well i keep my lp at about 70% rh and at 78 degrees,my lp does'nt burrow but did for a short wile when i got her as a sling. O yes and they eat lol allot enjoy her.
I am not to sure about the p. Cambridgei but the last time i looked at getting one i read that they are to be kept between 60 and 70% rh and also about 76 degrees f. They are new world arboreal if i am not mistaken.
Actually both of them have great appetite's........
Temp is not so much the issue since your from malaysia.....The only thing you need to do is have your Lp in dry substrate, that is about 4"-6" this gives them enough subs, if they would like to burrow. a hide would be ok as well.... not needed imo... they like it drier than most T's..... but have a water dish to keep up humidity or soak the substrate on the other side of it's enclosure.....
then for your P. cam....
Yeah they tend to have a bit more attitude cuz that is their only way of defence.... most arbo's dont have urticating hair's. unlike their terrestrial counterparts........ their a bit more calm than most asian arbo's....Their easy to take care off.... have it in an arboreal set up..... this one likes it substrate a bit moist. oh btw they dont need much substrate... no special care... most important is to have a piece of cork or branch... so they have somewhere to climb and they tend to do the rest...... web up the whole thing!!!!
P. cambridgei tends to be calmer compared to the other Psalmopoeus. They are very skittish, my retreats to it's tube web if it feels anything. I don't do anything special for it, just a bottle cap will water & the occasional misting. Try to put it in an enclosure that has corners, they make awesome tube webs.
I have a 6.5" LP. Mine has yet to kick hairs and it is pretty skittish. They do get large and so they just sit out in the open, and it really is "just sitting". Mine never moves during the day, but roams around every now and then at night. Make sure you have a large water dish or maybe two if they aren't too large. Mine likes to hang out by the water dish. They are great though so enjoy.
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