if you think all those tarantula stunts on TV are bad...

Louise E. Rothstein

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2005
Somebody said that he escaped constriction when he struck the coil that was constricting.
He said that he had heard about this from somebody else:
it would seem that a blow (or more than one blow-) to the scene of inappropriate action
may disrupt an errant constrictor's concentration.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Somebody said that he escaped constriction when he struck the coil that was constricting.
He said that he had heard about this from somebody else:
it would seem that a blow (or more than one blow-) to the scene of inappropriate action
may disrupt an errant constrictor's concentration.
They completely ignore blows, bumps bangs etc as that is normal for their prey to do. The tried and tested method that sometimes works is grab the end of the tail and shake violently. That is usually effective for the initial bulldog bite. But when they got a good wrap on a victim they will continue to constrict even after they are dead.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Somebody said that he escaped constriction when he struck the coil that was constricting.
He said that he had heard about this from somebody else:
it would seem that a blow (or more than one blow-) to the scene of inappropriate action
may disrupt an errant constrictor's concentration.
The "climax", or rather, the ANTI-climax, of "Eaten Alive" was Paul Rosolie whining about his arm hurting and how he was afraid the snake would break it, and the crew rushed in very quickly and easily unwound the snake. The snake's actions were 100% defensive, not a feeding response, and every time that the camera angle went in "close up" on the snake holding onto the moron's helmet, it appeared as though someone' hands, just out of the frame, were actually holding the snake there and pushing against it. Anyone who has watched literally hundreds of constrictor snakes in action, killing and eating prey, as I have, recognized immediately that the snake was NOT trying to swallow the helmet at all, and was being held in place. The snake was simply trying to get this monstrosity off her.
