L rev no walls


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Latrodectus revivensis adult in fully open "enclosure". She's been content with her home since the moment I put her in there over a week ago. I've done this lately for photoshoots ...just leaving the enclosure front open for a few days. In my old apartment, I let a hesperus live under my bathroom sink and another reside in my medicine cabinet for a couple months ...until the hesp under the sink one day was missing. Never found her. She must have wandered around my apartment until she died. Roaches or something must have taken care of the corps.

Room is under major renovation, but my workstation "nook" is starting to take shape ...and I'd probably be finished with it if it wasnt for all these damn spiders. :D

Just a cactus root attached to the wall.

Her hiding spot. Tan thing next to her is a wood shaving from waxworms. She must have come down to the top of the dresser below her and gathered it up. I had spilled some there, but not on purpose, but now I'm thinkin I'll have to find some interesting junk for her to play with. OW desert latros are big time recyclers and builders.

Ok... this just tickled me giddy. I was working on the room all day yesterday..hauling lumber back and forth, cleaning, etc and the door was open during most of that time. Towards the end of the day I took a quick look at how my girl was doing and right dab smack in the middle of her web was a nice looking, sub-adult(one more molt ..maybe 2) hesperus male! I will give it a 95% probability that he is an outside male, 4.9996% he is an escaped sling that was able to survive and mature in my room and a 0.00042% chance that he simply materialized out of thin air.

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P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
:clap: That is awesome! If I were able to do that, I probably would, but I have a very curious cat and my mom would definately not be happy with it. Nonetheless, great job! Keep us updated on this.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
:clap: That is awesome! If I were able to do that, I probably would, but I have a very curious cat and my mom would definately not be happy with it. Nonetheless, great job! Keep us updated on this.
I'm going on 37, but it seems only like yesterday when my mom and cat were eaten by widows. A lot of mixed emotions stirred when I think of that day. I really loved that cat.

:eek: :D :D


Old Timer
Sep 3, 2004
buthus try relocating her 5 feet plus. Last time i did that, half a christmas tree was presented :embarrassed: {D

Wanna trade genes?



Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
buthus try relocating her 5 feet plus. Last time i did that, half a christmas tree was presented :embarrassed: {D

Wanna trade genes?

I dont know...what size do you wear? :D
Maybe... talk about it later ...PM me sometime soon.

If she stayed up that high and webbed up nice underneath, its a good indicator that she is very well a rev and not some other pure black mid-east specie...at least from what I have learned lately... though 5 ft isnt that high for most species.
I doubt though that our local hesps would choose to stay up that high!

I can move her home where ever I choose to have it ...its portable. :D


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
Thats one cool set up. My family room has numerous plants my wife grows and I let misc. spiders go on those to live, though few stay for long :( and i think she'd kill me if i tried it with a widow.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Thats one cool set up. My family room has numerous plants my wife grows and I let misc. spiders go on those to live, though few stay for long :( and i think she'd kill me if i tried it with a widow.
Do it with a Achaearanea species such as A. tepidariorum. They like fairly solid plant structure ...stems/trunks over leaves ...and three or four points to web between (4 to 6" of space between should be close to perfect) You will probably need to spend a few hours with her to make sure she takes to her new home, but once she webs up a bit and takes prey, I'd bet she stays ...and if she doesnt, she'll tell you where you went wrong by where she ends up. I planned on having one or more of these in opens, but I f'd up my stock when I ACCIDENTALLY WASHED OUT THE WRONG JAR AND DROWNED MY LAST AND ONLY BROOD ...theres a 4:30 in the morning stoner maneuver for ya. eh? :eek: One escaped somehow and I found her webbing near the floor and I raised her to sub-adulthood right there in the open. ;)


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Well, shes been fine without an enclosure since the 1st week of April, but suddenly now she has decided she needs to go back to where she belongs. Probably an instinct to move to a better location to be found by a male. Only guessing, but seems a good guess anyway.
Yesterday I found her in a shelf about 4ft away from her web. I dont always check up on her everyday, but I noticed Latro webbing leading to my desk chair and I knew right away it must be her. Looks like she came out, checked out my chair and then hunkered down within some video equipment, paper, media and whatnot stored on the bottom shelf. Actually only took me less than a minute to track her down.
Today she was home when I checked up on her...until tonight after I left the room for a few hours. Again ran into some web trails, but this time it took me awhile to spot her because she headed the other way after some exploration..so it seems. I have enough junk in my studio to allow a spider to hide well ...I was about to start a serious search just as I spotted her. I hate tearing up my room looking for inverts ...glad it didn't come to that. :D

Some crappy video of her retrieval...


