Im such a girl!

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
Ok, so I dont know what is wrong with me. I freaked out over a roach.

I was showering, and suddenly there was this huge roach floating in the water. No clue where it came from. So I start screaming, and jump out of the shower as fast as I can, taking with me the shower curtain and rod. I even knocked a poster off the wall, and most of the things off my vanity.

Then I realize that Im covered in soap and am getting it everywhere, so I grab a cup, and (still freaking out) scoop the roach up and flush it. I never got a good look at what it was, but it was darker colored, and had longish legs. :eek:

I cant believe I freaked over a feeder bug. Especially since roaches are my favorite insects. {D


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
your not the only one, if im watching TV or something and a spider crawls on me i still freak out and jump up. The realize how crazy that is and usually catch the littler bugger and let it go outside.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
yep i know the feeling,ecxept for me it's MOTHS{D big ones!! believe me any other bug is fine with me throw it on me,let crawl,jump on me i'm fine, but big moths oooooooohhh:eek: maybe it's the way they fly hitting you when they go by,body heat don't know,butterflies are ok even tiny moths,but the big honkers,look like no way! there was 1 in my car one nite had to keep both doors open so the sucker would fly out which it finally did. so i know how ya feel. but me with moths? crazy uh? they can't bite,it's just they way they are i guess.been that way since i was very young, and ofcourse at work someone comes over with a cup saying"hey i got this new drink wanna try it" and me ofcourse look in there and there is this HUGE HAWK moth sittin in there laughing at me ready for take off. they are nice to look at..........from a distance that is. sorry for the long story.:)

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
When I'm naked and in an enclosed space, all bets are off for being nice to arthropods.

@ beetleman - my mom has an aversion to all things that flutter, thanks to her evil sisters. She grew up in Minnesota. Her sisters would lock her in a room at night with a light on (pull-chain too high for her to reach) and a window open, and in would come the huge luna moths. She knows that it's a completely ridiculous fear, but to this day, anything fluttering sends her running for cover (and usually me to take it outside when I still lived at home).


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
When I'm naked and in an enclosed space, all bets are off for being nice to arthropods.

@ beetleman - my mom has an aversion to all things that flutter, thanks to her evil sisters. She grew up in Minnesota. Her sisters would lock her in a room at night with a light on (pull-chain too high for her to reach) and a window open, and in would come the huge luna moths. She knows that it's a completely ridiculous fear, but to this day, anything fluttering sends her running for cover (and usually me to take it outside when I still lived at home).
ahh LUNA MOTHS! yeah i used to see those at night on my porch aswell, had to swish around them to get in the house{D


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
That's a pretty radical reaction! But I understand it. It's OK when you anticipate whatever it is but, when it surprises you, I think that "flight" response takes over. I was watching TV and it was kind of dark. A big wild male A. henzi walked on the rug right in front of the TV. And for a couple of seconds, I felt a little adrenaline rush before it registered with my brain that it was just a T. I was the only one in my house so I kind of felt like someone broke in or something. There was a long shadow on the rug from the light coming from the TV and shining on the T.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
Haha! Don't worry; I had the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago. I was in the shower, reaching for my bottle of conditioner, and then a roach fell into the tub. I had the "AHHH!" reaction just because I didn't know what it was. Then I thought, "Oh, it's just a roach." Then my next thought was, "Is it one of mine?" (It wasn't.)

I keep insect containers in almost every room though, so I just caught it and put it aside. But yeah, I think it's natural reflex. When I lived in the dorms in China, it was always the girls' living quarters that had the worst cockroach problems. I think it was the fruity lotions and soaps that attract them. My roommate and I didn't use that stuff though, so we only ever found like one roach the entire time.


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2007
Cricket phob

Roaches are bad but could you believe Im squeemish when it comes to crickets. Considering I am currantly raising 8 "T" on crickets.
I pick them up with tongs which gives my lady a good laugh because she will just grab them by hand and feed my guys.

