I'm thinking about breeding my female Asian Forest Scorpion


Jan 5, 2023
I have a female Asian Forest Scorpion. And I'm thinking about becoming a first time breeder. Can anyone give me some advice for a first time Asian Forest Scorpion breeder? Does the size or age of both scorpions matter? And does it matter what season of the year it is to breed Asian Forest Scorpions? I think my female is in the dormant season right now. Looking for advice and breeding info. Please help.

Veno Manus

May 16, 2023
I'd suggest to place them in a container that isn't cluttered and can be watched easier. The male will drop are spermatophore at somw point in the process and that when you'll know that things went well. It would be smart to seperate them after they do their thing so they don't fight or get overall defensive towards each other. Most times scorpions once introduced will almost immediately mate and do a dance where they lock claws and push each other back and forth. It'll look like they might be fighting but you'll know what the difference is between defence and the dance. Try just introducing them into a seperate tank with some solid surfaces so the spermatophore can have a place to attach and the female will eventually find it and walk over it for the big move. Somw will say they don't need to have the hard surface but as a first time process it'll make things easier to keep an eye on and know exactly what you are looking at. Keep your heat warm and keep both fed well before introduction. That will lessen the aggression and their metabolism will be more elevated to want to reproduce. The process could take some time and they will need some space. Uninterrupted time. With my Centruroides Gracilis project they were introduced into the female's setup and they locked up almost immediately. AFSs can be agraessive between each other so just keep an eye on them. Also just make 100% they are the same species and really do some extensive research on what you are gonna purchase being they are very mislabeled trough out the hobby.

If anyone wants to chim in on things I've missed.


Jan 5, 2023
I'd suggest to place them in a container that isn't cluttered and can be watched easier. The male will drop are spermatophore at somw point in the process and that when you'll know that things went well. It would be smart to seperate them after they do their thing so they don't fight or get overall defensive towards each other. Most times scorpions once introduced will almost immediately mate and do a dance where they lock claws and push each other back and forth. It'll look like they might be fighting but you'll know what the difference is between defence and the dance. Try just introducing them into a seperate tank with some solid surfaces so the spermatophore can have a place to attach and the female will eventually find it and walk over it for the big move. Somw will say they don't need to have the hard surface but as a first time process it'll make things easier to keep an eye on and know exactly what you are looking at. Keep your heat warm and keep both fed well before introduction. That will lessen the aggression and their metabolism will be more elevated to want to reproduce. The process could take some time and they will need some space. Uninterrupted time. With my Centruroides Gracilis project they were introduced into the female's setup and they locked up almost immediately. AFSs can be agraessive between each other so just keep an eye on them. Also just make 100% they are the same species and really do some extensive research on what you are gonna purchase being they are very mislabeled trough out the hobby.

If anyone wants to chim in on things I've missed.

Ok, But you didn't really answer any of my questions. What size or age should I breed my female Asian Forest Scorpion? And what season of the year should I breed my female? Cause I think my female Asian Forest Scorpion is in her dormant season right now. What would happen if I breed them during their dormant season?

Veno Manus

May 16, 2023
Should always be adult size when they are most matured. They most likely won't breed at younger ages and only be defensive. I wouldn't worry a ton on them being dormant. They will find each other and hopefully do what you need them to do. They are always secluded and will hide for very long periods so just wait till you are for sure they are both mature and give it a shot.

Joey Spijkers

Feb 20, 2019
They have to be adult, otherwise they won't even be able to breed. Scorpions are not like tarantulas that keep molting their whole life.
You can put them together and keep an eye on them, worst case they don't want to breed and you try again later. Separate if aggression occurs. If they're peaceful together you could leave them together for a while to increase chances. They are usually not very aggressive with each other, but certainly keep an eye especially the first few hours.
If you introduce them together in a separate enclosure, make sure there is solid surfaces like flat stones or wood, for the male to deposit the spermatophore.
Also, before you start any of this, make sure male and female are the same species. There are multiple species of Asian forest scorpions in the hobby that are often mislabelled by the sellers, and hard to identify for beginners.


Mar 19, 2023
I have a female Asian Forest Scorpion. And I'm thinking about becoming a first time breeder. Can anyone give me some advice for a first time Asian Forest Scorpion breeder? Does the size or age of both scorpions matter? And does it matter what season of the year it is to breed Asian Forest Scorpions? I think my female is in the dormant season right now. Looking for advice and breeding info. Please help.
first things first, do you know what species your AFS is? It’s become a generic term used for all species of Heterometrus. And there’s a few of them! You firstly want to check whether your AFS is Heterometrus Spinifer, Heterometrus Silenus/Petersii, Heterometrus Laoticus, Heterometrus Swammerdami, Javanimetrus/Heterometrus Cyaneus, Heterometrus Bengalensis or Heterometrus Longimanus! Otherwise you could run into some issues!!