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
Neat to hear your voice! Always interesting to me after reading someones posts.

She's fat and phat! How far along are your males, do you have one for her? I guess that hesp male realized he was barking up the wrong tree?


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Neat to hear your voice! Always interesting to me after reading someones posts.

She's fat and phat! How far along are your males, do you have one for her? I guess that hesp male realized he was barking up the wrong tree?
I got some strange stuff going on with my revs. Because I was bound to neglect at least one specie ...revs so happen to be the one specie that I did. By neglect, I mean that I didnt collect/separate many slings. Im low in "stock" and I ended up with only a couple mature males. Those 2 males I past around to 4 or 5 females, but not once did I see any reaction from them ...let alone mating. One just got munched ...hoping they mated before his demise. The other mature male is with the female shown in the vid at this moment. Shes too clumsy to catch him so I doubt Ill loose him to her. Still though...0 reaction ...just strange.
One of the females that I attempted a mating just made a sac ...so I will assume that they mated ...but then again, I had one make a sac a few days ago that I am certain never had a male even near her. ...I'll be up in arms if that sac hatches. Either an angel whispered in her ear or I'm totally loosing my mind. :? :D
I have a couple male subs that look healthy and I discovered a tiny male in one of the female jars that I allowed a sac or two to hatch in. Pulled him out last night.

I have 8..maybe 10 females that are more than ready to mate. I would like to start some new lines with these ...need some boyz ... some cousins would be perfect. ... Counting on you 8+ ;) ..:clap:

As for our girl in the vid, she probably mated with at least one horny hesp. I was constantly finding hesp males hanging out in her web. Though, I did not witness any nasty going on, nor have I seen any sign that revs will x-breed with others ...I have a couple experimental hoes for that sort of thing. So... maybe, maybe not.
I also had a female hesp sling find her way into the revs lower webbing. I fed her until she had about a half inch leg span (or so) and then she must have wandered off. Another cool thing is that the cactus root ball is starting to grow. I suppose my daily misting got it started. If it gets going enough, I suppose Ill have to get a small grow light. :D


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
I got some strange stuff going on with my revs. Because I was bound to neglect at least one specie ...revs so happen to be the one specie that I did. By neglect, I mean that I didnt collect/separate many slings. Im low in "stock" and I ended up with only a couple mature males. Those 2 males I past around to 4 or 5 females, but not once did I see any reaction from them ...let alone mating. One just got munched ...hoping they mated before his demise. The other mature male is with the female shown in the vid at this moment. Shes too clumsy to catch him so I doubt Ill loose him to her. Still though...0 reaction ...just strange.
I wonder if there isn't some environmental aspect involved? Like do they time there reproduction to a wet/dry season? I know the Black Morph Treds will frantically seek higher ground if I mist their enclosures. Seems to indicate some kind of periodic flooding.

I have 8..maybe 10 females that are more than ready to mate. I would like to start some new lines with these ...need some boyz ... some cousins would be perfect. ... Counting on you 8+ ;) ..:clap: [/qoute]

Expect an email from me soon.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I wonder if there isn't some environmental aspect involved? Like do they time there reproduction to a wet/dry season? I know the Black Morph Treds will frantically seek higher ground if I mist their enclosures. Seems to indicate some kind of periodic flooding.
Thought about that ..amongst other theories. I had my air conditioner on the second day she fled, but I dont think she fled the first time when the air was on...but that was another consideration.

I really think she hit the point that risking her life by leaving a very stable home was worth while just to have a better chance at attracting a mate.
Find a stable place, feed, grow, mate, make sacs, die ..thats the life of a widow.


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
I was referring to what I quoted, not your one runaway girl.