Is your Harpactira pulchripes fossorial?


Nov 13, 2019
As a small sling mine made a little web tube between a piece of cork bark and the side of the enclosure.
I've rehoused it into a bigger container in the last month, and it's using the starter burrow I provided but has built a web turret out of substrate and sphagnum moss at the entrance to the starter burrow. Still it hangs out in the open relatively close to the entrance, but definitely more above ground than below.
Let's update a year later.
Definitely doesn't live day to day as a fossorial. While mine has a nice burrow built and about 4.5-5in of substrate to play in, it spends a majority of it's time on the surface. It will usually just hang out on top even while opening the enclosure, which unnerves me just a little bit. It will retreat to it's burrow if really disturbed, but it usually seems to wait in place for the stupid hooman to drop in a snack. Almost like a dog.

Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
if you allow them to dig, they will in most cases. Mine digs and webs and is still out often looking for snacks