our hobby
All I know is this....8 months ago is when I got into this hobby and I found a dealer 5 mins away from me....it was great! I could go over to "The Reptist" apartment which was cramed full of box's,T's etc. and buy T's or just look....He was very nice to me as being a Noob then,one day he sold out and moved out of state cause he broke up with his girl friend then, I go to order online and I see all these online dealers closing up shop....is the hobby in trouble? I don't think so but times is tuff.
All I know is this....8 months ago is when I got into this hobby and I found a dealer 5 mins away from me....it was great! I could go over to "The Reptist" apartment which was cramed full of box's,T's etc. and buy T's or just look....He was very nice to me as being a Noob then,one day he sold out and moved out of state cause he broke up with his girl friend then, I go to order online and I see all these online dealers closing up shop....is the hobby in trouble? I don't think so but times is tuff.