Just a Thought For New T Keepers

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Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Hey, we all know that everyone had their first T, and their first experience with a T. That being said, I strongly feel that before people come onto a board, or go into a pet store and start asking questions, that they do themselves the favor of buying a "book", or even check one out from the local library. I know, it's a novel idea being the 21st century and all, but it will serve you well. :)


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
The problem is that most petstore people don't know jack about.....almost anything, I agree about the book and research though.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
They can get all the info they need on the net........for free......sort of as nothing is "free"


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
The problem is that most petstore people don't know jack about.....almost anything, I agree about the book and research though.
Absolutely agree about the pet stores! My point being, everything you need to know about basic tarantula keeping can be found in one book. Then when you come up with thought provoking questions that aren't covered in a book, you can really start some good quality threads that alot of people can learn from. Just trying to find ways to keep the results of the search function from being clogged up with the same basic topics over and over.:)


Sep 11, 2005
I agree that 'newbies' need to get informed about these critters before they buy one, but in this day and age, the Internet can provide plenty of great information.
I started in 1992 and have quite a few books. but now, I jump on the PC and do a search on what I need to know. My 10 year old grand daughter works with me on our Tarans and she is on the PC a lot looking for information. She does her research and then hits me up for new critters based on what she read...


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Very good ideas, Xian... the search function does become a bit pointless when there are countless threads covering bits and pieces of the same topics, without any really useful information being provided.

I do think books are a good resource.. but I wouldn't swear by them alone.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
Not trying to be funny here but I just don't agree.
You are saying to new keepers,don't come here until you have spent your money on a T book......some are expensive as well.
Really don't think you should be giving out that advice.....it could frighten off future T keepers.
For every repetitive thread or question......you may be looking at a future convert


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Absolutely agree about the pet stores! My point being, everything you need to know about basic tarantula keeping can be found in one book. Then when you come up with thought provoking questions that aren't covered in a book, you can really start some good quality threads that alot of people can learn from. Just trying to find ways to keep the results of the search function from being clogged up with the same basic topics over and over.:)
I see your point, the best books I have read so far are the "Tarantula keeper's guide" (of course!) and "Tarantulas and other Arachnids".


Sep 11, 2005
As far as what to believe on the Internet, we generally search the forums or web sites of known "good" dealers and hobbiests.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Not trying to be funny here but I just don't agree.
You are saying to new keepers,don't come here until you have spent your money on a T book......some are expensive as well.
Really don't think you should be giving out that advice.....it could frighten off future T keepers.
No offense here, If you can afford a spider, you can afford a book, but the last time I checked, libraries were free. Granted, all the information in those books is already here, but it requires a use of the search function. Like I said, I'm just trying to expand post topics past the usual, same topics that get posted daily.:)


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
As far as what to believe on the Internet, we generally search the forums or web sites of known "good" dealers and hobbiests.
A very wise thing to do, but maybe not known for a 'new to the hobby' individual.:)


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
I'm a newb and have read both the Tarantula Keepers Guide (also own) and the Tarantulas and other Arachnids from the library. They are great resources, but the internet and boards give so much more in regards to particular species and experiences with them.

I agree that people should do as much research as they can before hand, but what is enough to one may be not to another. Don't we want people (especially newbs) to feel comfortable with seeking info here? It's good for the hobby and for the T's themselves. I strongly believe in the search function, but some people aren't that familiar with these things and may not be fully competent with computers ,etc.

Bottom line is we should all be courteous with newbs and direct them where they should go in a non intimidating and encouraging way. There will ALWAYS be folks who come here w/o fully preparing for how the boards work;human nature has a way with consistancy. Remember, the more comfortable people are asking Q's the better off all the T's will be and that's what we want, right?

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
No offense here, If you can afford a spider, you can afford a book, but the last time I checked, libraries were free. Granted, all the information in those books is already here, but it requires a use of the search function. Like I said, I'm just trying to expand post topics past the usual, same topics that get posted daily.:)
You seem to be missing the point here.
I can get all the information I need from this forum,the BTS and numerous others.
I have bought books but that was just me wanting to go deeper into scorp breeding so does that mean I have to prove I have books before I can post here ?
The last thing you want to do is tell new people....we don't want your repitive posts here.
What is the big problem with a newbie asking a genuine question even if it has been asked before ?


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I am just saying that the right book is a good place to start. I, myself started that way, I learned alot from a couple of books. I'm the first one to try and answer as many of the new guys' questions as I can. Nothing wrong with it.:)


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
I'm a newb and have read both the Tarantula Keepers Guide (also own) and the Tarantulas and other Arachnids from the library. They are great resources, but the internet and boards give so much more in regards to particular species and experiences with them.

I agree that people should do as much research as they can before hand, but what is enough to one may be not to another. Don't we want people (especially newbs) to feel comfortable with seeking info here? It's good for the hobby and for the T's themselves. I strongly believe in the search function, but some people aren't that familiar with these things and may not be fully competent with computers ,etc.

Bottom line is we should all be courteous with newbs and direct them where they should go in a non intimidating and encouraging way. There will ALWAYS be folks who come here w/o fully preparing for how the boards work;human nature has a way with consistancy. Remember, the more comfortable people are asking Q's the better off all the T's will be and that's what we want, right?
That is my entire reason for suggesting that people read and become informed as much as possible. I'm tired of seeing new people get flamed and facepalmed for asking questions that they should have already known the answers to. That is what I am trying to avoid.:)


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
That is my entire reason for suggesting that people read and become informed as much as possible. I'm tired of seeing new people get flamed and facepalmed for asking questions that they should have already known the answers to. That is what I am trying to avoid.:)
A good order of events....Books to learn the basics and then the internet to learn the more advanced stuff, If they already know the basics, then they won't ask questions like that.....See Xian, I get ya! ;)


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
A good order of events....Books to learn the basics and then the internet to learn the more advanced stuff, If they already know the basics, then they won't ask questions like that.....See Xian, I get ya! ;)
Cool Exo! I think most people understand where I'm coming from. I have learned just as much from the internet and these forums as I ever did from reading books. The two sources combined are outstanding!:)


Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
That is my entire reason for suggesting that people read and become informed as much as possible. I'm tired of seeing new people get flamed and facepalmed for asking questions that they should have already known the answers to. That is what I am trying to avoid.:)

My Rosie is on her back, and won't eat the crickets I gave it. She ate 13 crickets yesterday. What book do I buy? :wall:

Now in all seriousness I fully agree with you. On the other hand, if they won't read the stickies (which is the first thing you see on any page), do you really think they will have the fortitude to read a book? With the current generations, people are just getting lazier and lazier (this is a whole debate in itself) Noobs will continue to ask repetitive questions because answers are always handed to them. Until you force them to find the information themselves, it will continue to be this way. I seriously urge people to post links to the answer, not because I am an a$$ (I can be yes I know), but if they are forced to read their answer on another post they will probably learn 10 other things along the way.
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