If you could change anything about the hobby...

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Names for spiders. Yep, I said it. But alas, just as common names, they're not going anywhere...(deep sigh).
Why is this such a big deal? Tell me what changes in your life because someone decides to name their pet, which is y'know, a common thing.


Oct 22, 2018
I was thinking about lowering the prices, however this is a result of the availability and other stuff which is more complex. Living in China these few years has given me another perspective on naming. People really seem to dislike using any other language than their own and every common name they translate into Chinese and use them as official name of the tarantula which is very confusing. For some rare tarantulas they would suddenly use latin names and sometimes you don't even know how to look for specific Ts on the market. (not to mention trying to find some husbandry information etc).

While looking for some Ts it's difficult to say if you're supposed to find Chinese name of it, latin name or maybe some abbreviation..

Oh, have I mentioned that they often shorten those translated names so in the end you can consider yourself lucky if you find what you need.
It's crazy what a different experience we all have in the hobby from different areas of the world. Fascinating too, I never thought of this being a thing.

Bob Lee

Sep 10, 2018
I was thinking about lowering the prices, however this is a result of the availability and other stuff which is more complex. Living in China these few years has given me another perspective on naming. People really seem to dislike using any other language than their own and every common name they translate into Chinese and use them as official name of the tarantula which is very confusing. For some rare tarantulas they would suddenly use latin names and sometimes you don't even know how to look for specific Ts on the market. (not to mention trying to find some husbandry information etc).

While looking for some Ts it's difficult to say if you're supposed to find Chinese name of it, latin name or maybe some abbreviation..

Oh, have I mentioned that they often shorten those translated names so in the end you can consider yourself lucky if you find what you need.
Chinese are very very defensive ;)
We love "our own way" of doing things... And most people don't try to use Latin names (No one in China types letters, it's all Chinese words, which would explain the hard transition)

But when it comes to any higher level things, we would suddenly be the most professional people around :writer:

入乡随俗 (Old Chinese saying, meaning to follow the rules of the land you inhabit)


Mar 17, 2019
Know it all's including myself. Those of us that are really into this hobby seem to forget that all of us started with little to no experience. I see people post for help and get blasted in the comments over their ignorance.

Now to be a little mean....
These days with Google and the internet there really is not an excuse to by a T or any pet in the world without knowing how to take care of it and what it's needs are. So my advice to newbies would be to do your research and browse Arachnoboards for the info you need before asking if the 5 gallon tank is too large for your 1" sling. Also don't buy the T before you done you research.

Now let's take that deep breath and help these fools before they kill their T's and try to be nice about it

Bob Lee

Sep 10, 2018
If I could change anything? Well I wouldn't change anything about the hobby, I would just change my location to China.

And I will be bathing in 10 cents/ea scorpions with cheap containers and huge amount of real food :rolleyes:


Gen. 1:24-25
Arachnosupporter +
Jul 18, 2017
Why is this such a big deal? Tell me what changes in your life because someone decides to name their pet, which is y'know, a common thing.
It’s not a big deal at all. The OP asked a question, which is hypothetical at best because no one posting on an internet site is going to “change” anything in a hobby which has a significant scientific aspect. Consequently, in the spirit of the fanciful, I responded with the one thing that I would change. We were asked our ideas, and I based my response on what I subjectively perceive to be inane. So, no big deal, except maybe leading people to refer to spiders as “pets”. They are not, as they cannot be petted. So, to answer your question more objectively, a big deal would be presenting an improper perception of the specimens. As is oft stated on AB in the context of handling, “You want a pet. Get a hamster.” Or, be consistent and name your houseplants.

P.S. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a fun-sucker. It’s actually been the professional aspect of my life through two vocations.

s dave

Feb 4, 2019
I would like to see a little less gatekeeping and fewer common names as well. The gatekeeping is pretty intimidating but I understand where it comes from... there are only some many "is my pink toe ok?" or "my curly legged fire rump is not webbing and I've had it 3 days" that one can handle... but couldn't people just be a little more mellow and take these folks in shifts? These folks have to start somewhere and I just want to encourage growth without belittling in all things.

And since we'll never get rid of common names can I just start creatively making up common names for spiders for Facebook groups? It may encourage learning binomials.

