Is there money to be made??


Mar 31, 2010
....Once you make enough to cover the price of the breeding pair/housing it is all profit after that.
Only if you factor in your time as well. As with most hobbies, the way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one... Yes, there are a few that make it a living. For the majority, it's a hobby, and while we might actually manage to break even at times, most people will spend more on the collection than they will make from it.



Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
One thing to consider : The demand. In most places, perhaps half of all households have at least a pet and exotics are a quite small fraction of that, tarantulas being an even smaller fraction of exotics. Also : Unlike rodents or even cats, they have slow reproductive cycles since they are mature between 2 and 4 years old (up to 8 for some sp) while most small mammals are able to reproduce within months or even weeks from birth. And the time between mating and the birth of the offspring is considerably shorter as well.

Bottom line : Animals that are not extremely popular, take long to be produced and have a slow renewal rate won't sell in sufficient number to sustain a household unless you live in Germany or are the sole breeder in a very populated market.

Hornets inverts

Feb 27, 2010
it all depends where you live, how you house, if you heat or not and what species your breeding. If you live in a warm climate (no heating bills), use cheap forms of housing, can easily get rid of them and breeding your own feeders its easy to make a profit, not a huge one to support a family but certainly enough to buy more t's lol