I would like some opinions, please


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Okay, so this is the deal: In May we paired our A. genics. On Sept 22 she laid a sac, but didn't seal it properly and all the eggs spilled out (me=not impressed). However, she was still really fat afterwards considering she had just laid a sac, and she's not getting any thinner even though she has only eaten once since laying the sac (we didn't take the sac from her until Oct 6). Here are some pictures of her after her first meal after laying the sac (the meal wasn't that big, it was a newborn pinkie and it barely put any weight on her):

Also, we tried again to pair her with two different MMs after we took these pictures and fed her a bit more. The first male did nothing. The second male twitched and she didn't respond at all for the hour he was in there. The first time we mated her, she responded immediately to the male and she was very intense about it. So, we took the male out and tried the following day. She tried to eat him. Luckily we had a deli cup on top of him to see if he would twitch or tap and that stopped her, but she certainly went for it and would have had the deli cup not been there.

So, my question is: do you guys think she's going to double clutch? she's still so fat for having just laid eggs, and we only fed her once since laying the sac. She also is not interested in males. She molted in April, so she might be too far in her molt cycle but I would think she'd still be responsive. Also, like I've mentioned, she's huge. And her current weight/abdomen shape is exactly like it was before she laid her sac. Here's a picture of her two days before she laid her first sac:

Just want some opinions as I would be very happy if she laid another sac considering how she screwed up the first one.

Thanks :)



Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Don't have any experience with this sp., but judging by your photos she doesn't appear to be gravid. Just my opinion though. :)


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
Don't have any experience with this sp., but judging by your photos she doesn't appear to be gravid. Just my opinion though. :)
? im not sure how you came about this theory but if you can validate it, by all means please do. this is not a stab or a snide response, i am being quite serious, i would love to know how you can tell that.

Mack/Cass - When i paired the true blondi at the store we had a VERY similar thing happen to us. she sat around prego to boot and then just all of a sudden one day "aborted" the eggs she was carrying. she remained fat and lethargic til the day she molted, about 5 months later. but i have always pondered whether or not its possible for them to drop the eggs becuz of weight issues. what i mean by this is, if you over feed your T before shes gravid, and when she then starts to produce eggs, could she get to a point where shes so full she has no choice but to spill the eggs? Its a thought, one that i cant really come up with any facts for but something to think about anyway. I guess other than that i will say i have had it happen to me before and she did not spin another sack. keep us U2D


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Mack/Cass - When i paired the true blondi at the store we had a VERY similar thing happen to us. she sat around prego to boot and then just all of a sudden one day "aborted" the eggs she was carrying. she remained fat and lethargic til the day she molted, about 5 months later. but i have always pondered whether or not its possible for them to drop the eggs becuz of weight issues. what i mean by this is, if you over feed your T before shes gravid, and when she then starts to produce eggs, could she get to a point where shes so full she has no choice but to spill the eggs? Its a thought, one that i cant really come up with any facts for but something to think about anyway. I guess other than that i will say i have had it happen to me before and she did not spin another sack. keep us U2D
I don't think over feeding is a likely scenario with this girl, prior to the first sac she wasn't eating much, maybe twice monthly. She was also quite thin before the initial mating, having just molted. Her weight gain followed the mating.
Additionally, our girl didn't abort the sac, as far as we could tell. She held onto the empty sac for weeks after producing it. When we took it from her (I believe day 15 after construction) and found it empty, she took it back VERY willingly. If this was an aborted sac I don't think she would have been as defensive, rather we believe she failed somehow during construction, causing the eggs to spill out.



Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
? im not sure how you came about this theory but if you can validate it, by all means please do. this is not a stab or a snide response, i am being quite serious, i would love to know how you can tell that.
Well, she already layed a sac and it's only been a little over a month since that sac, so that's a good sign that she isn't gravid. :) How many times have you heard of this sp. double clutching? Secondly, does she look that big in the abdomen? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, but like I said it was just my opinion and I think that's what the OP was asking for.

@Cass-Have you tried candling her?


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
We did try candling her, there was nothing. But, when our B. albo was gravid we tried candling her and she never showed anything.

I've never heard of this species double clutching, but she is the same size now as she was when she dropped a sac last time and it's only been a month and we feed sparingly, so we were just wanting some perspectives.



Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
She does not look gravid. A gravid ginic usually is 3 times the size of that abdomen. I used to work on Acoustheria (sorry for my spelling) sp.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Well, the third picture of her I posted is her 2 or 3 days before dropping he first, ill-sealed sac and she's currently roughly the same size as that. Otherwise I wouldn't think she was gravid, but she didn't get enormous last time.



Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
My relatively useless guess is that she is too far into her molt cycle, and most likely, not gravid. She looks like a normal A. genic to me. That comes from my experience keeping several of them. Whenever I tried pairings that far in the cycle the female was never receptive. I did get one to drum once in response to a male, but that is as far as it went without it turning bad.

All of my breeding attempts have been dismal disasters so don't take my word for it. I hope I'm wrong. Good luck.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Yeah she is almost 8 months into her molt cycle so I wouldn't be surprised if she just molted out. I just that it was strange she was still so large after laying a sac. But, this is why I asked for opinions. The one male is probably gonna die within the next couple of months, but the second one might be able to make it until she molts again. If not, we have an immature male. Hopefully her second go-around she'll seal the sac properly.

Thanks for all the opinions guys, appreciate it :)



Old Timer
Apr 16, 2006
Maybe the fact that she didn't get giant before has something to do with the sac not turning out right.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Do you have an idea of how many eggs she laid in the 'bad' sac? If she didn't lay that many, then I'd say it's a good bet she's still carrying eggs.

She doesn't look 'gravid', per se, but I've seen spiders with a smaller abdomen-to-carapace ratio lay perfectly good sacs, so you never know.

The only way to know for sure is to wait and see. ;)



Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
I think it's highly unlikely she'll double clutch. I don't think it's common at all for genics to do so. She will very likely molt. I had a large parahybana do the same thing a couple years ago. She stayed enormously fat for many months but eventually molted. Better luck next time.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Thanks everyone.

Joe, from the looks of things, she didn't lay as many eggs as is the norm for a genic, but we didn't see the goopy stuff til we pulled the sac two weeks later so who knows.

Tom, thanks for the input. I guess we'll just have to wait for her to molt and hopefully next time she'll do it properly.

Thanks again everyone!



Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
Maybe the fact that she didn't get giant before has something to do with the sac not turning out right.
I don't think so. Females will lay different sized sacs from year to year. I've had large females produce smaller sacs of maybe 500 slings and other years the same females have well over 1000.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
I actually think the reason the sac didn't turn out was because it was her first. I've heard of females not doing so well on their first sacs. That's why I'm hoping next go around she'll do better. The sac was perfect in every aspect, she just didn't seal it all the way. She was very attentive to it, it was a good size, she took over 24 hours laying the darn thing, haha. Oh well, I'm not too disappointed, we do have another immature male so it's not like it's a species that I'm gonna have a hard time finding another male for.
