is there a good way to remove my snake from my finger once its latched on for dear life?


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2005
she tries to bite me no matter what, if i trick her like that at least i can grab her by the tail and set her down in her feeding tub before she latches on to me most of the time. i really honestly don't know how to handle her, everybody says hold her more often but what am i supposed to do, just pick her up and let her bite me and sit there with her chomping down on me?

i mean i really enjoy taking care of her but it is pretty frustrating.
First off, where ever you bought the snake from should have shown you how to properly handle your animal (if they didn't they have no business messing with snakes). Secondly, there is a lot of info online that'll show you proper handling techniques. Third, if I was you I'd go down to your local pet store (preferably a reptile specific) and ask them to show you how to properly handle a snake. If I lived near you I'd be more than willing to show you how to properly handle and "tame" your king but, I don't. So best of luck. If you need advice you can PM me and I'll help.