Hiya, see I joined just like you told me to (haven't seen hide nor hair of you on here since I have though!)
You know I love the GBB pics, and although Im a new world T kind of person, I do love the pics of your old worlds. And I love love love your C. crawshayi. When I come and visit your collection (yes when, not if, I shall defo come see them one day!), I would check the cage before I go home, in case ive attempted to smuggle her out in my bag lol.
And loving the pic of the eggsac. How exciting! When can you pull it? You know as soon as they're ready to moving, I'll be taking some of the slings off your hands and making a move into old world spider owning!
YaY you joined!! see more ppl on here then there is on BTS! You should get lots of old worlds, and i'd love to see you get 'Betty' out of her tub lol, she loves charging at you and hiss's very well! I'm waitin for her to molt so i can measure her fangs!!
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