P. audax chowing down on a cricket...he turned into a mature male a few days ago.
C. hentzi caught in Tampa, FL
S. rubronitens adult female
Pamphobeteus sp. "Platyomma", the biggest T in my collection!
Her molt had a 7.5" legspan - I'm sure she's 8" now. She's a beast and so pretty.
Pamphobeteus sp. "South Ecuador" sub-adult female
A. behlei 1.5" female - just sexed from this most recent molt.
Freshly molted B. albopilosum female
A. brockelhursti female
The newest T in my collection, a big female N. chromatus
B. klaasi freshly molted 2" male
B. auratum 1.5" female
Freshly molted A. geniculata female
C. hentzi scorpions found in Brooksville, FL recently
Field wolf spider (Hogna lenta - I think) - found in Brooksville, FL
P. audax chowing down on a cricket...he turned into a mature male a few days ago.

C. hentzi caught in Tampa, FL

S. rubronitens adult female

Pamphobeteus sp. "Platyomma", the biggest T in my collection!

Pamphobeteus sp. "South Ecuador" sub-adult female

A. behlei 1.5" female - just sexed from this most recent molt.

Freshly molted B. albopilosum female

A. brockelhursti female

The newest T in my collection, a big female N. chromatus

B. klaasi freshly molted 2" male

B. auratum 1.5" female

Freshly molted A. geniculata female

C. hentzi scorpions found in Brooksville, FL recently

Field wolf spider (Hogna lenta - I think) - found in Brooksville, FL