Just a Thought For New T Keepers

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Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009

My Rosie is on her back, and won't eat the crickets I gave it. She ate 13 crickets yesterday. What book do I buy? :wall:

Now in all seriousness I fully agree with you. On the other hand, if they won't read the stickies (which is the first thing you see on any page), do you really think they will have the fortitude to read a book? With the current generations, people are just getting lazier and lazier (this is a whole debate in itself) Noobs will continue to ask repetitive questions because answers are always handed to them. Until you force them to find the information themselves, it will continue to be this way. I seriously urge people to post links to the answer, not because I am an a$$ (I can be yes I know), but if they are forced to read their answer on another post they will probably learn 10 other things along the way.
What book? A BIG book, squish it, it's possessed!!{D

Yeah, you're right Smitty, it's just me trying to change the world again! LOL:)


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Paul is missing where Xian made a suggestion. Nowhere did I see 'don't come here till you buy a book first'.

Paul is also a hypocrite for saying (in other threads) that you can't believe everything you see on the internet, and now saying it's cool to only get information from the internet. :clap:

Xian, it's a good suggestion, but some books are really terrible; you need to know which ones to get.

Smitty hits the nail on the head with most of his post (in my opinion, of course). Learning to take advantage of this site's search capabilities and learning to weed out the bad information from the good information is a good part of gaining knowledge. Reading the stickies is another great thing to do.

Unfortunately, threads like these will be argued and eventually die, just like all the other threads that have been created as a means to help others further their knowledge.

I mean, I spent a good amount of time putting together that reference guide, but I still see threads that address stuff that I cover in there, every day. I was considering rewriting it with manually-coded search urls (see the sticky by Caco in TQ&D), but I see no real point; I don't feel like the thread is being utilized anyway, so why spend my time trying to make things easier for people who are too ignorant (no offense) to even read/utilize it?


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
You seem to be missing the point here.
I can get all the information I need from this forum,the BTS and numerous others.
I have bought books but that was just me wanting to go deeper into scorp breeding so does that mean I have to prove I have books before I can post here ?
The last thing you want to do is tell new people....we don't want your repitive posts here.
What is the big problem with a newbie asking a genuine question even if it has been asked before ?
Maybe it shows a complete lack of forethought?
Maybe your missing the point of the OP...it was a SUGGESTION to get/read a book before noobing it up online.

"hey I built a bicycle today and it wont work right!?!"
"did you read the instructions?"
anybody feel sympathy? I dont

By the way, there are a few solid places online for info.
Everything you want to know can be answered here and here and here.


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2009
Back to topic, I think that newbies should read whatever they can get their hands on. Good and genuine information usually pops up more often than the bad stuff, so if you read enough, I think it's safe to say that you will figure out most of what you need just by being persistent.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
I too will finish my posts here.


My main point of this thread was to read some books, that's all.:)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
My Rosie is on her back, and won't eat the crickets I gave it. She ate 13 crickets yesterday. What book do I buy? :wall:
Considering the species, you would buy a book of Zen proverbs.........

Books are always where I start with just about anything. Unlike a seemingly vast majority of people, I actually enjoy reading.......therefore my opinion on the topic at hand is a bit biased towards that platform.

Despite my bias, Smitty does make a good point within the rest of his post quoted above. When I reasearched the books on the subject that were available, where was it that I looked to find out which one to get??? You guessed it, right on the good ol' WWW. Facing facts, there are alot of books on Theraphosid husbandry, but only two are recommended nearly across the board.

.....and Paul, you make it too way easy for me: Your live-in Health Care Provider is NOT your Mrs. {D{D{D

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
Hey, we all know that everyone had their first T, and their first experience with a T. That being said, I strongly feel that before people come onto a board, or go into a pet store and start asking questions, that they do themselves the favor of buying a "book", or even check one out from the local library. I know, it's a novel idea being the 21st century and all, but it will serve you well. :)
Ok....It would be good for new keepers to read up on T's....no argument there but it is not compulsory
Here is the argument in case you have all forgotten.
The OP suggests you have to read a book before going into a pet store and ask a question..........come on guys.......and some of you are in agreement with this which is crazy.Same with forums as well :confused:
What is going on.....am I the only sane person here ?
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Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
Mod note:

KEEP the childish bickering to a minimum, and stay on topic or this thread will be locked.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Alright, now that paul has actually posted something relevant, I'll respond:

Ok....It would be good for new keepers to read up on T's....no argument there but it is not compulsory
Here is the argument in case you have all forgotten.
The OP suggests you have to read a book before going into a pet store and ask a question..........come on guys.......and some of you are in agreement with this which is crazy.What is going on.....am I the only sane person here ?
When was the last time you went into a pet shop and the people there actually knew what they were talking about when it comes to tarantulas?

Let me do some rummaging through the archives.

Here, paul:


paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
You are all missing the point.
My Mrs. and the dog know more about T's than pet stores but that is not the point.
the OP "strongly feels" that you have to buy a book....which book by the way.....to join a forum or ask a pet shop questions.
That is my argument....why should I buy anything to go into a pet store or join a forum ?

