"It's not an Avic it's a Pinktoe"


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
lol, I can see that. I don't think i'll ever live with out birds but i don't think I ever want to have as many as we have in the house right now, I'd be happy with a single parrot, they're just so attention demanding.

HAHAHA sounds like my dad when I first told him I wanted a tarantula!!! After that it took my eleven years of getting that same respones before I finally talked him into it.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
lol, I can see that. I don't think i'll ever live with out birds but i don't think I ever want to have as many as we have in the house right now, I'd be happy with a single parrot, they're just so attention demanding.

HAHAHA sounds like my dad when I first told him I wanted a tarantula!!! After that it took my eleven years of getting that same respones before I finally talked him into it.
LOL my dad thinks its cool we have a T, its the Ball Pythons he is afraid of! My mom on the other hand is convinced both the T and the Ball Pythons are secretly planning an escape so that they can eat my children :eek: I don't think I will tell her when I get more T's lol there is no convincing her that I would never put my kids in danger (she doesnt mean it in a mean way towards me, its just basic "ignorance" of these critters)

Im fairly certain my family will never come visit me again though (I live in Ontario, they are in British Columbia) as my guest room, also happens to be the room we keep Lacey and Travis (the pythons) and Charlotte (the T) lol