Mexican fire honey
Zebra stripe skeleton
David birdeater (dwarf species)


Feb 2, 2018
I'd get rid of all the people who give spiders a bad name by sensationalizing bites and throwing their tarantulas on people for funsies.
Media portraying tarantulas as deadly.
People who wants to kill them with fire because they are "nopes" and creepy.
Keepers who would always hold their tarantulas because its "cool".
I agree with these posts above.

To add my own, I'd get rid of what I suspect, is a level of snobbery, within the hobby.


Oct 22, 2018
P.S. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a fun-sucker. It’s actually been the professional aspect of my life through two vocations.
Now I'm curious the fun suckers I encounter are attorneys and corrections officers.

I think both opinions are valid but also make me laugh, probably because I fall on both sides of the fence. Of our 100+ I've only named two. Thinking of significant names quickly became exhausting. But I plan on naming a couple more... one day.


Apr 11, 2019
If I could change one thing in the hobby it would be either the snobbishness of some keepers towards others who are trying to learn or have different methods to them. It is one thing if it is tried and proven over and over again and someone is blatantly ignoring advice or procedures but its another thing if someone wants to put plants in enclosures and another someone thinks its stupid and goes on a moan. And if i could change a second thing it would be the hoarding. Now its fine to keep multiple tarantulas IF THEY ARE GIVEN A LIFE. Yes they are spiders, yes they feel differently than humans, but they still get stressed and angry and defensive and I have seen several youtubers who would cram large spiders in tiny enclosures or give burrowing spiders hardly an substrate to burrow in and even to the point of not given spiders hides *Exotics Lair*. I would rather have 1 T and give it all the space it could need or more provided it felt secure than 100 ts crammed into take away boxes. I even gave my C. Dyscolus sling a tiny plant pot hide and it doesn't go into threat posture anymore.


Aug 16, 2017
Getting rid of common names would be nice, though I do have to admit some scientific names make me a bit hesistant to pronounce them. I try my best to always use the latin name in writing and when speaking to someone I can usually pronounce it without really thinking anything of it but I'm always worried I'm pronouncing it wrong when speaking to other spider people which would explain why my one and only video I ever did is hidden and only avaliable to my friends.

Getting mad at people who name their tarantulas is dumb. I know why people don't do it but I like giving my spiders names because it helps me form a connection to them and my niece likes to help me name them too. Just a few months ago she was terrified of my vinegaroon and just today she helped me rehouse them (mostly decorate the enclosures) and two tarantulas without even breaking a sweat, even got up close to my Kochiana brunnipes as I was nudging her into her new home. She frequently asks me about 'Spooky' and 'Pinky' out of the blue. I understand that tarantulas cannot form an emotional connection to us but that really doesn't mean I have to be emotionally stunted towards them as well. This is an animal under my care, I'm gonna form a conncection no matter what, may as well name the little blighters.

I have seen abrasive behaviour and half the time I think it comes from a level of concern for the tarantula without really realising how they sound but the other half definitely is this wierd form of gatekeeping. I understand topics like getting a speedy potent old world for your first tarantula will get heated and maybe rightfully so since that's a whole other level of irresponsibility but people make mistakes, especially if they just want to get into the hobby and don't know about this board and the pet store sounds like gospel, and in a hobby this big dogpiling really isn't all that neccessary. Getting people to learn is easier when you help rather than degrade the person. More leniency in that regard I think would help people understand their mistakes and also make this place a bit friendlier.

Clickbait youtube videos need to die. I seldom thought it was this bad until I see videos titled along the lines of MY MOST VENEMOUS TARANTULA ESCAPED or MAKING MY ARACHNOPHOBIC FRIEND FEED MY T'S. You know which videos I'm on about.


Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
Clickbait youtube videos need to die. I seldom thought it was this bad until I see videos titled along the lines of MY MOST VENEMOUS TARANTULA ESCAPED or MAKING MY ARACHNOPHOBIC FRIEND FEED MY T'S. You know which videos I'm on about.
I don't have issues with the titles, but I do agree it's over exaggerated with over the top thumbnails. Here's my revision of the title if I did it, "Venomous Tarantula Escaped" with no "!" or over the top CAPITALIZATION. For the other I would just put, "Arachnophobe feeds tarantulas".

