It's Molting!


Mar 4, 2014
Ok, cue collective eye roll here from experienced keepers...I just checked on the little GBB sling I've nurtured for a few months and it was on its back. (How many of you have had the first thought that your t had died?!) Anyway, if it wasn't for what I've learned on this forum and recommended readings, I wouldn't have known better. I might have interfered, or worse yet, tossed the little thing in the trash thinking I had failed. What does this mean? I have succeeded. A tiny sling has found a home: it ate well, made a nice web, and I was successful in keeping it alive.*

I have no family or friends who are interested in hearing about or seeing my t's at all. My brave husband is tolerant, and most helpful building spider homes that are escape-proof. I have had family/friends "unfriend" me after I posted some pics of new acquisitions on Facebook.

I have much to learn, but today I have had success!

*(A couple other of my slings have molted, but soon after I got them, and privately.)

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Aug 12, 2013
I got to watch my gbb molt about a month ago start to finish and it truly is amazing. Mine was 1.5" premolt and 2" post. Made me feel like a proud spider parent and was the first time I've actually seen a molt in person. Congrats on you success!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I have no family or friends who are interested in hearing....I have had family/friends "unfriend" me after I posted some pics of new acquisitions on Facebook.

I have much to learn, but today I have had success!

*(A couple other of my slings have molted, but soon after I got them, and privately.)

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Congrats! I've had a few people "unfriend" me too.
Medusa> If you don't already have it, get the Tarantula Keeper's Guide, 3rd. Don't forget your T will need water when it's done molting, not right away. But don't let it go a long time w/out water after a molt. The smaller the abdomen is relative to what it was before molting the sooner it will need water. So if it's pretty plump, it's not urgent.

Medusa & Crystal

You two have the wrong friends, that is, friends who have issues hahaha. "unfriend" you..Ooo, as if Crapbook means anything??? Well I guess to idiots it does, like some of my friends. I detest my friends who tell me their internet woes (not you two!) and somewhere in there, tell me, "yeah s/he unfriended me too" REALLY? who puts so much importance on something INCREDIBLY ARTIFICIAL. Either they are your friend in real life or they aren't. What idiots they are.

Beary Strange

Aug 30, 2013
Haha, I think many of us still get excited when our Ts molt. It's only natural because as you said, it's an indication that you're doing something right; it's a very "proud parent" kind of thing.
As to "friends" unfriending you...yeah...I can't imagine they were actually your friends or if they are, you're better off. But then, I don't Facebook or Twitter or what have you, so the gravity is a bit lost on me.But I do totally get the normals not wanting to hear about it. I try and talk to work "friends" (see also: fake friends) about my babies (because lunch room and I can't small talk to save my life) and they either quickly change the subject or ask a series of "Really?!...No, really?" questions that make me question how they got a professional job to begin with.


Mar 6, 2014
Medusa> If you don't already have it, get the Tarantula Keeper's Guide, 3rd. Don't forget your T will need water when it's done molting, not right away. But don't let it go a long time w/out water after a molt. The smaller the abdomen is relative to what it was before molting the sooner it will need water. So if it's pretty plump, it's not urgent.

Medusa & Crystal

You two have the wrong friends, that is, friends who have issues hahaha. "unfriend" you..Ooo, as if Crapbook means anything??? Well I guess to idiots it does, like some of my friends. I detest my friends who tell me their internet woes (not you two!) and somewhere in there, tell me, "yeah s/he unfriended me too" REALLY? who puts so much importance on something INCREDIBLY ARTIFICIAL. Either they are your friend in real life or they aren't. What idiots they are.
The ones that unfriended me told me it was because the pictures of my T's creeped them out lol. Didn't bother me I was like whatever lol.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Medusa> If you don't already have it, get the Tarantula Keeper's Guide, 3rd. Don't forget your T will need water when it's done molting, not right away. But don't let it go a long time w/out water after a molt.
Medusa & Crystal

You two have the wrong friends, that is, friends who have issues hahaha. "unfriend" you..Ooo, as if Crapbook means anything??? Well I guess to idiots it does, like some of my friends. I detest my friends who tell me their internet woes (not you two!) and somewhere in there, tell me, "yeah s/he unfriended me too" REALLY? who puts so much importance on something INCREDIBLY ARTIFICIAL. Either they are your friend in real life or they aren't. What idiots they are.

So true viper, a t's gotta have drink. Caught my rosea drinking yesterday.

And I also am simply amused (maybe annoyed is the proper term) by "crapbook" as you call it. I won't be party to it, its just watching others gossip or needlessly bragging about one's self in hopes that someone out there actually cares (often the wrong assumption) reeks of ego problems to me...just about worthless IMO. I'm gonna "unfriend" you if your life doesn't comply perfectly with mine......oooohhh, don't scare me with such "deep" threats....lmfao. If someone doesn't want to be your friend because of something so petty as the "pets" you keep, how in the world did you ever consider them "friends" in the first place. That "friend" consideration certainly seems like it was misplaced from the start.


Old Timer
May 29, 2012
You know don't think it's noobish behaviour to be excited about a T moulting, I've been in the hobby for two years and I still get excited when I see any of my Ts on their back =D haha As others have said, make sure there is water available post moult but during the process do not do anything. For a sling that size you can feed after four days but I'd wait a week to be safe

Congratulations! Don't worry about the facebook thing ae, I stopped using it altogether actually and trust me it improved my life lol


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2013
Has anyone here ever seen their tarantula actually flip over? I mean, I've caught mine moulting and just on their back, but I have never witnessed one flip over to moult.


Mar 4, 2014
Those friends who unfriend you are not actually friends. Good riddance :) One of my especially close friends admitted to me that my T pictures on Facebook have given her nightmares. Yet she still sticks around and occasionally comes into my room and checks out my Ts. Those are the people you want in your life.

And congrats on the molt! It's always exciting, regardless of experience level :)


Dec 1, 2013
When my tarantula first molted, I was extremely stressed and wondered what I would do, because I was going away for two days and leaving the next day.
The next morning: "Oh man, I wonder how Morgan's doi- Oh. She's done."


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2010
Those friends who unfriend you are not actually friends. Good riddance :)
I can't relate with this exactly, since I don't have a facebook. The general sentiment is true, however. If someone is unwilling to be your friend because of your spiders, they were never a friend to begin with.

Keith B

Jul 5, 2012
Congratulations! Two points in reference to what you mentioned:

1) While Ts do many exciting things, molting will always be the most exciting, no matter how experienced you are. I guarantee you'll be just as excited about the next molt as well. You may be biting your fingernails during it, but when it's successful, there's nothing more rewarding than to know you have a bigger, prettier, and longer lived spider :)

2) While failures may give people with tarantula experience something to blow off steam about, we'd MUCH rather hear you're doing something right, than doing something terribly wrong. It's incredibly relieving for me to hear about a spider that's healthy from a person who listens, searches out and absorbs information, than somebody who makes repeated mistakes and has to have their hand held 24/7 for a T to even have a faint chance of survival.

Your post is a breath of fresh air to me :D Congrats again and bravo!!


Mar 4, 2014
Thanks, everyone! (BTW, I do have Stan's book.)

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---------- Post added 04-24-2014 at 03:08 PM ----------

...oh, and little "Grimm" is doing just fine.

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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Has anyone here ever seen their tarantula actually flip over? I mean, I've caught mine moulting and just on their back, but I have never witnessed one flip over to moult.
I have seen them flip over after molting, never caught them before molt!!