Keep your dogs on leashes >.<

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Why is it we can become so attached to animals?
I don't know about others, but I see the bond between man and dog to be the most perfect, most true bond...IMO most people are not capable of such bonds, not to this level. Pure devotion and true unconditional love don't come naturally for people like it does with mind you most dog owners never realize the full potential of this bond, so even other dog owners may not always get what I am saying....but many will.

Op, be careful coddling after an incident, this is a common mistake people make all the time...coddle at the wrong time and you are actually re-enforcing the fear/issue and the belief (in the dogs mind) that its reaction was correct.

louise f

Jul 8, 2012
I don't know about others, but I see the bond between man and dog to be the most perfect, most true bond...IMO most people are not capable of such bonds, not to this level. Pure devotion and true unconditional love don't come naturally for people like it does with mind you most dog owners never realize the full potential of this bond, so even other dog owners may not always get what I am saying....but many will.

Op, be careful coddling after an incident, this is a common mistake people make all the time...coddle at the wrong time and you are actually re-enforcing the fear/issue and the belief (in the dogs mind) that its reaction was correct.

My dad used to be a dog trainer just like you CB. He would have given you a medal for those words, and so would i. You are so very right about it.
The dog we had used to get beaten up by her former owner, my dad took the dog from him, he coudn`t stand the way she got treated.
In the first 3 month she had her tail between the legs every time one of us just got up from a chair. Sad to see. She slowly started to soften up, And my dad started to dog training with her. She ended up being Danish champion. My dad still have all her trophies. Hehe you could even but bacon on her nose without she touched it, unless she was allowed.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2009
i know in my rural neighbor hood there is a leash law but it is unenforced and many folks have their dogs just running lose I keep my dog fenced in as he is a mastiff and quite large. however one of my neighbors doberman pincer and rottweilers just run about the neighbor hood terrorizing the local cat populating and tearing up garbage the local PD dose nothing as the men in question are friends of the sheriff and if one complains nothing ever seems to happen as many people around our neighbor hood have called about it. unfortunately one day one the people around here will get tired of them and they will simply vanish. so in some places calling the police don't always help made two calls myself never saw any action. A person needs to be responsible for any thing they take into their care why we live in a world why people who can not take care of them selves feel the need to torment another creature is beyond me.