It's Been A While


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2005
It's been quite some time since I have posted on here. But I do have an important question.

I just purchased a Liphistius malayanus 2-3" along with a Cyriopagopus sp. "Singapore Blue," 1" and a Grammostola aureostriata .5". Now all of them have eaten already which is great. The Chaco Aureo has already began digging here and there, and the Cyrio has burrowed a bit and made a webbing tunnel up above main concern is the Liphistius I bought. The Liphistius ate, and was hanging out and what not but then went back to being in almost a death curl position after the food was devoured. I came into the room this morning to check on him and he looked like he was dead, so I gently moved him with my tongs and he rolled on his back. So I left him alone watching him for like 3 minutes no movement...then he flipped over and scurried into the corner which sank down a little bit. I just have him in a basic sized critter keeper and eco earth substrate just like all my T's and I didnt put a hideout in there because I figured he would burrow and make his own hideout. Am I missing something here? Im worried he was dying upon arrival of shipment, but Im keeping an eye on him.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
That really sounds like it could be shipping stress. How long has it been since you recieved the box?
I find that when I recieve boxes with sluggish Ts, I put them in their container with a big water dish and put them somewhere dark and warm. Since they are already stressed as is you should try your best to leave them alone for a few days only checking maybe twice a day to keep track of its progress.
Most of the time when I do that they bounce back just fine. There is every now and then an unexplained death after recieving but thats rare.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i just got 1 of those malaysian traps myself, mine hasn't burrowed yet either,it did eat a cricket though just like yours did, if i touch mine(tongs too ofcourse:eek: ) it takes off like a bat out of hell{D running around the container like mad,then it stops, i'm thinking with traps you have to give them alittle time to adjust,make sure the substrate is moist,the fact that it ate that's good,with trapdoors sometimes they look like they are in a deathcurl because the way their legs are "curved in" for their burrowing action,i think yours will be fine,just make some holes in the echo earth it should start to burrow,that's what i did with mine,it still crawls about on the surface,then goes in 1 of the holes now and then,just give some time,and moisture is very important with all trapdoors. enjoy him/her i know i'm enjoying mine,they are so awesome. hope this helps.:)


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
It has been a while, i was wondering where you were off to. Just to be safe i would ICU it, it could be shipping stress or it could be dying. In either case, putting it in an icu would be a good idea for hydration and having it in a dark quiet place.