Is it actually possible to stop buying new Ts?


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2012
I'm still quite new to the hobby, though I can't help but give in to the temptation of buying more Ts.
I've got three at the moment:
Adult G.Rosea - My first tarantula that I got roughly 4 months ago.
B.Vagans sling - Has molted once since I got him/her.
Adult Aphonopelma sp. "New River" - My most recent purchase, only had her for a little over a week now.

I'm now planning on getting a G.Pulchra in the next month or so since they're very nice looking Ts and I've heard they're fairly rare in the hobby.
My mother can't understand why I want so many, especially since they're such 'boring' animals in her own words. I do have to agree somewhat though, all of my Ts are pretty much just pet rocks.
I'm hoping to move onto arboreal Ts like Avics sometime and then eventually onto Old World species when I've got a lot more experience.

It does beg the question though, is it actually possible to resist the urge to get more Ts? Or is it an incurable disease? (unintended rhyming).
Personally, I don't REALLY know why I want more Ts, but I do find them very interesting and I love how you can almost literally get Ts in every colour of the rainbow.


Mar 31, 2010
Welcome to the addiction. I have 550. I am going to drop of some MM at a fellow owner's house this weekend. My daughter and mom gave me the hairy eyeball... I had to promise not to bring anything home with me. Like that will happen....


---------- Post added 05-30-2012 at 10:32 AM ----------

Welcome to the addiction. I have 550. I am going to drop of some MM at a fellow owner's house this weekend. My daughter and mom gave me the hairy eyeball... I had to promise not to bring anything home with me. Like that will happen....


---------- Post added 05-30-2012 at 10:36 AM ----------

Welcome to the addition. I have 550. I'm going to drop some MMs off at a fellow breeder/collector's house this weekend. Both my mom and my daughter gave me the hairy eyeball... I had to promise not to bring anything back home. Like that is going to happen...



Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
Possible yes, likely no. I stayed at just one G. rosea for years, but no matter how long you hold out someday it always gets ya. So why fight it.

Walk Alone

Old Timer
Dec 30, 2009
I have just under 200, and even one more enclosure will require another shelving unit. I cannot shift the existing shelves around any more than they already are.

Buuuut, there is a reptile show on June 24 and I'll be there! To answer your question, I sure cannot stop! :laugh:


Apr 26, 2010
I'm afraid that Tarantula addiction is something that you will never get over with. No matter how much you try to resist your mind always tells you "there is always place for one more". In my case it will be 9 more for this week (1 mature female M. mesomales and 8 P. irminia spiderlings). If anyone finds a cure for it he will probably win a noble prize.


Apr 16, 2012
I am convinced it is impossible. Started a few months ago with a chaco sling, and now currently have 9. I keep getting a couple and tell myself that is it. Then this awesome deal comes out or a tarantula I really want becomes available, and I just can not resist. I am hoping to stay within 15, but who knows I could have 30 by the end of this year... or month lol


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2010
everytime I have filled my "want list", I find another species I want to get!


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2012
Glad to know I'm not the only one with a 'must get another tarantula' mindset, lol. I've been trying to stop looking at online tarantula stores so I hopefully quit getting the urge to get another T. But it's pretty much impossible for me not to look at She Spider Shop at least once every day just to see if they have some new species.
Having enough spare money to actually get a couple of new Ts if I want them doesn't help either. That said, I don't have a great deal of space for a bunch of Ts since I'm limited to keeping them in my bedroom (the pure evil family cat is allowed to roam all of the other rooms). So until I can afford to get myself a place of my own in a year or two, I don't think I'll be getting 100+ Ts any time soon, provided I ever end up with that many.


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2011
I can say from experiance it is infectous, because my girlfriend had a "their ok, just as long as you keep them in their cages" mind set. At least that was until she held my G. rosea, because she now has 3 T's of her own a P. scofa, Aphonopelma sp. "new river" and a G. rosea of her own.


May 5, 2012
Totally impossible to stop for me. I have acquired six in the past month and a half, and three more on the way, along with some dubia so I don't have to worry about stupid crickets and can feed as many t's as my little 8-legged heart desires :). Repticon in July? I will be there too!!


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2012
I can say from experiance it is infectous, because my girlfriend had a "their ok, just as long as you keep them in their cages" mind set. At least that was until she held my G. rosea, because she now has 3 T's of her own a P. scofa, Aphonopelma sp. "new river" and a G. rosea of her own.
I think I may be going through a similar scenario with my mother. She was initially "they're such ugly, dangerous creatures! Why do you even want one?" when I was originally discussing my plans to get a T. But when I got my New River recently, while unpacking her my mother squealed "aww, it's so cute!"
I still can't see my mother ever getting a tarantula of her own, though my Ts do seem to be growing on her and she is a lot more fond of them now, so who knows what the future might hold.


Sep 26, 2010
Yes it's possible. After the initial orgasmic rush you will realize that you have more Ts than what you can handle. Then you will end up selling some or giving some away. Just keep the ones you really treasure.


May 24, 2012
I have 4 T's now, acquired recently, but already I want more. I think I'll wait a year or so until they are larger to get more slings. I think they're so addictive because they constantly grow and change, also the way they move is so entrancing! Not sure how many I'll wind up getting, I think I'd like to keep 10 or fewer but my husband probably wouldn't be comfortable with that many.

