Just a Shout Out to Several Members on this Site.


May 26, 2021
First, let me say that I'm a noob. I've posted a few times here, been keeping for about a year.
I want to say thank you to a bunch of keepers here. Your advice has always been spot-on (even if you gave it rather gruffly...I think that's a polite way to put it haha) and I have literally spent hundreds of hours here searching and trying to learn. There are a few ppl that have taught me more than others, and many more who have taught me at least something valuable to the hobby. I can't possibly remember them all, but there's some who I do remember and I want to thank them here today

Tom Moran- I can't remember his username here but I watch his videoes religiously and he always provides solid, practical and valuable advice on everything from species info to shelving to species specific husbandry and even the tools of the trade. The Simply Lime catch system should be used by all.

Cold Blood- This guy is a superhero for tarantulas. When I'm looking at a thread, I always make sure to see if he has posted anything there. If he has, I go by it. I do not question it and he admits his mistakes too. He doesn't have to do that very often.

Viper69- Believe it, you are one of my go-to guys on here. You don't mollycoddle foolishness (or anything else for that matter,) you don't cut corners and your main concern is the wellbeing of the animal. Your advice is very valuable to me. Even though I've questioned it a couple times, it still turned out to be right. In leiu of that, my bad.

Philth- Yes, I know who you are and of course I will not out you here, but thanks man. Everything I've seen here (and other places) from you is helpful, even though I may not own some of the species you have in your extensive collection. I pay attention to your advice as closely as anyone else's in this hobby (even if you're just talking about some random thing that doesn't even have anything to do with anything lol) and I try my best to apply your advice where it concerns any species I have and to learn from you everything I can about species I don't have. Thank you Sir.

Like I said, there are so many of you that in no possible way could I remember you all. Both men and women keepers, many probably younger than me. Thank you to each and every one of you.

Love to all and thanks again. Please keep posting. You don't know, I don't think, how much you help, weather it be me or others.

Ok. Enough of that . Have a good day.


May 30, 2017
That is a nice contribution for sure. Yep, respects go to everyone. ;)

Of them all, Tom Patterson is the one that every hobbyists in the US should know, especially if you're going to enter into the tarantula business/market.

Philth is a Legend in this tarantula hobby in the US and he is one of The Greats to ever be around in the entire tarantula hobby within the US. Almost every vendor, breeder, or tarantula business has some sort of interaction with him or had heard of him at some point. If he acknowledges your work or acknowledges you as an individual then that means you did something right. Everyone says he upfront and tight at times with a lot of tarantula vendors and breeders, but he does it for the love of the arachnid hobby. God bless that Legend and may the future hobbyists acknowledge what his contributions done to this hobby. And let's hope he continues to lecture every new vendor, breeder, and business revolving arachnids, HAHAHA :rofl:.

Euphoric Arboreal

Jul 15, 2019
Cold Blood- This guy is a superhero for tarantulas. When I'm looking at a thread, I always make sure to see if he has posted anything there. If he has, I go by it. I do not question it and he admits his mistakes too. He doesn't have to do that very often.

Viper69- Believe it, you are one of my go-to guys on here. You don't mollycoddle foolishness (or anything else for that matter,) you don't cut corners and your main concern is the wellbeing of the animal. Your advice is very valuable to me. Even though I've questioned it a couple times, it still turned out to be right. In leiu of that, my bad.
What he said 👆🏾


May 26, 2021
Anytime you need help- let me know
Right on. Much appreciated Viper69. I'm no expert (or to my mind even a novice at this point) but because of you and many others here and a couple other forums, my guessing seems to be educated. Ive only aquired 26 tarantulas in the past year, most are slings and s couple are juvies but all seem to be doing well. I've made some mistakes, even lost a couple slings in that time but not for a long time now. One got stuck in a molt, he was about 1/4". One did a skydive on me bc I opened the enclosure on a high place. I knew better. At the time, I had not set up any kind of work table for them and I cursed myself for days. Now I've got the table and all my stuff is right there at the ready. A complete workstation. I keep both moisture dependant species and arid species and I try to make sure they live well. All deliver molts well, eat well, etc so far. That is bc of you and all these others teaching me to have my stuff ready to go and keeping everything clean and in good shape. Even got some OW'S and they're doing good too. BTW idk if Dave Fisher from Dave's Little Beasties is on here but he taught me how to stay calm no matter what happens. I've avoided a lot of mishap because all of you were willing to share your vast library of experience. Sorry for the Gettysburg Address here but I just can't thank you all enough. I promise...if I got a problem or a question, I'll search here and if I can't find it that way I'll post it in a new thread. You guys are on the job 24/7 so I know I'll be ok.
BTW that last sling I lost was indeed the last one and that's been been about 8 months ago. I've had to catch a couple escapees since then so I know I'm doing better than I was at that time. Griped me off bad tho. It took me six mos to raise that little guy to 3/4" and I lost it bc of a rookie mistake. Now I just leave them alone, keep them fresh water, monitor the moisture levels for the sp. and feed based on the ab size. Got that one from you. 👍
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