified reports aren't enough to say a specific species gets to a specific size, nor is a single wild individual. Given this, I'm happy to say that at the moment P. miranda probably gets to about 6-7", making it an average sized spider for it's genus. If I find evidence suggesting otherwise, I'll certainly post it here and gloat, gloat, gloat :tongue:
I must say it is a weak argument Comatose. You wouldn't accept anyone gloating to you if miranda DON'T make it to that size on average, so why should you claim rights to it only if you ARE right?

I will be thoroughly impressed if you can get another reputable pokie keeper to actually agree with you that miranda are among the larger pokies.



Old Timer
Aug 25, 2004
I must say it is a weak argument Comatose. You wouldn't accept anyone gloating to you if miranda DON'T make it to that size on average, so why should you claim rights to it only if you ARE right?

I will be thoroughly impressed if you can get another reputable pokie keeper to actually agree with you that miranda are among the larger pokies.

I know I'm going to regret this, but here it goes - do you just lurk around looking for arguments to have? As far as I can tell you just pop your head up to scold newb's for failing to use the forum to your standards and to call people liars.

I wasn't claiming rights to anything. While I understand you can't infer tone and inflection on an internet forum, my feeling was repeating a word three times and then inserting a smiley was enough for the average person to assume sarcasm on my part. I very specifically said "I don't have enough information to back up my assertion, but it wasn't my imagination". If you or anyone else wants to post some scientific papers pointing to the true average or maximum size of P. miranda in the wild we can all assume that the truth; otherwise, like so many other things in this hobby, it's personal experience and original research, which is certainly helpful here but far from scientific fact.

Reply with whatever you'd like, I'm not getting dragged into another pissing match with you, I'm happy going back to rolling my eyes and scrolling past when I see your name.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I never heard of P miranda maxing out at 6" inches.. everywere ive seen they get Normal Pokie size... 7-8" inches & very stocky
P metallica I think is one of the smaller ones at 5-6"

Earth Tiger

Old Timer
Dec 9, 2003
Poecilotheria miranda

Chill out guys, it is a festive time~

You know what, I am not only active in this forum and I make friends in other forums as well. I contacted a seller from Europe before to get an adult P. miranda as I was tired of waiting my 1" P. miranda to get big. He got a 7+" P. miranda in good shape for sale and although we eventually didn't complete the deal, below was one of the photos he sent me:

Unless this seller is a pygmy or his forearms are unusually short, judging from the photo the spider had at least a LS of 7", or more. So Comatose claim on P. miranda size is quite correct~ That's why I always say Comatose's words can be taken seriously (not so sure today because it's time for him and everyone to get drunk :D).

Merry Xmas!


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
I know I'm going to regret this, but here it goes - do you just lurk around looking for arguments to have? As far as I can tell you just pop your head up to scold newb's for failing to use the forum to your standards and to call people liars.
You can do a search for my posts, and out of the over 2000 posts, most are helping individuals during my years coming up through the hobby. Just because nowadays, the only thing that interests me are topics which CAN incite debate, doesn't mean that was my only purpose here. I'm not here to post about 'my A. avic molted today'.

I wasn't claiming rights to anything. While I understand you can't infer tone and inflection on an internet forum, my feeling was repeating a word three times and then inserting a smiley was enough for the average person to assume sarcasm on my part. I very specifically said "I don't have enough information to back up my assertion, but it wasn't my imagination". If you or anyone else wants to post some scientific papers pointing to the true average or maximum size of P. miranda in the wild we can all assume that the truth; otherwise, like so many other things in this hobby, it's personal experience and original research, which is certainly helpful here but far from scientific fact.
You have to be the most spineless individual I've ever come across in here. Do you fear anyone disagreeing with you, do you not like being wrong? What is it that you abhore about debate? It seems my arguments with you result in you melting and retreating whatever you post. That's fine if you wish to ignore me, but I will not cease to point out when I believe your posts to be wrong.

You know what, I am not only active in this forum and I make friends in other forums as well. I contacted a seller from Europe before to get an adult P. miranda as I was tired of waiting my 1" P. miranda to get big. He got a 7+" P. miranda in good shape for sale and although we eventually didn't complete the deal, below was one of the photos he sent me
This is a picture of an albino black bear. So does that mean we should consider black bears among the top 3 whitest bears?

Understand, there's a difference.. a HUGE difference, between some new rarely seen specimen, and with personal experiences stating "What they've seen".. and a hobby staple, where people see the average size DAILY.. like ALL the time.. and state that they are among the largest. They're not. If something can occur in the wild, like Rick West pointed out, great... Awesome. That means nothing to our hobby until they are incorporated, and identified properly as that.

