jumping spider- dks or old age?


Mar 28, 2024
hi all, this is a bit of a long clip but its a recording from my camera. in the right, you can see my audax jumping spider. i caught this behavior today, does it look like dks, or more like old age? it is repeatedly slipping and seems to be having trouble maintaining a grip. i am unsure of the sex or age of the spider, but i suspect either mature male or maybe one more molt left. i am seperating my collection away from it for now just in case and will keep observing, im sure if its dks it will become apparent in the next couple days.

the reason i worry it may be dks is the fact that my cats use topical flea meds. i dont use it regularly but it had been nearly 3 months since the last dose so i put some on last week. i take great care not to cross contaminate, and never touch anything relating to the spiders without washing hands with soap. in addition, none of my other spiders or tarantulas are showing symptoms at this moment. still, im going to feel really bad if it ends up being dks cuz that means i messed up somewhere.

i hope this link works
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Active Member
Feb 18, 2023
I don't see anything really concerning in this video, only a few moments of losing grip on the wall. Jumping spiders sometimes struggle like that in premolt. And BTW he looks like a subadult male.


Mar 28, 2024
I don't see anything really concerning in this video, only a few moments of losing grip on the wall. Jumping spiders sometimes struggle like that in premolt. And BTW he looks like a subadult male.
hmm okay, i didnt know premolt causes loss of grip! ive been watching him since i first posted and he continues to slip and struggle. weirdly, it seems he cant even grip onto his webbing that well right now, as he keeps almost falling even when using his pre-made web lines to move about. not sure why he is continuing to walk around when he ie clearly struggling so much 😐