Is the real Scorpio maurus brown? It seems that the yellow one only correspond its former ssp, S. palmatus

Joey Spijkers

Feb 20, 2019
Thanks again. I have one more question about how to give water. Some recommend putting a bowl, such as a Petri dish. Others, including my kier, say that the paper should be wet, crumpled and the scorpion will receive water from it.
I use small dishes/bowls. Enclosure looks good.


Aug 19, 2021
Here in Israel, specialists advised to wet the paper and give it like that. What do you say?


Aug 19, 2021
Text translation

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Menya vse-taki interesuyet vopros s vodoy, s kotorym ya ne mogu razobrat'sya uzhe davno. Kak ya govoril mnogiye dayut vodu skorpionu v nebol'shom rezervuare tipa chashki Petri (laboratornaya malen'kaya chashechka s ochen' nevysokimi krayami). No na praktike skorpion peredvigayas' po terrariumu yeye poprostu zagryaznyayet, ya yeshche ni raz ne videl chtoby on pil. NO, v to zhe vremya mestnyy spetsialist, kotoryy vyrastil ne odno pokoleniya zhivotnykh nachinaya ot zhukov i zakanchivaya setchatymi pitonami i krokodilami, vklyuchaya mamb i vsevozmozhnykh gadyuk i kobr, mne soyetoval davat' vodu posredstvom mokroy bumazhki (skomkannoy, kak vidno na moyem video). I ya zametil chto skorpion chasto lezhit na ney, vozle neye ili pod ney, vyryv nebol'shuyu norku. Chto vy dumayete po povodu etogo? Mozhno li tak davat' vodu skorpionu? Takzhe mne neponyatno, vse skorpiony kotorykh ya derzhal (N. hierichonticus, S. maurus) - oni zhe polupustynnyye (ne pustynnyye, a imenno polupustynnyye), i tem ne meneye oni bol'shinstvo vremeni nakhodyatsya u menya vozle vody. Dlya menya eto stranno, tak kak ya opryskivayu terrarium i po ideye uzhe etikh kapel' dolzhno byt' dostatochno, oni ved' p'yut utrennyu rosu. A tut imitaiya etogo. Nu i k tomu zhe eto mestnyy skorpion, kotoryy adaptirovan k dannoy temperature i vlazhnosti. U nas dovol'no vysokaya vlazhnost',inogda do 90%, no chashche do 60.
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I am still interested in the issue of water, which I have not been able to deal with for a long time. As I said, many give water to the scorpion in a small container such as a Petri dish (a laboratory small dish with very low edges). But in practice, a scorpion moving around the terrarium simply pollutes it, I have never seen him drink. BUT, at the same time, a local specialist who has raised more than one generation of animals, ranging from beetles to reticulated pythons and crocodiles, including mambas and all kinds of vipers and cobras, advised me to give water through a wet piece of paper (crumpled, as seen in my video). And I noticed that the scorpion often lies on it, next to it or under it, digging out a small hole. What do you think about this? Is it okay to give water to a scorpion? It is also incomprehensible to me that all the scorpions I kept (N. hierichonticus, S. maurus) are also semi-desert (not desert, namely semi-desert), and nevertheless they are near the water most of the time. For me this is strange, since I spray the terrarium and, in theory, these drops should already be enough, because they drink the morning dew. And here is an imitation of this. And besides, it is a local scorpion, which is adapted to a given temperature and humidity. We have a fairly high humidity, sometimes up to 90%, but more often up to 60.
P.S. Yes, and more, sorry for writing so much. Is it possible to feed scorpions persistently only with worms? Some say yes, others say that it is necessary to diversify the diet. Still others say that, on the contrary, it is necessary to run out insects with strong chitin, that chitin is harmful to him (this is strange). For example, if you feed the fly larvae all the time? He eats them well. About these bugs with an aggressive red color and ladybugs, I understood. They just scared me. They said they could poison the scorpion. Definitely not? :) Also other poisonous insects such as wasps, etc. Thanks again.

Joey Spijkers

Feb 20, 2019
I prefer water dishes, but for more arid species, I think the paper method will work as well.
I personally use mainly cockroaches. I don’t know how well a scorpion would do being fed mainly worms (mealworms?). Most of the species I have don’t recognize mealworms as potential prey. Can’t really advice you on that, as I have no experience with it.


Aug 19, 2021
I prefer water dishes, but for more arid species, I think the paper method will work as well.
I personally use mainly cockroaches. I don’t know how well a scorpion would do being fed mainly worms (mealworms?). Most of the species I have don’t recognize mealworms as potential prey. Can’t really advice you on that, as I have no experience with it.
Yes, mealworms. I fed mine with them - they eat them well, but I don't know if this is enough for them. As for the water, I experimented - I put him a cup with low edges, he did not even come up to it these days, but when I put wet crumpled paper, he digs under it and sits.


Aug 19, 2021
Can a Scorpio maurus catch prey under ground? For exemple worms or "white worms".