His words
strongly feel that before people come onto a board, or go into a pet store and start asking questions, that they do themselves the favor of buying a "book"


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
Yea i totally agree with smitty and hexd petstores hardly ever know what there talking bout. I was buying some crickets from my lps the other day and the lady was telling me that all crickets cant live without pieces of the egg cardboard(sorry i cant think of the name for some reason). She said its how they breath. I mean that might be right but i think she was just crazy lol. Enlightenen me if im wrong. They also had an OBT sling probably 1/2" in a 2.5 gallon tank. And of course it was dead and when I informed them it had passed away they said it was just in molt. I just laughed and left. I went there to today and its still in "molt"


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
Yea i totally agree with smitty and hexd petstores hardly ever know what there talking bout. I was buying some crickets from my lps the other day and the lady was telling me that all crickets cant live without pieces of the egg cardboard(sorry i cant think of the name for some reason). She said its how they breath.
Rofl! How did those poor crickets ever survive in the wild before the first egg carton was manufactured?


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
Rofl! How did those poor crickets ever survive in the wild before the first egg carton was manufactured?
Exactly what i was thinking. It took everything i had not to laugh at her. You deffinetly can say she is eccentric.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
One of the mods from RFUK owns one of my local herp stores so don't paint them all with the same brush....most yes but not all.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
One of the mods from RFUK owns one of my local herp stores so don't paint them all with the same brush....most yes but not all.
Oh im not saying all are like this im just saying its pretty easy to tell a good petstore from a bad one


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2009
I mean, I spent a good amount of time putting together that reference guide, but I still see threads that address stuff that I cover in there, every day. I was considering rewriting it with manually-coded search urls (see the sticky by Caco in TQ&D), but I see no real point; I don't feel like the thread is being utilized anyway, so why spend my time trying to make things easier for people who are too ignorant (no offense) to even read/utilize it?
I will say, that thread was extremely useful to me as a noob, I still go back and look through it every once in a while (bookmarked! ;) lol) and I appreciate you taking the time to compile all of that information.

As for asking pet stores for information, completely agree... you're not likely to get any good information from them. Instead, maybe if there is a university nearby find the entomology department and see if people there could answer your questions and give advice.. like, here there is an insect zoo ran by the university's entomology department where they also happen to have a ton of tarantulas, and very knowledgeable people as staff.

If people want to get into any hobby, especially one where you're taking care of living creatures, research and learning should always be a part of it. If you pick up a hobby but prefer not to learn and grow as a hobbyist in that field, then I have to ask... wtf is the point? You don't get into woodworking or building cars without reading about it, buying magazines, and watching tv shows related to it.
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
You are all missing the point.
My Mrs. and the dog know more about T's than pet stores but that is not the point.
the OP "strongly feels" that you have to buy a book....which book by the way.....to join a forum or ask a pet shop questions.
That is my argument....why should I buy anything to go into a pet store or join a forum ?

His words
strongly feel that before people come onto a board, or go into a pet store and start asking questions, that they do themselves the favor of buying a "book"
Here paul, let me finish the quote for you:

...they do themselves the favor of buying a "book", or even check one out from the local library...
For the last time, the OP never said "DO IT OR DIE!!!", they simply suggested it.

You have admitted before that English is not your first language; who are you to come here and tell us what we mean when we speak a language we have been speaking our entire lives?

You voiced your opinion. I 'strongly suggest' you stop posting on this thread.

Will you do what I suggested? Probably not. I didn't tell you to, I simply suggested it. Understand?

Didn't think so...

Carry on. Have your last word. I'm done arguing with you when you can't comprehend what we're saying.


Old Timer
Sep 4, 2009
Paul is missing where Xian made a suggestion.
I mean, I spent a good amount of time putting together that reference guide, but I still see threads that address stuff that I cover in there, every day. I was considering rewriting it with manually-coded search urls (see the sticky by Caco in TQ&D), but I see no real point; I don't feel like the thread is being utilized anyway, so why spend my time trying to make things easier for people who are too ignorant (no offense) to even read/utilize it?
For the record, I used your guide and read an awful lot of stickies when I first came on the board. It was very useful! I also asked-here on the board- what the best book in everybody's opinion would be to buy. So... while I do own The Tarantula Keeper's Guide now, I have two kids, work 3/4 time, and have over a hundred animals I have to care for at home every night-after taking care of the hundreds at work everyday too. My point, is that while I have read it for help with my A. avic. eggsac, and read the first chapter entirely on anatomy and such, I don't have TIME to read the entire thing!

Personally, I think it's kind of dumb to tell someone NOT to ask questions at their LPS. I dispel quite a LOT of myths at work, and help many people set up their new interest to the best of my ability... be they arboreal, obligate burrowers, whatever. If people DON'T ask, and just buy, they have a lot more chance of either killing their T or getting bit.

I also really push this site to people with serious inquiries about T's, and tell everyone I sell to that while I'm available at work to answer any questions I can (within my limited range of knowledge!), this site is a WONDERFUL resource. I seriously don't know if I would have come as far as I have without it!

Yes, people SHOULD research beforehand, but I think your (Xian) expectations are a bit high for the people of today!:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
While I agree with the OP that people should be educated about T's PRIOR to owning one, I think all the flaming that is done whenever someone asks a silly question does nothing but discourage other people from asking questions that may really need to be asked. I would rather answer 100 silly, obvious questions (and gently encourage the poster to do research) than discourage 1 person from asking a question that really does affect their T's health. Nobody is perfect and I'm sure we have all made some mistakes in this hobby at some point. Also, everybody has got to start somewhere.

Heck, I started keeping T's in 1999 and I had someone on here, who more than likely had much less experience than I do, suggest I do a search (which I had already done without success) about a post the other day, lol.

And the three bickering boys....I am reminded of a certain Mickey Avalon song every time you guys get into it!! ;)


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2010
The great thing about a forum is that there are so many different perspectives. A tarantula book is a wealth of information but it doesn't teach you everything. That just comes from experience.
A book isn'gt going to stop newbie questions.
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