I don't mind "those certain" youtubers (yes, I watch their content) doing those over the top titles (even though it annoys me sometimes) because it does go accordingly to the video. Now the worst title for T.'s of ALL TIME is "$10 vs. $10000 Tarantula" (P. metallica worth $10000 :banghead:?). Now a P. metallica is no where near that expensive nor have I watched the video. But it's beyond crazy how that one title goes compared to others.


Apr 11, 2019
I can agree to an extent on getting an old world as your first T. I think if you really research and i mean RESEARCH the hell of it a species and maybe try and find someone to show you the ropes and the difference between old and new worlds i think there is an argument. My experience I rehomed a new world who was one mean S.O.B and in my opinion a sneaky b**ch. After some observation and getting the appropriate things she has since calmed down tho she has her moods. I have since then had a vietnam blue sling as a freebie after I manned up and decided to order my second T which was a C. Kaeng Krachan. So far my new world is still scarier.


Jul 27, 2018
Chinese are very very defensive ;)
We love "our own way" of doing things... And most people don't try to use Latin names (No one in China types letters, it's all Chinese words, which would explain the hard transition)

But when it comes to any higher level things, we would suddenly be the most professional people around :writer:

入乡随俗 (Old Chinese saying, meaning to follow the rules of the land you inhabit)
Depends on which region of Chinese people, the Chinese in South East Asia are not as defensive.

As to the topic, I wish mainstream media stop portraying tarantulas as some sort of bloodthirsty deadly killer monsters. And I also think that big chain pet stores shouldn't be allowed to sell tarantulas (and reptiles).


Oct 22, 2018
If I could change one thing in the hobby it would be either the snobbishness of some keepers towards others who are trying to learn or have different methods to them. It is one thing if it is tried and proven over and over again and someone is blatantly ignoring advice or procedures but its another thing if someone wants to put plants in enclosures and another someone thinks its stupid and goes on a moan. And if i could change a second thing it would be the hoarding. Now its fine to keep multiple tarantulas IF THEY ARE GIVEN A LIFE. Yes they are spiders, yes they feel differently than humans, but they still get stressed and angry and defensive and I have seen several youtubers who would cram large spiders in tiny enclosures or give burrowing spiders hardly an substrate to burrow in and even to the point of not given spiders hides *Exotics Lair*. I would rather have 1 T and give it all the space it could need or more provided it felt secure than 100 ts crammed into take away boxes. I even gave my C. Dyscolus sling a tiny plant pot hide and it doesn't go into threat posture anymore.
Yeah I'm not looking forward to the day when I have to try to house that many adults.


Mar 26, 2019
It’s not a big deal at all. The OP asked a question, which is hypothetical at best because no one posting on an internet site is going to “change” anything in a hobby which has a significant scientific aspect. Consequently, in the spirit of the fanciful, I responded with the one thing that I would change. We were asked our ideas, and I based my response on what I subjectively perceive to be inane. So, no big deal, except maybe leading people to refer to spiders as “pets”. They are not, as they cannot be petted. So, to answer your question more objectively, a big deal would be presenting an improper perception of the specimens. As is oft stated on AB in the context of handling, “You want a pet. Get a hamster.” Or, be consistent and name your houseplants.

P.S. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a fun-sucker. It’s actually been the professional aspect of my life through two vocations.
I am guilty of naming a house plant.. :( I spend a lot of time alone and one give the plant a name. What a loser. Hahaha

Bob Lee

Sep 10, 2018
Depends on which region of Chinese people, the Chinese in South East Asia are not as defensive.
Well it depends, when it's something about Chinese against "Any other country" I think both sides usually have the same opinion.
We are always fighting with each other, until someone else shows up. :rolleyes:


Mar 26, 2019
I am guilty of naming a house plant.. :( I spend a lot of time alone and one give the plant a name. What a loser. Hahaha
One day* gave not give*

I really should use my computer. :/


Mar 26, 2019
Also guilty of spending too much time alone and talking to my dogs like they are people... you're not alone, well sort of

My dog knew everything about me. I would even tell him everything I ate that day. You are not alone either... well, kind of are.

I can recommend a good listening house plant. :)