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
Wow -- you're more weirded out by crix than your girlfriend? {D

No worries. We all have our odd little phobias. :D


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
I was showering, and suddenly there was this huge roach floating in the water. No clue where it came from. So I start screaming, and jump out of the shower as fast as I can, taking with me the shower curtain and rod. I even knocked a poster off the wall, and most of the things off my vanity.
Now that's a picture I can see in my mind.;)

I woke up once, and sitting on the other pillow was my California Kingsnake coiled up resting next to me. Startled, but grabbed him and put him back in his cage.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
i love my "bugs," but i HATE when they invade my personal space... expecially when i'm not expecting it. :p


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I have a roach phobia, so I would probably have runned out of my restroom butt naked. I know they can't harm me but I just can't seem to shake off this stupid phobia. I work a nightshift at a school and there are roaches crawling around all the time.


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
I have a roach phobia, so I would probably have runned out of my restroom butt naked. I know they can't harm me but I just can't seem to shake off this stupid phobia. I work a nightshift at a school and there are roaches crawling around all the time.
I hear ya.. I thought if I could overcome my arachnophobia I could overcome anything. I was so wrong! I'm still terrified of roaches or anything that resembles them. Any other bug type thing that comes into my house either gets gently released or becomes a pet. I won't mention the fate of roaches in my house, but it's not pretty. I did finally reached a point that I can handle june bugs though (sorta) LOL


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Finally som1 that understands. June bugs are what started my phobia. Long story short they flew into my house one night and I woke up with half dead June bugs that I killed in my sleep.

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
Finally som1 that understands. June bugs are what started my phobia. Long story short they flew into my house one night and I woke up with half dead June bugs that I killed in my sleep.
June bugs are a huge pain in the ass. They hurt like hell when you hit them at over 100mph, even with a leather jacket on. And god forbid you catch one on a finger. Thats a whole new world of hurt.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
June bugs are a huge pain in the ass. They hurt like hell when you hit them at over 100mph, even with a leather jacket on. And god forbid you catch one on a finger. Thats a whole new world of hurt.
i have a bump in my forehead rom one of them lol running a Sucksuki GT 750 on modle airplane fuel at 150+ and had one hit my facemask which shattered and imbedded bug and plastic in my forhead lol not sure how i made it to the gas station but it was 4 hrs later before i remember anything ... the gy siad i got there put the scoot on its stand and slammed my helmet down and went to the rest room and cleaned off and came in got a DP and sat down ...4 hrs ago lol


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Damn Junebugs why are they always crashing into suff. I swear in the summer I hear them hit the door at 100 mph. Thats why I hate going out on the fourth of july, they're everywhere.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
When I'm naked and in an enclosed space, all bets are off for being nice to arthropods.

@ beetleman - my mom has an aversion to all things that flutter, thanks to her evil sisters. She grew up in Minnesota. Her sisters would lock her in a room at night with a light on (pull-chain too high for her to reach) and a window open, and in would come the huge luna moths. She knows that it's a completely ridiculous fear, but to this day, anything fluttering sends her running for cover (and usually me to take it outside when I still lived at home).
I did not know we had luna moths up here. In all my 23 years I have NEVER seen one despite all my bug hunting expititions. Are you sure it was not some sucropia moth or something similar? I also think Lunas are endangered but I am not sure. As for bugs that freak me out the giant water bugs, but only when they are flying around my head at night time, also landing in my bed is a no no.

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
I've searched a bit and as far as I can tell, Minnesota's within their range.

We don't get enough water bugs out here to be that exciting. :( I suppose it's a good thing that my pet ones are flightless.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
I envy your mom then she saw something that I most likely never see in person. Oh and be sure to tell her I said so...

BTW those water bugs when they fly they are creepy they sound like mini choppers and one hovers over your head when your sleeping and the suddenly silence yeah their creepy but are awesome pets LOL