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Earth Tiger

Old Timer
Dec 9, 2003
This is a picture of an albino black bear. So does that mean we should consider black bears among the top 3 whitest bears?

Understand, there's a difference.. a HUGE difference, between some new rarely seen specimen, and with personal experiences stating "What they've seen".. and a hobby staple, where people see the average size DAILY.. like ALL the time.. and state that they are among the largest. They're not. If something can occur in the wild, like Rick West pointed out, great... Awesome. That means nothing to our hobby until they are incorporated, and identified properly as that.

I understand what you meant and you have a good point - there are always rare exceptions and one cannot extrapolate an exception. But at the same time I would like to know, do you (or anyone here) have any solid reference or data to show that the average size of a P. miranda is just some 6" or less? It is a common knowledge that most black bears are just plain black and any color variation is an exception, but P. miranda just isn't those common black bears in this hobby. Opinions from posters in this thread are not statistically significant enough to conclude anything like a 7-8" P. miranda is some very rare exception either. So unless we can gather enough adult P. miranda owners and breeders to post their adult spider sizes here, we cannot conclude a 7" P. miranda is just some rare exception (please prove me wrong if you alone own 20+ adult P. miranda to come up with the average size you see daily, but I guess no one including most breeders would keep so many identical ADULT species. Even if someone does keep so many P. miranda, his ways of raising and keeping the spiders may also limit the max size the spiders can get. Too many variables...).


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
I understand what you meant and you have a good point - there are always rare exceptions and one cannot extrapolate an exception. But at the same time I would like to know, do you (or anyone here) have any solid reference or data to show that the average size of a P. miranda is just some 6" or less? It is a common knowledge that most black bears are just plain black and any color variation is an exception, but P. miranda just isn't those common black bears in this hobby. Opinions from posters in this thread are not statistically significant enough to conclude anything like a 7-8" P. miranda is some very rare exception either. So unless we can gather enough adult P. miranda owners and breeders to post their adult spider sizes here, we cannot conclude a 7" P. miranda is just some rare exception (please prove me wrong if you alone own 20+ adult P. miranda to come up with the average size you see daily, but I guess no one including most breeders would keep so many identical ADULT species. Even if someone does keep so many P. miranda, his ways of raising and keeping the spiders may also limit the max size the spiders can get. Too many variables...).
I would like to point at that at some point it would appear this has turned to my inferring on the obsurdity of a P. miranda reaching 7" or something.. that really isn't my point at all, I'd like to go back to the idea of it being among the LARGER pokies as absurd. You'd think you would need average specimens of 7" to even speculate on 9" ers gettting them that title.

My point being even if someone pulled a picture of an 11" P. miranda on a ruler right now.. it would do nothing to back up the idea that P. miranda should be considered among the 3 largest pokies.


Earth Tiger

Old Timer
Dec 9, 2003
Well, when Comatose wrote:

Given this, I'm happy to say that at the moment P. miranda probably gets to about 6-7", making it an average sized spider for it's genus
in post #17 which was an obvious attempt to agree on your idea that P. miranda is probably not among the LARGER Pokies, but you kept going. Couldn't let it die.

So please let it die. It's a festive time, chill out guys.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2007
I understand what you meant and you have a good point - there are always rare exceptions and one cannot extrapolate an exception. But at the same time I would like to know, do you (or anyone here) have any solid reference or data to show that the average size of a P. miranda is just some 6" or less? It is a common knowledge that most black bears are just plain black and any color variation is an exception, but P. miranda just isn't those common black bears in this hobby. Opinions from posters in this thread are not statistically significant enough to conclude anything like a 7-8" P. miranda is some very rare exception either. So unless we can gather enough adult P. miranda owners and breeders to post their adult spider sizes here, we cannot conclude a 7" P. miranda is just some rare exception (please prove me wrong if you alone own 20+ adult P. miranda to come up with the average size you see daily, but I guess no one including most breeders would keep so many identical ADULT species. Even if someone does keep so many P. miranda, his ways of raising and keeping the spiders may also limit the max size the spiders can get. Too many variables...).
I own 8 of them (my breeder group that been bred and some produced in the past) and several dozen smaller range from 1" and up
All my P miranda been raised from hachlings.
My larger females that been paired and produced all approximate @ 6"and little over, maybe 6,5"
My oldest specimen is little over 5yrs old and she is the biggest I have, that is the 6,5". Am not in pissing war here with anyone, I simply state my experience, God knows I have so many Poecs some living free ranged all over my house.
Am sure some may have larger animals or possibly think they larger (for some reason in tarantula hobby everyone want to be the one who have hugest and enormous whatever)

7" P. miranda, pretty much possible, most likely older specimen, I personally don't have one that big, if someone say they have one good for them, I would like to see picture of it on the top of the measuring tape.
I had other very large Poecilotheria like rufilata, ornata, regalis even striata get pretty good size, on overall Poecilotheria is pretty large genus, but I witnessed oddball things like P. rufilata male maturing @2,5" that dont mean they all mature that size.


