Landlord just found out about my Ts

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
As far as pets go, I'd assume landlords would be most concerned about a dog or cat scratching up the place and causing damage, which a tarantula wouldn't cause!

But then it depends...if a landlord doesn't like creepy crawlies, they may be biased and say no out of their own preference and not the concern over property damage that four legged pets may inflict.

As long as a person isn't feeding roaches, in which case may breed and infest an apartment, then I don't think there would be concern. As someone else mentioned, if they're in a cage, they don't count. They don't even make noise, shed fur or smell! :)
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Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
I'm still debating on whether or not we're going to tell our future landlord about our stuff. We have to get a pet friendly apartment anyway (we have two dogs) but some people still aren't cool with the whole exotic pet thing. I've found it's not even tarantulas that people are so against - it's snakes. Of which we have 14. We're hoping to find a decent priced two bedroom so that everything can be put in the one room and the door can be closed and the landlord will be none the wiser.

We'll see though, maybe our future landlord will be super cool. We're not moving until next summer though so maybe things will have advanced on the exotic pet front. One can only hope.

Jeff, that's great that she was cool with your Ts. That just means you can get more because you no longer have to worry about your landlord finding out and making you get rid of them!!