I'm also addicted to tattoos, once every two years I'll get a few in clusters. I think it'll probably be that way with tarantulas, too. A year from now I'll get 2-3 more. :D I ordered two T's the day my first two T's arrived in the mail. I really wanted a Mexican Fireleg and a Green Bottle Blue for my second round, but I opted for the cheaper rosea (it was free) and tiger rump (who can argue with $7?). I'll have to save the fireleg and gbb for next year!


Jan 13, 2012
No. Fascinating aren't they? I have been in and out of the hobby for 15+ years and I'm currently back in. It is interesting to see how enthusiasts choose to expand their collections.
Some people might only have Brachypelmas or solely arboreal species while others just go with their instinct and buy what is on their minds at the time. Naturally, a new species is always on one's want list.
I for one have never had a E. murinus and no doubt, one will surely be in my collection in the future.
I had a G. pulchra years ago - wonderful tarantula. Have you thought of purchasing a C. cyaneopubescens? You can't go wrong with this beauty.
They are fairly active (not as "pet rockish") and they web up their enclosures - something that your current tarantulas don't do. Not an advanced species by any means but perhaps a bit of a step-up as they can be faster/more skittish than your three existing Ts. Might be a great addition to your collection.

Welcome to the hobby - addiction - enjoyment - way to spend your time (and money) - and learn about these fascinating creatures.


Mar 31, 2010
That said, I don't have a great deal of space for a bunch of Ts since I'm limited to keeping them in my bedroom (the pure evil family cat is allowed to roam all of the other rooms). So until I can afford to get myself a place of my own in a year or two, I don't think I'll be getting 100+ Ts any time soon, provided I ever end up with that many.
My Ts are in my office -a 10x16' room. On all the walls, on shelves, on stackers... Bedrooms aren't a problem, LOL!!!



Mar 4, 2012
I acquired around thirty spiders in less than one year. If you wanna quit the addiction you would have to be broke. As in zero money... But then again you can always sell what you have and buy more slings with the money you made. This hobby is like a drug , no matter how hard you try to resist the more you end up buying. The expos dont help either, so many spiders and so many good deals.


Mar 14, 2012
I went to my local shop to buy one T. I came out with 3. I could have come out with 13. It is addictive.


Apr 28, 2012
I don't have the time/space for reptiles anymore, and finally I do not live with someone terrified of it seemed the way to go to get my critter fix. I jumped right in! (my first was a P. irminia...followed by pokies...followed by a couple Lasiodora species. I think I went in the wrong order...) I just started and have seven, and my wishlist is a mile long.


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2012
No. Fascinating aren't they? I have been in and out of the hobby for 15+ years and I'm currently back in. It is interesting to see how enthusiasts choose to expand their collections.
Some people might only have Brachypelmas or solely arboreal species while others just go with their instinct and buy what is on their minds at the time. Naturally, a new species is always on one's want list.
I for one have never had a E. murinus and no doubt, one will surely be in my collection in the future.
I had a G. pulchra years ago - wonderful tarantula. Have you thought of purchasing a C. cyaneopubescens? You can't go wrong with this beauty.
They are fairly active (not as "pet rockish") and they web up their enclosures - something that your current tarantulas don't do. Not an advanced species by any means but perhaps a bit of a step-up as they can be faster/more skittish than your three existing Ts. Might be a great addition to your collection.

Welcome to the hobby - addiction - enjoyment - way to spend your time (and money) - and learn about these fascinating creatures.
The C.cyaneopubescens is a very beautiful tarantula, it's definitely one of the spiders on my wish list. I don't believe there are any online tarantula stores in the UK currently selling any adults, but I don't plan on getting one just yet anyway.
I've always liked the H.lividum as well, though from what I've read, they tend to be 'pet holes' so I doubt I'd see it very much. Not to mention they're one of the feisty old world species.

I guess I'll just see where the hobby takes me. I do really like a lot of the Brachypelma Ts so I definitely plan on getting more of those, especially the B.klassi, B.boehmei and the classic B.smithii.

Thanks for the welcome. :)

Curious jay

Jan 23, 2012
The C.cyaneopubescens is a very beautiful tarantula, it's definitely one of the spiders on my wish list. I don't believe there are any online tarantula stores in the UK currently selling any adults, but I don't plan on getting one just yet anyway.
I've always liked the H.lividum as well, though from what I've read, they tend to be 'pet holes' so I doubt I'd see it very much. Not to mention they're one of the feisty old world species.

I guess I'll just see where the hobby takes me. I do really like a lot of the Brachypelma Ts so I definitely plan on getting more of those, especially the B.klassi, B.boehmei and the classic B.smithii.

Thanks for the welcome. :)

If you want a C.cyaneopubescens I'd personally buy a juvie as they're relatively fast growing anyway so the price your pay for and adult isn't really worth it. Below is a good seller from the UK, you will need PayPal though.

I haven't brought Ts for ATLEAST a month, I think I'm doing great still want a P.cancerides and A.versicolor but to prevent myself buying I stay away from classified adds and generalise online stores as over priced haha (although it isn't true, it helps!).

Ive also branched out into native true spiders as they are free, small setups (more spiders!) and I just feel they're extremely over looked because they lack the size/bulk of tarantulas, generally a lot more active than most Ts you will come across too.

Ps. If you need any websites for UK sellers PM me and I'll drop you the sites I use.