What book? A BIG book, squish it, it's possessed!!Xian,
My Rosie is on her back, and won't eat the crickets I gave it. She ate 13 crickets yesterday. What book do I buy? :wall:
Now in all seriousness I fully agree with you. On the other hand, if they won't read the stickies (which is the first thing you see on any page), do you really think they will have the fortitude to read a book? With the current generations, people are just getting lazier and lazier (this is a whole debate in itself) Noobs will continue to ask repetitive questions because answers are always handed to them. Until you force them to find the information themselves, it will continue to be this way. I seriously urge people to post links to the answer, not because I am an a$$ (I can be yes I know), but if they are forced to read their answer on another post they will probably learn 10 other things along the way.
Yeah, you're right Smitty, it's just me trying to change the world again! LOL