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2004
You have to be the most spineless individual I've ever come across in here. Do you fear anyone disagreeing with you, do you not like being wrong? What is it that you abhore about debate? It seems my arguments with you result in you melting and retreating whatever you post. That's fine if you wish to ignore me, but I will not cease to point out when I believe your posts to be wrong.
You do not engage in debate. You do not engage in discussion. You attack people. I'm sorry that you feel the need to come to an internet forum to seek conflict and argument; I don't, nor do I 'melt and retreat' (though if someone wants to translate that statement into grownup English that would be swell). If your barometer for the strength of one's backbone is their propensity to be a douchy internet warrior, then truly, all hail you sir, king of the douches.

Well, when Comatose wrote:

in post #17 which was an obvious attempt to agree on your idea that P. miranda is probably not among the LARGER Pokies, but you kept going. Couldn't let it die.

So please let it die. It's a festive time, chill out guys.
Thanks, and point taken. I'm done, and happy holidays to you too.

Am not in pissing war here with anyone,
Since I used a similar phrase, I just want to make sure you don't think I was accusing you of starting one or anything... I've foolishly lost my temper here, but it wasn't based on anything you said nor did I intend to call your experience with P. miranda or their size into question. I disagreed with you, and this time it appears I was wrong.

Happy holidays to all, and to all a good afternoon and night.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Since everyone feels the need to end this thread with a "Holier then thou" post:

You do not engage in debate. You do not engage in discussion. You attack people.
This is quite a rediculous claim to make, if you read my post it hardly reads like an attack. It points out a flaw in your argument, a rather large one.. that regardless of the dancing around we have gone through to make it visible.. is there. My apologies if you hope to be able to post anything here free of review, because it will never happen.

And besides, how can you say that, when you said this:
do you just lurk around looking for arguments to have? As far as I can tell you just pop your head up to scold newb's for failing to use the forum to your standards and to call people liars.
That is more of an attack then anything I had written, so how can you even say I'm wrong in the way I post?

nor do I 'melt and retreat' (though if someone wants to translate that statement into grownup English that would be swell).
Not only is that simple enough english, but do I REALLY need to link the thread where you deleted your posts because you didn't like where the argument was going?

Since I used a similar phrase, I just want to make sure you don't think I was accusing you of starting one or anything... I've foolishly lost my temper here, but it wasn't based on anything you said nor did I intend to call your experience with P. miranda or their size into question. I disagreed with you, and this time it appears I was wrong.
I think its cute the way you point out your error to her, and will not admit any error to our argument. You would rather escalate the conversation, (which you clearly did). The point to take away from this is that if you are pushed far enough, you will admit that you spoke incorrectly. That alone validates my post.



Old Timer
Aug 25, 2004
You can project and deflect all you want Sean, but it doesn't mean you're putting forth a coherent argument for anything other than your own immaturity. You can pretend I deleted the posts in the only other forum I've ever communicated with you on because I was terrified of your kung fu posting skills, you can pretend that everything you say is justified while anyone arguing with you is wrong, and you can pretend you were involved in the discussion of P. miranda's size, but it doesn't make it so. I deleted the posts because they had nothing to do with the OP's tragic situation, and as I've said before, I don't care for silly conflict on message boards. I don't have the time or energy to read through your staggering payload of posts, but I can observe that the one's I've read criticize and chastise more than anything else, and the only thing I from you re: the OP's topic was something about who dated the hottest girl in high school (wouldn't it be who dated the tallest girl in high school?). Finally, I clarified to Anastasia because A) I used the term pissing match and wasn't sure if she thought I was referring to her, and B) because I specifically said "I disagree with Anastasia in this case" and was wrong. She elaborated on her observations in the post I replied to, and I said 'I agree'. Where my error is in our 'argument' is I don't, nor will I ever know.

We could go back and forth and it ain't gonna go anywhere but a longer thread. I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Sean, and I mean that. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll be saying it again: I'm done. Now there's an error you can bank on.


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
I was thinking it might be between the Sulawesi black and the P. rufilata as far as leg length go.
These 2 species and also lampropelma violaceopes are by far the largest Asian arboreals I have kept here personally.